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  • University, where he was a Wallace E. Stegner Fellow and a Jones Lecturer in Poetry. His poems and essays have appeared in numerous publications, including Poetry, The Paris Review, The New Republic and The Threepenny Review, and in many anthologies. More here. A program of distinction(s) Still, in the world of MFA workshops, PLU’s 10-year-old program has seniority. “One of the distinctions we have is simple longevity,” Barot said. “The low-residency program is a fairly new innovation in the MFA scenario

  • Early.  To which Vancil adds, “It’s not going to make you rich.”  On this they all agree, when they aren’t interrupting each other to make a point, as they gathered in Red Square before talking to interested film students in Ingram Hall last Friday. Technology has only made the film craft easier. A decade ago, it took forever to edit even 10 minutes of film.  Now the ease of editing on computers and shooting on Flips has made the craft much more streamline and intuitive. But you have to have a good

  • to unplug appliances when they are not in use, or turning a power strip off, or doing the simplest of acts like turning off the lights when they aren’t needed. “There’s a lot more than just plugging and unplugging things from the wall,” said Christine Cooley, PLU’s sustainability coordinator. “The technology (to save energy) is there. People’s habits haven’t adopted to it yet.” That’s starting to change this year, thanks to UnPLUgged. And it will likely change even more with all stars like

  • December 7, 2009 LEED Gold for Neeb This fall the Martin J. Neeb Center received the distinction of being named Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold certified. According to the U.S. Green Building Council, the Neeb Center is the only radio facility in the nation with a LEED Gold ranking. “We are proud that the building meets LEED Gold standards and affirms Pacific Lutheran University’s commitment to energy conservation,” said PLU President Loren J. Anderson. The Neeb Center

  • Unlocking the Magic of Colloidal Nanocrystals Associate Professor Andrea Munro and students Aidan Hopson ’24 and Rebecca Smith ’24 spend the summer studying colloidal ZnSe nanocrystals. Posted by: Marcom Web Team / August 11, 2023 Image: Double major in chemistry and environmental studies, Rebecca Smith ’24, chemistry major Aidan Hopson ’24, and associate professor of chemistry Andrea Munro examine how liquids and tiny particles affect nanocrystal growth, mastering the art of precise material

  • Diversity, Justice, and Sustainability. We aren’t a values-neutral institution, but a place that is intentional about our commitment to these core concerns. And that sets us apart. And Interdisciplinary programs are all about these values–diversity, justice, and sustainability are at the core of what we do, in Global Studies; Chinese Studies; Gender, Sexuality, and Race Studies; Environmental Studies; Innovation Studies; Holocaust and Genocide Studies; Native American and Indigenous Studies. These are

  • November 2, 2012 PLU President Thomas W. Krise talks about the importance of sustainability at the university after signing the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment agreement in October. (Photos by John Froschauer) PLU reaffirms its commitment to leading the way in a commitment to sustainability By Barbara Clements University Communications Global warming is real. Humans have caused it. And it’s our responsibility to do all we can to mitigate and if possible, reverse

  • Appropriations Committee, he steered hundreds of millions in federal money to clean up Puget Sound and the Hanford nuclear reservation, revive the downtowns of Tacoma and Bremerton, and bolster defense projects in the state. Former Congressman Norm Dicks will speak at the 2014 Spring Commencement on May 24. “We are honored to have him speak to the graduating class of 2014, and we imagine that he will go a long way in inspiring the next generation of leadership in our state,” Krise said. Dicks began his

  • October 11, 2013 Assistant Professor Brian Maeng works with a student in class. Maeng teaches Operations Management and Management Information Systems at Pacific Lutheran University. (Photo by John Froschauer) PLU’s School of Business ranked as one of the best in the U.S. Pacific Lutheran University’s School of Business is one of the nation’s most outstanding business schools, according to The Princeton Review. The company features the school in the new 2014 edition of its book, The Best 295

  • March 19, 2009 Hong Hall: Speaking the language of community (in French, or Chinese, or whatever) Just because you live in Hong International Hall doesn’t mean you have to be fluent, or even conversational, in a foreign language. But it does help to have an interest. After all, most of your fellow hallmates will be talking almost exclusively in a foreign language as they pass each other in the hall. Michael Engh, a junior and resident assistant, lives in the Spanish wing. He tries to speak