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While Mortvedt Library’s building is closed during the COVID-19 pandemic our exhibits continue–we are highlighting PLU students’ work online. Follow this link to the virtual exhibit of the Wang Center’s photo and video contest winners. The Annual Wang Center Photo & Video Contest is an…
& Date: Utah, March 2019. Read Previous On Exhibit – Pandemics: History & Responses Read Next Archives & Special Collections Launches New Collection Management System LATEST POSTS Black History Month: Black Art Matters Exhibit January 31, 2023 Mortvedt Library materials for HEALING: PATHWAYS FOR RESTORATION AND RENEWAL symposium February 16, 2022 On Exhibit: Women’s History Month March 9, 2022 Wang Center Photo & Video Contest Winners 2022 March 30, 2022
Jessica Schwinck, DNP, ARNP of Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA has been selected as a fellow for the Duke-Johnson & Johnson Nurse Leadership Program. The Duke-Johnson & Johnson Nurse Leadership Program, a one year professional development experience, is a partnership between Duke University School of…
Nursing and Johnson & Johnson. The program was created in 2013 to provide leadership development for advanced practice nurses. Selected fellows start the program in April 2019 and will participate in three leadership retreats throughout the program year as well as monthly distance-based learning activities and a transformative health leadership project. The program will provide each fellow with the leadership and management skills required to effectively address the needs of their communities
On the day of high school class choices, a middle school teacher noticed the normally outgoing Jackson Reisner sitting quietly, acting withdrawn. Jackson grew increasingly anxious as the morning progressed. A movie buff, the Burlington eighth grader had seen all the difficult depictions of high…
Sydney. While some young adults see college as a time to break free from family roles and expectations, others may find more meaning in attending school alongside a sibling. The two have a great relationship. “Thinking about it now, any other way wouldn’t have felt right,” Jackson says. “I get homesick sometimes, but when I’m leaving the gym after practice, I see my sister, and it’s like home is here.” “I definitely recommend going to school with your sibling,” Sydney says. “It creates an added
Douglas McGrath’s Emma (1996) stresses the importance of kindness and familial harmony, themes which are absent from Autumn de Wilde’s cool rendition, Emma . (2020). In the novel, Emma learns to be kind and caring to others as well as be considerate and helpful after…
.” Then the humorous exchange between husband and wife begins. John starts by saying “Fortunately we have more than one carriage so if one is blown over in the wind…” Isabella responds: “Husband, please!”. He, with a slight tone of amusement, replies: “Happy Christmas!” as he exits the room. De Wilde’s Christmas scene, then, centers on a bitter family relationship. However, what does carry over from the novel and from McGrath’s version is Emma’s devotion to her father’s happiness. When Mr. Woodhouse
In both Douglas McGrath’s and Autumn de Wilde’s adaptations of Jane Austen’s Emma (1815), Christmas dinner scenes intimate the intersection of the familial love and comfort associated with Emma and Mr. Knightley’s romance. At the same time, these scenes draw attention to Knightley’s often paternalistic…
community’s strongest patriarch. The blend of romance and family at the center of Emma and Knightley’s relationship primes it for seasonal consumption given our contemporary taste for Christmas rom-coms. In how both McGrath and de Wilde cement the romance in relation to the preservation of the family nucleus, they provide us with a sentimental ending tailor-made for a twenty-first century Christmas favorite.Works Cited:Emma. Directed by Autumn de Wilde, Focus Features, 2020. Emma. Directed by Douglas
Celebrate World Fair Trade Day Bamboo containers, silk scarves, jewelry and stuffed animals are among the many gift and home décor items available in the Fair Trade and World Goods store, located inside Garfield Book Company at PLU. While not all the products are fair…
away who meet artisans will have the opportunity build a relationship and possibly bring the items to store. “This is an outlet for students to get in contact with the community around us,” Valdez said. “Be that Parkland, or be that the global community.” Read Previous Grant supports environmental research Read Next Sustainability Fellows to tackle bikes, recycling COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you might have ad blocker enabled or are currently
PLU Associate Professor Vidya Thirumurthy draws a kolam, an artful design that Hindu households use to communicate with their community. (Photo by John Froschauer) Connecting the dots: Letting neighbors know “all is well” with the world By Steve Hansen, Scene Editor Each morning, on the…
a Hindu tradition, but they learn simple mathematical concepts, and spatial orientation and relationships through their daily creations. Children will unknowingly take those concepts they learned on their doorstep and use them, later, in the classroom. “At the time, I never thought much about it,” Thirumurthy said. “But there is probably a relationship between designing kolams and mathematical concepts.” When Thirumurthy returns to southeast India this fall, she will be looking for other
TACOMA, Wash. (June 5, 2015) — Deanna Fallin ’09 wrote an email on April 8 to her former faculty adviser, Pacific Lutheran University Chair of Art and Design JP Avila, to share some exciting news. “It’s crazy to think that I was just some young…
] was my adviser and my mentor, and I still sort of treat him as my mentor,” Fallin said of the man who shared wisdom on everything from design principles to relationship problems. “The things I learned in class I still employ every single day,” she said, adding “JP was always there to catch me.” Avila held Fallin to high standards, pushed her to work hard and to stick to her guns during her time at PLU. He encouraged her to study away in England and helped her secure an internship at the National
Tacoma, Wash. (July 17, 2015)— South Sound residents of numerous ethnicities, political persuasions and religious convictions will gather in Tacoma’s Hilltop neighborhood on Saturday, August 1 for the 5th Annual 1000 Man Family March & Festival. This year’s event will feature a special guest, Alana Simmons,…
. “Although the message is targeted towards men, it’s important for women and girls to know they are included in this event and urged to participate,” Montgomery said. For Cunningham, events like the 1000 Man Family March & Festival represent a valuable opportunity for PLU to continue to foster its relationship with the local African-American community, share information about opportunities at PLU and invite prospective students to visit campus. It also represents her hope for increased unity, cross
TACOMA, WASH. (April 3, 2017)- Pacific Lutheran University is aiming to increase visibility of student-faculty research across campus with its first Undergraduate Research Symposium on April 8. Previously, an annual reception in May showcased endowed projects. The change in format highlights a broader spectrum of…
. Lewis says she hopes the event will alert first-years and sophomores to future possibilities for student-faculty work across disciplines. Lewis says emphasizing students’ working relationship with faculty members helps students become entrenched in their studies. Through student-faculty research, students incorporate their own experiences with academia in a way that Lewis says improves critical thinking, writing and understanding of students’ subjects of interest. “I hope it helps you think about
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