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  • Economics major Nellie Moran ’15 and President Barack Obama at a fundraiser in Seattle this summer. (Photo by White House Photographer Michael Rosenburg.) PLU Interns Make Interesting and Key Connections Over the Summer By Barbara Clements, PLU Marketing and Communications First Surprise : President Obama…

    . “The connections you make are invaluable,” says Moran, who counts the DNC internship as her third so far. “I can’t stress this enough. The mentors you make in these internships will help you succeed in the future.” Moran applied for the highly competitive DNC internship at the recommendation of a friend at a Girls State summer leadership and citizenship program. Finance major Simbarashe Change ’15 says he found out about his summer internship at Seattle-based Russell Investments by checking

  • On Thursday, April 11th from 9-10pm, the MBR Amphitheater will transform into a glowing globe. As part of Reconciliation Day, students are encouraged to place a candle on a conflict or peace-building effort that is taking place in the world. Alongside peers, faculty and fellow…

    part of Communication and Theater week, a week of programs that provides opportunities to learn about faculty and student work; celebrate student accomplishments and provide opportunities to network with internship and employment partners. The week has a wide variety of events, all of which are free and open to the public. Read Previous New exhibit exposes ecological change through art Read Next New documentary addresses Islamophobia in America, premieres Thursday, April 11, 2013 LATEST POSTS Meet

  • University Grade Dispute Policy and Procedures - August 2023 (pdf) view download

  • 1:45-2:00pm, Grayson Nottage Texas Water Mitigation 2:00-2:15pm, Caelan Colescott Examining the Impact of Gentrification on Urbanization and Ecological Indicators in Watersheds 2:15-2:30pm, Juj

    Earth Science Capstones 2023 Thursday, May 11th 1:45-2:00pm, Grayson Nottage Texas Water Mitigation 2:00-2:15pm, Caelan Colescott Examining the Impact of Gentrification on Urbanization and Ecological Indicators in Watersheds 2:15-2:30pm, Juj Navidi Assessing and Mapping Secondary Lahar Risk on Mt. Rainier 2:30-2:45pm, Francois Lalague Comparing Metamorphic Facies Across the Straight Creek Fault 2:45-3:00pm, Autumn Johansen Comparison of Phytholith and Carbonate (δ13C) data used as a proxies for

  • Thank you to all of the students that participated in our annual Wild Hope Essay/Video Contest! This year's theme was care.

    and ecological flourishing.  Click below to see the winning entries.2023 Essay - Sage Warner2023 Video Essay - Cece Chan2022 Winners Thank you to all of the students that participated in our annual Wild Hope Essay/Video Contest! This year’s theme was “care.” How would you answer the call to care for others in the midst of a pandemic? Click below to see the winning entries.2022 Essay - Kerry Dolan2022 Video Essay - Cas Hebert2021 Winners Thank you to all of the students that participated in our

  • The Academic and Honor Society Clubs and Organizations seek to recognize student achievement, better understand the academic fields of interest, and engage with students and allow them the space to

    Clubs & Honor Societies Meeting Times & Places (Subject to Change): When: Monthly Where: Mary Baker Russell Building Room 334 or 306 (Follow our Instagram for detailed info) Club Email: acda@plu.eduChemistry ClubDescription: PLU Chem Club (ACS Student Affiliate) is a student organization committed to providing fun and informative experiences that highlight the role chemistry plays in our everyday lives. Our club holds events encompassing career planning, volunteering, and social events. All PLU

  • Mission: “Educating caring, skillful generalists to be ethical agents for global and local change.” The Pacific Lutheran University Department of Social Work is dedicated to educating individuals

    those organizational structures and social systems that provide the context for human growth, interaction, and change. Social work’s person-in-environment approach reflects its emphasis on the ecological perspective, which provides an adaptive and evolutionary view of human beings in constant interchange with all aspects of their social environments. The Social Work education at Pacific Lutheran University draws on the liberal arts. We recognize that social issues and social problems are always

  • Understanding the World Through Sports and Recreation faculty and staff.

    Jennifer Hubbert Assistant Professor of Anthropology and East Asian Studies Full Profile