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  • ENGAGEMENT Mary Duvall Executive Director of Advancement Jessica Pagel ’08 Director Kathy Engle Assistant Director Kirstyn Ricker ’10 Constituent Communications Manager Kathy Allen Alumni Engagement Coordinator Nesvig Alumni Center Tacoma, WA 98447-0003 253-535-7415 800-ALUM-PLU ADDRESS CHANGES Please direct any address changes to or 800-ALUM-PLU. ABOUT RESOLUTE Volume 1, Issue 10 ResoLUTE (ISSN 0886-3369) is published three times a year by Pacific Lutheran University

  • Communications Manager for Town Hall Seattle. She graduated from the University of Iowa with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and has volunteered at the Washington Soldiers Home & Colony (and maintained the website since 2009. Previous Post Special Edition: "... and justice for all?" Next Post Special Edition: "... and justice for all?" More Story Special Edition: "... and justice for all?" “Playing a sport” sounds so easy. Grab, hit, kick a ball. Hurl a javelin, hammer, shotput

  • -desk work wasn’t very kid-friendly, and I threw the cards in the air.” At PLU, she’d been inspired by her professors in the communications department, including Cliff Rowe and Diane Harney, as well as Joanne Lisosky — whose first classroom presentation she remembers to this day. After graduation, she worked as a journalist and writer, until the time came for her to seek a new path. She took a job with the City of Tacoma, part of an effort to expand community gardens. Her current work with Tacoma

  • over health, safety, and the environment at PLU. The following list provides some idea of the range of regulatory agencies the university works with.University Environmental Health & Safety Manager, Chemical Hygiene Officer, and Radiation Safety Officer Chemical Waste Biological Waste Radioactive Waste Radiation Safety/Health Physics Fire Safety Hazardous Materials Management Environmental Compliance Industrial Hygiene General Safety Biological Safety Training and Communications Programs Management

  • the start of each term to meet participant availability. Club Email: goldrush@plu.eduGREAN ClubDescription: GREAN, or Grass Roots Environmental Action Now, is a student club dedicated to all things that are green. The mission of the PLU student run club is to promote environmental awareness and action on campus and throughout the community. The group itself has helped organize campaigns such as Take Back the Tap, as well as the Smart Paper Campaign, an initiative to change the paper policy on

  • communications with the faculty member regarding appointment and terms of contract, the chairperson’s annual letters of evaluation of non-tenured faculty; correspondence related to personnel actions. Provides an official employment record for academic faculty. Official Copy: Provost Retention: 60 years after termination of employment; Vita potentially archival Other Copies: Appropriate Dean or Department Retention: 3 years after termination of employment Employee Personnel Records, Temporary Staff Includes

  • : Vpstart Crow Out of Silence: Abortion Stories from the 1 in 3 Campaign presented by Pacific Lutheran University Directed by Gabby Dolan March 2-3 at 7:30pm Love’s Labour’s Lost Directed by Phil Lacey; Musical Direction by Tyler Dobies; Choreography by Rachel Winchester March 9 (Opening Night), 10, 16, 17 at 7:30pm; March 15 (Student Night) at 7:30pm; March 18 at 2pm Spotlight Series Dance 2018: Storytelling Directed by Rachel Winchester April 20-21 at 7:30 Spotlight Series The Shape of Things Directed

  • :30pm Student Series: PLU Dance Team Dance Team Winter Showcase December 1 at 7:30pm Student Series: Alpha Psi Omega The Foreigner Directed by Madisen Crowley December 7-10 at 7:30pm Student Series: Vpstart Crow Out of Silence: Abortion Stories from the 1 in 3 Campaign presented by Pacific Lutheran University Directed by Gabby Dolan March 2-3 at 7:30pm Love’s Labour’s Lost Directed by Phil Lacey; Musical Direction by Tyler Dobies; Choreography by Rachel Winchester March 9 (Opening Night), 10, 16, 17

  • locations. Salt & StrawNeela Sturm, 2, enjoys a delicious ice cream cone at one of Salt & Straw’s Portland shops. (Photos by John Froschauer, PLU) Malek worked at Starbucks — which was a small company with 30 stores at the time she started — on and off for about 12 years, doing marketing and communications work. Part of that time she was stationed in Portland, a city with a sense of community she hadn’t experienced since college. “I’ve always had this dream of opening an ice cream shop in Portland,” she

  • Francisco, Chicago, New York). The work I am the most proud of (prior to going back to school) was with the AIDS Marathon Training Program where I helped train people to reach the goal of running a marathon while helping to raise millions of dollars for people living with AIDS/HIV. Now I’m in my second of a three year masters program studying Landscape Architecture at the City College of New York.Laura (Schubert) BaldwinAfter graduating, I traveled, worked, and finished an MA in Communications at the