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  • content on a webpage. Build it in a logical sequence. Who is Web Accessibility for?You may think that Web Accessibility is just for people with disabilities who need assistive technology to navigate the web. Such as people who have: Low vision Hearing or motor impairments Difficult reading when using tech But you’d be wrong At the core of Web Accessibility is providing the best user experience for all users. Improving Web Accessibility directly impacts not only the access of our story, but also the

  • sleep environment, and performing a “digital detox” before bedtime can make it more likely that you’ll get a good night’s sleep.How to Sleep Well in a DormFurther Information about Sleeping DisordersSymptomsExcessive daytime sleepiness Irregular breathing or increased movement during sleep Difficulty sleeping Abnormal sleep behaviors PreventionEstablish bedtime routine Do not drink liquids before bed Create a quiet and dark environment Turn all technology off Keep a consistent sleep schedule If you

  • Presidential Medal of Freedom honoree William Foege ‘57 returns to PLU for annual Rachel Carson lecture TACOMA, WASH. (Feb. 4, 2020) — Pacific Lutheran University is pleased to announce that world health icon and distinguished alumnus Dr. William Foege ‘57 will return to campus to give the annual Rachel Carson Science, Technology & Society Annual Lecture on Feb. 20. Foege, who… February 4, 2020 Alumni, Internships, Career

  • Entrepreneur Justin Foster ’02 on making meaningful relationships with faculty Lutes often find ways to show gratitude to the community that supported their education, but Justin Foster ’02 got started early. An entrepreneur, marketer, and technology developer, he has been an active supporter of PLU and the School of Business since graduation. “I received a… August 13, 2019 Alumni, Internships, Career

  • relay them so people could grasp what these people go through every day because they don’t know how to show it.” Packard examined each individual’s emotional labor — the process of managing emotions to satisfy the requirements of a job — by asking questions from four categories: background and demographics, becoming a first responder, emotions at work and emotion management. “As we have all grown up in today’s society, we have all learned and been socialized to think that first responders are the

  • China. With the American students, Tsinghua University held the first “Poverty Alleviation Through Education Summer Service Learning Program” in 2006. More than 500 Chinese and American students formed more than 32 teams, traveling to remote impoverished villages in China. The American students taught English conversation and other subjects, the Chinese students trained teachers and students how to use technology to access and then disseminate knowledge to local farmers. The “left-behind children

  • . As globalization increases, the ideology of National Parks spread across the world; including to the government of Chile, which has been involved in a struggle over land management and sovereignty with the indigenous Mapuche for generations. This paper will touch upon the past human rights struggles over land conservation and management in both the US and Chile, as well as moving towards a new future  by examining three models of land management; traditional-exclusionary, tribal, and co

  • Why Having a “Philosophy of Enrollment” Matters Posted by: Thomas Krise / March 8, 2016 March 8, 2016 This spring, the Strategic Enrollment Management Advisory Committee (known as SEMAC) will finalize PLU’s philosophy of enrollment, with the intention to ask our Board of Regents to adopt a final draft statement with enrollment targets in May. (See the current draft here on the Provost webpage.) SEMAC is a university standing committee with the responsibility to lead the development and the

  • to ePass Save Add Edit Remove Back New Delete South Campus Open Space Master Plan 2013 Division of Administrative Services Campus Master Plan Site Menu Home Announcements Budget & Finance Campus Master Planning 2014 Facilities Master Plan Major Institutional Master Plan South Campus Open Space Master Plan 2013 Capital Expenditures FY19 Capital Projects FY18 Capital Improvements FY17 Capital Improvements FY16 Capital Improvements FY15 Capital Improvements Departments Facilities Management

  • . She hopes the scholarships she and her mother have endowed will help students in great need who are desperate for an education. “I want to give back and make a difference to someone who deserves the same opportunity I had in going to PLU,” she says. Carol lives in the San Francisco Bay area, working as a systems analyst for URS Corp., an engineering, construction and technical-services organization. She also is the president and CEO of LUCA Enterprises, a management-consulting company. Her success