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  • Interested in a future job at a major tech company? Come and meet a Pacific Lutheran University graduate who successfully followed that career path. Cameron Emerson ’08 graduated from PLU with a degree in Economics. These days the Oregon native works out of Chicago as…

    Economics and Careers Posted by: halvormj / April 20, 2018 Image: Cameron Emerson April 20, 2018 Interested in a future job at a major tech company? Come and meet a Pacific Lutheran University graduate who successfully followed that career path. Cameron Emerson ’08 graduated from PLU with a degree in Economics. These days the Oregon native works out of Chicago as the Midwest manager of Google’s Cloud — and he’s returning to campus to talk about his career, share his experiences at one of the

  • Third Rail Inquiry: Learning, In, Through, and For CommunityThe field of rhetoric and composition is sometimes misunderstood as one centered on teaching writers how to “fix” texts once ideas have been selected, produced, or discovered: first we think, then we write, then we revise. Once we have a moderately readable draft, our inquiry has come to an end.  We just need to “clean it up”—and at this point, the writing teacher steps up with resources, strategies, and rules. In contrast to this

  • Sakai Gradebook: Supporting Student Success by Dana Bodewes, Instructional Designer Image courtesy of Ron Gerhardstein, 2017 Efforts to increase student retention have highlighted the importance of supporting student success. While grades are not the be-all and end-all of college learning, it is still important for students to be able to… November 29, 2017 assessmentGradebookSakaistudent communication

  • Learning With Our Neighbors“I’ve never been here before,” a student told me in June 2014 as my Christian Ethics class walked to the community garden at Trinity Lutheran Church.  I asked what she meant — the garden or the church?  Both, it turned out.  Indeed, she had never set foot in a garden in her life, and while she’d walked by the church across the street from campus a number of times, she’d never been inside or on the grounds. This experience and many others like it have convinced me that

  • Faculty Resources: A New Library Collection by Dana Bodewes, Instructional Designer To support the professional growth of PLU faculty, a new collection of “Faculty Resources” is now available on the first floor of the library. This small but mighty collection covers a range of topics related to teaching and learning in… January 20, 2016 course designfaculty developmentinstructional strategies

  • the basic liberal arts and sciences and the in-depth knowledge of her/his specified major area. The Integrative Learning Objectives In addition to the knowledge base described above, and an awareness of how different disciplinary methodologies are used, every student at Pacific Lutheran University is expected to develop the following abilities: Critical Reflection Select sources of information using appropriate research methods, including those employing technology, and make use of that

  • Lifelong Learning OpportunitiesPLU Lectures, Presentations & WorkshopsLearning doesn’t end when you graduate! PLU offers virtual webinars on interesting and current topics as well as lectures, conferences, and workshops on campus throughout the year that are open to the public! Continue your quest for knowledge, engagement, and critical thinking as you explore new ideas, challenge your beliefs, and listen to new perspectives from diverse groups.Lectures, Presentations & WorkshopsLivestreamStay

  • Choosing Online LearningThere are many reasons you might choose online or blended courses at Pacific Lutheran University.  Online summer courses provide a PLU learning experience at a distance, and many options meet general education requirements. Online undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education courses provide more flexibility for scheduling. In a blended course, students have increased control over the time, place, pace, and path to achieving learning objectives. Although the style of

  • prior to registering for the discount code.School Nursing workshops at PLUThe Center for Continued Nursing Learning (CCNL) provides excellent continuing education and professional development for nurses and other interested health care professionals. We offer multiple programs that provide the opportunity to gain contact hours and clock hours.

  • September 5, 2013 Learning to Brew By Chris Albert The summer after graduating, Ken Thoburn ’09 hung out at backyard BBQs, sipping on home brews he and his friends had made. Everyone kept saying, “Guys, you should start a brewery,” Thoburn recalled. That’s when the Chinese Studies major and some friends, who also had recently graduated from local colleges—and also had not planned on selling beer—took their backyard beverages to brand-new heights