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  • GLST 287, Fall 2020COVID 19: A Global Crisis ExaminedA One-Credit/No-Credit Online Course on COVID-19 for PLU Students, Alumni, Faculty, Staff and Community MembersWELCOME AND COURSE DESCRIPTION Pacific Lutheran University is pleased to offer this online one-credit/no-credit course as an opportunity to examine, and reflect upon, the COVID-19 pandemic, a current event that continues to upend our lives and the lives of many in our communities and across the globe. Over the course of the fall

  • regular participation in the total class experience and is evaluated accordingly. In the event of unavoidable absence, students are strongly encouraged as a matter of courtesy to inform their instructors and may be required to do so. Any arrangements for missed work are discretionary between instructor and student, except as specified below. Undergraduate students officially representing the university off campus for a performance, competition, or academic presentation shall not be penalized solely

  • and Talk About Death” (or, Death Over Dinner) movement, and a mentored student research project around communication and emerging personas in the event of a terminal illness. Through personal experience with family members who have passed, he is inspired to help alleviate the stigma around end-of-life journeys that focus as much on the LIFE part of the journey as the eventual passing. Publications: Cornell-Maier, S. & Mulder, M.R.* (2019). Understanding Communication Surrounding Terminal Illness

  • plans before you depart, otherwise your cards may be blocked, not allowing you to access funds and make purchases.  Find out what your cards’ ATM fees are, the international transaction fees associated with the cards, etc.  Consider a credit/debit card with low or no international transaction fees, and low ATM fees.  Bring copies (front and back) of all the cards you bring with you; this will be helpful in the event that you lose your cards or have them stolen.  Bring enough local currency that you

  • event, I felt empowered to take steps in my state to make sure all teachers feel appreciated and to continue to spread the positive in Montana classrooms. Which came first, your passion for teaching or your passion for science? When did you decide to combine the two? When I started at PLU I knew my major would be teaching. I’d been passionate about making teaching a career from a very early age. In high school, I wasn’t interested in science and was an average student in the subject. However, after

  • All Courses AICE 276 : Part-Time Internship A supervised educational experience in a work setting on

  • University Center. This event will feature research projects from the three divisions of the College of Arts and Sciences—Humanities, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences. The posters, articles and videos on display will provide a window onto activities that are at the core of Pacific Lutheran University’s mission: scholarship and student learning. These projects make visible what too often is invisible: the intellectual activity that is central to discovery, interpretation and artistic production

  • examination of grief, laced with wit, insightfulness, compassion, and searing honesty.” Directed by Professor Maureen McGill April 20, 21 at 7:30pm Eastvold Mainstage Theater In this highly anticipated annual campus event, the PLU Dance Ensemble presents an invigorating and arresting series of dance numbers sure to delight all. Directed by Professor Jeff A. Clapp May 10, 11, 12, 18, 19 at 7:30pm May 20 at 2pm Eastvold Mainstage Theater On a cold, clear, moonless night in the middle of winter, all is not

  • successful learning, and course grades are issued on the basis of academic performance and not on the basis of attendance alone, such performance normally includes regular participation in the total class experience and is evaluated accordingly. In the event of unavoidable absence students are strongly encouraged as a matter of courtesy to inform their instructors and may be required to do so. Any arrangements for missed work are discretionary between instructor and student, except as specified below

  • . 4.15.1 The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Representatives and of the Board. Together with the secretary or treasurer, the Chair shall sign all authorized corporate documents requiring such signatures, and generally perform the duties pertaining to the office of the Chair. 4.15.2 The Vice-Chair of the Board, in the event of the absence or disability of the Chair, shall serve as set forth in Section 4.15.1 above. 4.15.3 The Secretary shall keep a true record of the proceedings of the