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  • Sunny, Fuzzy, Pre-Finals Friends Posted by: Sandy Dunham / December 9, 2014 December 9, 2014 PLU Marketing & Communications TACOMA, Wash. (Dec. 8, 2014)—To spread cheer and relieve stress before Finals Week, Associated Students of Pacific Lutheran University and the PLU Counseling Center partnered with volunteer organizations, including Therapy Dogs International, to bring certified therapy animals to campus on Dec. 12. The therapy-pet program was a huge hit, with unconditionally loving puppies

  • Media student serves and learns simultaneously Posted by: Todd / December 14, 2015 Image: Photo by Angelo Mejia ’17 December 14, 2015 By Matthew Salzano ’18 PLU Marketing & Communications InternTACOMA, Wash. (Dec. 11, 2015)—Communication major Chris Boettcher ’17 is living out the deeply held commitment of Pacific Lutheran University to civic engagement — all while continuing his education.When Cathy Nguyen, Tacoma poet laureate, reached out to PLU looking for a videographer to tell the story

  • donate all this bread to a food bank or shelter. I remember South Hall smelling like bread which was awesome.” Shayna’s experiences at the Diversity Center and as a Rieke Scholar prepared her for the future. Now, as the Marketing and Communications Manager at Hawai’i Energy, Shayna determines how to share information about renewable energy with lower-income communities. “Our program is uniquely positioned to address those inequities. I always think about my days in the dCenter. When we worked on

  • political science double major from Auburn, Washington—was connected with THA through Degrees of Change’s Seed Internships program which helps pair local university students with internships throughout the Greater Tacoma area. “I was inspired to go local because I’ve loved PLU for four years and I wanted to use the skills I’ve been building to benefit and leave an impact on the community that surrounds me,” Kang said.  Kang works as a policy innovation and evaluation (PIE) and communications intern

  • what is purchased from them. The Bike Co-op is re-launching in Harstad Residence Hall and Cooley plans to launch a campaign to encourage people to shut off campus computers when they are not in use. There are nearly 3,600 computers on campus. “There are more computers than people,” she said. Computers running 24 hours a day, seven days a week cost PLU $124,000 annually.  Cutting that to eight hours a day, only five days a week, and then further subtracting holidays, would save more than $90,000 a

  • superstars Kobe Bryant and LeBron James. The agency’s first project was building Kobe Bryant’s Website,, and creating original content and films that are featured on it. Ford uses multiple formats to shoot campaign ads – even his Super-8 camera. “I fell in love with filmmaking at PLU. My friends and I would make videos and skits that led to more nuttiness,” says Ford. Ford became a copywriter in 1999 and spent the next seven years writing ads for Wieden + Kennedy, a Portland Ore., ad agency. In

  • intentional about it,” he said. He wanted the logo to incorporate a few PLU specific elements. First, rather than the American Idol-esque purple they went with gold, and then green to highlight the Green Dot campaign that PLU is participating in and finally the Rose Window, which was recently refurbished and installed. Hebrew Idol is a video project for Religion 211 – Religion and Literature in the Hebrew Bible. Students produce their own interpretations of biblical stories, putting anything from a

  • gathered together on Friday to celebrate 20 years of dedication and service by Loren and MaryAnn Anderson, and spring a big reveal on President Anderson. After Bruce Bjerke ’72 praised the Andersons for their long service to PLU – noting that during their tenure PLU has seen the creation of five endowed chairs and professorships, an endowment of $75 million and the recent completion of a capital campaign topping $120 million – he had a surprise in store.

  • program. Films shown during the festival vary in genre. Check the film festival Facebook fanpage to find out more. Read Previous Veterans Day 2012 Read Next PLU’s 2012 United Way campaign COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you might have ad blocker enabled or are currently browsing in a "private" window. LATEST POSTS PLU hosts the 14th Annual Lutheran Studies Conference: Celebrating Cecelia Svinth Carpenter, Indigenous education and tribal sovereignty

  • unPLUg campaign, which kicked off Oct. 4 and encourages students to reduce energy use. “This job is perfect as far as all the different things I want to do,” Lorax said. Lorax has set some sustainability goals of his own while working and living in Parkland. “Long-term goals are to work on community development and community outreach,” Lorax said. “I want to see social sustainability and break down edges between PLU and the Parkland community.” Read Previous PLU’s School of Business ranked as one of