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  • By Damian Alessandro ’19 The Innovation Studies program at Pacific Lutheran University is interested in the diverse environments innovation can be found in, including the entertainment industry. The popularity of HBO’s blockbuster show, Game of Thrones, highlights an important place to study innovation principles. Spoiler…

    is to modern television what Star Wars was to the Second Golden Age of movies in the 1970s. And it most likely will be the last of its kind. The non-serialized, binge-worthy model of releasing an entire season at once, introduced by Netflix and followed now by other streaming services, seems unable to create the same spectacle and shared collective experience of the weekly Game of Thrones phenomenon. Amazon spent $200 million just to buy the rights to adapt the popular fantasy series Lord of the

  • For some, summer is a time for play. For others, it’s a time for work. But for many at PLU, it’s a time for a little bit of both — through science.

    starts with an algorithm and then learns and adjusts on its own. Machine learning is an integral part of the modern technology world, used by companies such as Facebook and Google — and now, Renzhi Cao’s summer research at PLU. “We want to create a technique, where instead of telling the machine what to do, we want to give the intelligence to the machine,” Cao said. (Video by Rustin Dwyer, PLU) Cao and his team are working on applying machine learning to bioinformatics. They are writing an algorithm

  • marginalization of a minority group, such as the Jews of Nazi Germany, can lead to life-threatening situations culminating in one of the world’s modern genocides. Issues of distortion and denial make the process of reconciliation and healing less likely and serve as an insult to the memory of all those whose lives were destroyed in the Holocaust.PLU Lutecast videos of the 14th Annual Annual Conference for Holocaust Education Conference ScheduleCheck out this year’s conference schedule. ScheduleDonate

    Powell-Heller Holocaust Education Conference
    12180 Park Avenue South, Tacoma, WA 98447-0003
  • was written. Art students will look at the historical building themselves, as well as at the amazing artworks (paintings, frescos, altar pieces, etc.) that can be found in these buildings.Follow their adventures on the blog! Music Capitals of the WorldAssociate Professor of Music Ed Powell is taking students to explore the history of music. Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic are rich with musical tradition. This small area of Europe was the central location for many of the finest musicians of

  • many believe has been an incredible journey,” Mayer said. “It can also be a study for those who are interested in the Holocaust and an inspiration for those who wish to prosper financially in business.”(This March, Mayer will be presenting and signing copies of his book at the Fourth Annual Powell and Heller Family Conference on Holocaust Education) Mayer, now 80, came to America with his parents as a 10 year old Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany on one of the last ships to leave Europe. Many of his

  • For two decades, the Makah people have welcomed PLU students to Neah Bay to learn about the tribe’s culture and history.

    still our responsibility.” Offsetting those changes is a deep commitment to cultural education through the museum, as well as local public schools. Both place heavy emphasis on learning the Makah language. The tribe focuses on educational opportunities for Makah of all ages, Ledford said. Adult education helps tribal members earn GED certificates. Head Start offers free early childhood education and child care starting at infancy. Everyone touts the near-perfect graduation rate at the public high

  • religion shaped the cultures of the ancient Mediterranean world. (4) RELI 220 : Early Christian History - RL, IT This course explores the social, cultural, and theological diversity and forms of self-definition of early Christian history across territories in which it emerged, including Western Asia, North and East Africa, and Western Europe. In this course, emphasis will be placed on the ways in which Christian groups established core elements flowering from the life of Jesus of Nazareth, affirmed or

  • Two years before he founded the only local peace prize in the nation, Thomas Heavey ’74 was in the middle of a war.

    claimed tens of thousands of lives. “In war there are some pretty tense times, but there’s a lot of time that isn’t,” Heavey said. “So it gives you time for reflection.” In that time of reflection, Heavey asked himself what modern Norway would have to say to the Norwegians of Tacoma he was then tasked with leading, as well as what Norway would say to the world in the face of immense violence. “The conclusion you come to is that Norway is the superpower for peace,” he said. “When peace is breaking out

  • and throughout Europe, most recently to Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary in the summer of 2007, and to France and Germany in 2011. The choir has been selected on numerous occasions to perform for regional and national conferences of the American Choral Directors Association and National Association for Music Education, and received two gold and one silver certificate in competition with choirs from several countries at the 2011 Harmonie Festival, held in Lindenholzhausen, Germany. “Phoenix,” a

  • an emphasis on medieval and early modern literature and culture, from the University of Texas at Austin in 1998. Her research has focused on writings by medieval women mystics. In particular, she explores the often fraught relationships between women mystics and their male contemporaries to understand the ways gender relations impacted women’s theologies and religious communities. Conference ScheduleProfessor Christensen’s teaching interests include not only medieval and early modern literature