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  • Rachel Samardich ’14, NPCM was recognized for its commitment to peacebuilding. “It’s been just a short time from being nonexistent to winning an award,” said PLU Associate Professor of Communication Amanda Feller, the network’s faculty advisor. Group members have organized multiple on-campus events, including the first-ever PLU Community Dialogue Day in late 2012; observances in Fall 2013 of the International Day of Peace and International Conflict Resolution Day; and a May 1 event titled “The Rwanda

  • , there's always a result that reveals something new, you might just have to readjust your viewpoint to see it - just like life. — Kayden H. ‘25 Did you know? 100% of bachelors of science students apply their chemical skills to an undergraduate research project. Did you know? The PLU chemistry major includes options to pursue a Biochemistry Emphasis or Chemical-Physics Emphasis. Did you know? A favorite event on campus each year is the PLU Chemistry Club-hosted Mole Day Eve, with hands-on chemistry

  • of the Puget Sound and be wading in on uneven rocks. Hosted by: Jen Rude, Campus Paster & Jen Smith, Dean of Inclusive ExcellenceSip and PaintLeaves at 10:45am 15 spots Join us for a vibrant and empowering Sip and Paint event that centers Womxn of Color and their creativity. This special gathering is all about celebrating and nourishing relationships while expressing your artistic side. First, we will take the bus to Sip some Boba at Bambu Boba on South 38th. After returning to campus, we will

  • of Curriculum Changes and sent via email to all faculty members. Complete copies of proposals may be requested by email via Faculty members must submit objections to proposals in writing via, to the Chair of EPC within 30 days from the date listed on the 30-day Notice of Curriculum Changes distributed by EPC. Objections received within this 30-day period will suspend approval, pending resolution of the objections. In the event a dispute cannot be resolved, EPC will

  • affluent source of donors. Because of this reality, we shaped our group’s activity on small donations that would engage our fellow students and activities that were appealing. That is the nature of both the “Sign Me!” Drive and “Save it or Shave it!”  (editor’s note: the ‘Sign Me’ Drive has become an annual fundraiser on campus, were club members are drawn-on by Sharpie markers in exchange for donations. More than $3,200 was raised at this past fall’s event). When we founded the group, we knew that

  • driving around offering fresh food and water. I was captivated and inspired by their hope, and talking with these people helped me understand the tragedy so much more. Among our interviewees was a pastor who had opened up his church as a distribution warehouse. Our time in Joplin was brief, limited to a long afternoon, but the things we saw and the people we met had an influence on each of us. Comprehending 9/11 More than 1,200 miles away we learned, first-hand, the toll a devastating event can have

  • rare event. Krise returned to teaching at the U.S. Air Force Academy. There he began lobbying for a Humanities Institute, spending a year convincing skeptical military brass that humanities and the liberal arts were critical to shaping our nation’s leaders. “It’s really short-sighted to focus on turning out technically trained engineers, when in fact, as an officer you’re never going to be a practicing engineer,” he said. After a year of pushing and politicking, he won – and the Air Force

  • mission at PLU. We start with inquiry and we’re motivated by service, leadership, and care. I’m just grateful I get to be a part of this community. PLU nursing students help vaccinate nearly 1200 people at on-campus event Read Previous People’s Gathering fosters timely conversations about race, perspective and inclusion Read Next Housing Our Neighbors COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you might have ad blocker enabled or are currently browsing in a

  • century. In 2007, the Drs. Wang both received the Wang Center’s “Peace Builder Award” under the watchful eyes of former vice president Walter Mondale, who spoke at the same event. Summer service learning, an educational model as a way to alleviate poverty, has attracted more and more attention. In November in the same year, the Wang Foundation sponsored the first “International Symposium on Poverty Alleviation through Distance Education and Summer Service Learning” at Tsinghua University. More than

  • of additional witnesses and additional information, additional evidence or documents, etc. Final Report and Recommendations. Within seven (7) working days of receipt of any rebuttal statements or additional information, the Committee shall complete a final investigative report and In the event no rebuttal statements are submitted, the Committee’s preliminary report shall be deemed final. Copies of the final investigative report and recommendations shall be given to the grievant, to the respondent