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  • Example #1 As your instructor, and within the context of this course, there may be opportunities for you to share information related to your past or current experiences.

    that you should personalize to best connect with your students and reflect the particular dynamics of your class(es). (For more about this, see “A Syllabus Worth Reading” from Kevin Gannon’s book Radical Hope: A Teaching Manifesto.) REMINDER #2 –Include a statement that addresses the use of AI.Given how rapidly AI-generators and their discipline-specific uses continue to evolve, there is no institutional policy regarding student use of AI, ChatGPT, and other such resources; rather, any use of AI

  • Brian Sung ’24 has made the most out of his PLU years inside and outside the classroom. In the classroom, he’s an  international honors  student with a double major in  business  and  economics  and a double minor in data science and statistics. Outside the classroom,…

    Brian Sung ’24 discusses his business and econ majors, Oxford trip, and PLU experience as a first generation Chinese immigrant Posted by: tpotts / April 4, 2024 April 4, 2024 Brian Sung ’24 has made the most out of his PLU years inside and outside the classroom. In the classroom, he’s an international honors student with a double major in business and economics and a double minor in data science and statistics. Outside the classroom, he’s served as DECA Club president, a resident assistant, and

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Feb. 22, 2016)- Kevin O’Brien has been teaching at Pacific Lutheran University for about a decade. But last summer was the first time the associate professor of religion taught Christian ethics to students in the U.S. and abroad — at the same time.…

    PLU Teaching Online program incorporates technology into learning, enhances brick-and-mortar experience Posted by: Kari Plog / February 22, 2016 Image: Craig Cornwall reviewing watercolor paintings for his PLUTO online class at PLU on Monday, March 9, 2015. (Photo/John Froschauer) February 22, 2016 By Kari Plog '11PLU Marketing & CommunicationsTACOMA, WASH. (Feb. 22, 2016)- Kevin O’Brien has been teaching at Pacific Lutheran University for about a decade. But last summer was the first time the

  • For the graduating class of 2024, freshman year was online and confined. So by the time fall came around for sophomore year, they embraced in-person classes, study groups, lunches, dinners, and more. That’s true at least for political science major Kaden Bolton ’24, who graduated…

    Kaden Bolton ’24 explored civics and public policy on campus and studying away in Oxford Posted by: tpotts / July 8, 2024 July 8, 2024 For the graduating class of 2024, freshman year was online and confined. So by the time fall came around for sophomore year, they embraced in-person classes, study groups, lunches, dinners, and more. That’s true at least for political science major Kaden Bolton ’24, who graduated summa cum laude in May. Read More Read Previous Quan Huynh ’25 Discusses her

  • Choreography and Costumes Avelon Ragoonanan ’15 creates all aspects of a diverse dance for Dance 2014 Story and Photo By Shunying Wang ’15 “There is a witch doctor who raises spirits to dance.” Avelon Ragoonanan ’15, one of this year’s dance choreographers for Dance…

    want to learn to make it and I can’t find the resource for it, I just look it up on YouTube.” Since Ragoonanan has been studying at PLU, he has self-designed and hand-made costumes for each year of his dance ensemble production. Not only has his work added diversity to the show; it also has enriched the audience’s cultural experience. Dance 2014 When: 7:30 p.m. April 11 and 12 Where: Karen Hille Phillips Center for the Performing Arts Tickets: $8 general admission/$5 senior citizens and alumni/$3

  • Please contact the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities at (253) 535-7462,, and

    Building Security Computer & Network Use Concern for Self and Others Confiscation of Possessions Disruption of University Community Equal Educational Opportunity Equipment, University Events False Information Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) Fire Safety Firearms, Explosives, Weapon Freedom of Expression Gambling Grade Disputes Grievance Policy and Procedures Guests on Campus and at PLU Events Hazing Identification Card (LuteCard) Illegal DrugsImmunization Policy Neighbor

  • On day one of PLU Professor of Mathematics Daniel Heath’s Designing a Starship class, students have no idea what they have signed up for — and that’s exactly how Heath wants it. The course is part of PLU’s International Honors Program (IHON), which means it…

    Matthew Helmer ’24. “It was the most hands-on part of the class, where we researched and experimented with how to make an artificial water cycle to allow plants to flourish,” he says. “We saw an aspect of the starship design process that secretly linked back to our experience on Earth — what a life cycle in a mostly closed system, open only to sunlight and its energy, looks like. We got a better feel for the balance and delicacy of life.”International Honors Program at PLUInterested in learning more

  • By Makaela Whalen The Chambers-Clover Creek Watershed is enhanced by the wildlife it offers a sanctuary to.

    The Policy Protection and Value Attributed to Chinook Salmon and Insects in the Chambers-Clover Creek WatershedBy Makaela Whalen The Chambers-Clover Creek Watershed is enhanced by the wildlife it offers a sanctuary to. Whether it be the ducks at Spanaway Lake or the seals at Chambers Bays, they are part of the life that is breathed into this ecosystem. Yet, human actions are constantly placing these vibrant creatures in danger, making measures to address these harms and protect the wildlife

  • Link and instructions to securely transmit personal/confidential documents to our office.

    Using Etrieve - Secure Document Transmission to the Health Center (link) view page Link and instructions to securely transmit personal/confidential documents to our office.

  • The college experience is about getting involved. No other time in your life are you saturated with so many diverse ideas, perspectives, lifestyles, and goals.

    STUDENT CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS Get InvolvedThe college experience is about getting involved. No other time in your life are you saturated with so many diverse ideas, perspectives, lifestyles, and goals. PLU gives you many tools to get involved, whether it’s in service, leadership, activism, learning, health, or just for fun! Continue to pursue those things you’re already passionate about and branch out into areas previously uncharted. 60+ clubs and organizations 40+ intramural leagues 1,000