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  • Germany, a sale approved by a pope who had emptied the Vatican Treasury for the sake of his personal and expensive pursuits. The Theses were published on the new and revolutionary communications breakthrough – the printing press – and went viral throughout Europe. The theses not only called into question the selling of what Luther argued should be free (God’s forgiveness), but also called into question the entire system that supported this “spiritual economy,” including its leader in Rome. Campus

  • guarantee disrupts the general practice of higher education institutions, especially private universities, of routinely announcing three to five percent tuition increases each spring.Ferguson and her colleagues in admissions have been working closely with the university’s marketing and communications department to ensure that the language, branding, and outreach campaigns for these initiatives reach their intended audience. “We’re always thinking about things like what words will cut through the noise

  • and The Seattle Times , and as Communications Manager for Town Hall Seattle. She graduated from the University of Iowa with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and has volunteered at the Washington Soldiers Home & Colony (and maintained the website since 2009. Volume 2, Issue 2 RESOLUTE is Pacific Lutheran University's flagship magazine, published three times a year. EDITORIAL OFFICES PLU, Neeb Center Tacoma, WA 253-535-8410 Contact Us Links Features On Campus Discovery

  • stories everything that we do, which is invaluable,” Monthy said. “He bumped the level of all our communications way up. Everything is enhanced thanks to him.” Mikheyev is also known in the Spaceworks office for his boundless vivacity. “He is full of energy, as a person and as a marketer,” Joy said. “His work always feels bright, fresh and new.” Monthy and Mikheyev maintain their creative lives outside Spaceworks — Mikheyev as his stage personas, and Monthy as a choreographer and dance instructor at

  • and The Seattle Times , and as Communications Manager for Town Hall Seattle. She graduated from the University of Iowa with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and has volunteered at the Washington Soldiers Home & Colony (and maintained the website since 2009. Volume 2, Issue 2 RESOLUTE is Pacific Lutheran University's flagship magazine, published three times a year. EDITORIAL OFFICES PLU, Neeb Center Tacoma, WA 253-535-8410 Contact Us Links Features On Campus Discovery

  • expense, revenue, and budget reports. Manages course registration and payment processes for all offerings. Manages the CCNL website and social media postings. Collaborates with PLU’s Marketing and Communications, CCNL Director and School of Nursing, to develop and implement marketing strategies, campaigns, and materials for CE programs. Meets with the CCNL Director regularly to evaluate current offerings, develop new offerings, and explore emerging opportunities for future programs. Maintains program

  • projects. Each student will develop her/his own list of student media products and design deadlines and outcomes for her/his work. Students will routinely discuss the ethical and production issues involved in student media productions. Any student participating in student media is welcome to take this course. May be repeated for up to 6 semester hours. (0 to 2) COMA 461 : Advertising, PR + Campaigns Examination of issues such as campaign planning, issue management, crisis communication, global public

  • going. The super Year in Photos presentation gave a flavor of the year in review—and Vice President Steve Olson’s report on the great success of the $122 million Engage the World Campaign also gave us some sense of where we’ve been. I can also report that, thanks to the hard work of people here in this room, our enrollment for the coming year is good. While we’re short on the number of first year students, we managed to retain a record number of freshmen from last year, and our recruitment of

  • daydream to reality. A year and an online crowdfunding campaign later, Lionheart was born. The result is a community-oriented shop that prioritizes atmosphere, experience and quality, Reese said. The lover of coffee said she is on a temporary hiatus from coffee herself, with a baby on the way. “I already have a list of coffees I’m going to have as soon as I give birth,” she quipped. But she’s showing her love in other ways, providing TLC to the products and the customers who love coffee as much as she

  • May 7, 2014 On the Path to Peace Communication Professor Amanda Feller’s peace-building cohort, all graduating in 2014, comes together at PLU. From left: Caitlin Zimmerman, Lauren Corboy, Sydney Barry, Kendall Daugherty, Rachel Samardich, Rachel Espasandin, Jessica Sandler and Anna McCracken. (Photo: John Froschauer/PLU) Eight Graduating Women Give Peace a Chance With True World-Changing Potential By Sandy Deneau Dunham PLU Marketing & Communications When a Miss America contestant solemnly