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Center for Bioplastics and Biocomposites (CB 2 ) provides undergraduate students a chance to participate in industry-directed fundamental research opportunities in the fields of bioplastics and biocomposites. The students will gain hands-on experience with synthesis, processing, and characterization of biobased plastics and composite materials. See…
Center for Bioplastics and Biocomposites Internship Posted by: alemanem / February 1, 2018 February 1, 2018 Center for Bioplastics and Biocomposites (CB2) provides undergraduate students a chance to participate in industry-directed fundamental research opportunities in the fields of bioplastics and biocomposites. The students will gain hands-on experience with synthesis, processing, and characterization of biobased plastics and composite materials. See the REU flyer-2018 for more information
“I like people, places…and things!“ Greetings, Friends and Colleagues in Ministry, I bring you greetings in the midst of all the beautiful chaos that summer ministry can hold! As I near the six-month mark of being the Director of Congregational Engagement at Pacific Lutheran University,…
“I Like People, Places…and Things!” Posted by: Kendall Jeske / July 17, 2019 Image: Martin Luther Statue in Red Square at PLU on Friday, Aug. 19, 2011. July 17, 2019 ``I like people, places...and things!``Greetings, Friends and Colleagues in Ministry, I bring you greetings in the midst of all the beautiful chaos that summer ministry can hold! As I near the six-month mark of being the Director of Congregational Engagement at Pacific Lutheran University, I have recently taken some time to reflect
WSU is recruiting interns for the NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) that is connected to the NSF center on Bioplastics and Biocomposites (CB2). This is a great opportunity for students to gain hands on research experience in the fast-growing field of sustainable materials. This…
[Greenchemistry] NSF REU Bioplastics and Biocomposites Posted by: alemanem / February 13, 2019 February 13, 2019 WSU is recruiting interns for the NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) that is connected to the NSF center on Bioplastics and Biocomposites (CB2). This is a great opportunity for students to gain hands on research experience in the fast-growing field of sustainable materials. This is a unique REU program as the projects are all closely related to industry and have
Please note TWO opportunities for students in our region to obtain awards/scholarships/grants. 1) $1500 scholarship for 2-year and 4-year students! The scholarships are named after William J. Wasserman and Julia A. Rutherford see the Scholarships Flyer for more info and eligibility requirements, and list of…
ACS Puget Sound – Awards and Scholarships Due March 1 Posted by: alemanem / February 1, 2021 February 1, 2021 Please note TWO opportunities for students in our region to obtain awards/scholarships/grants. 1) $1500 scholarship for 2-year and 4-year students! The scholarships are named after William J. Wasserman and Julia A. Rutherford see the Scholarships Flyer for more info and eligibility requirements, and list of institutions in our region. The deadline is March 1 and students are asked to
The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Arizona is inviting students to one of their virtual graduate program informational events. The virtual visitation is designed to offer prospective graduate students, particularly those interested in a PhD, an opportunity to learn more about…
Graduate program in Chemistry and Biochemistry University of Arizona Posted by: alemanem / November 17, 2022 November 17, 2022 The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Arizona is inviting students to one of their virtual graduate program informational events. The virtual visitation is designed to offer prospective graduate students, particularly those interested in a PhD, an opportunity to learn more about our campus, program, and Tucson, AZ. Thursday, November 17, 4:30
TACOMA, Wash. (Dec. 11, 2015)—Communication major Chris Boettcher ’17 is living out the deeply held commitment of Pacific Lutheran University to civic engagement — all while continuing his education. When Cathy Nguyen, Tacoma poet laureate, reached out to PLU looking for a videographer to tell…
Media student serves and learns simultaneously Posted by: Todd / December 14, 2015 Image: Photo by Angelo Mejia ’17 December 14, 2015 By Matthew Salzano ’18 PLU Marketing & Communications InternTACOMA, Wash. (Dec. 11, 2015)—Communication major Chris Boettcher ’17 is living out the deeply held commitment of Pacific Lutheran University to civic engagement — all while continuing his education.When Cathy Nguyen, Tacoma poet laureate, reached out to PLU looking for a videographer to tell the story
On Monday, February 19, 2018 (President’s Day), students at Pacific Lutheran University are invited for a special tour of Amazon’s Seattle headquarters (HQ). The event is being sponsored by Amazon and PLU’s office of Career Connections and Alumni and Constituent Relations . Interested PLU students…
Alexa and Innovation Research at Amazon Posted by: Julie Winters / February 6, 2018 Image: (Photo by Jordan Stead / Amazon) February 6, 2018 By Michael HalvorsonDirector of Innovation StudiesOn Monday, February 19, 2018 (President’s Day), students at Pacific Lutheran University are invited for a special tour of Amazon’s Seattle headquarters (HQ).The event is being sponsored by Amazon and PLU’s office of Career Connections and Alumni and Constituent Relations. Interested PLU students get a tour
By Michael Halvorson, Benson Chair in Business and Economic History. On Monday, February 19, 2018 (President’s Day), students at Pacific Lutheran University are invited for a special tour of Amazon’s Seattle headquarters (HQ). The event is being sponsored by Amazon and PLU’s office of Career…
Alexa and Innovation Research at Amazon Posted by: halvormj / January 31, 2018 January 31, 2018 By Michael Halvorson, Benson Chair in Business and Economic History. On Monday, February 19, 2018 (President’s Day), students at Pacific Lutheran University are invited for a special tour of Amazon’s Seattle headquarters (HQ). The event is being sponsored by Amazon and PLU’s office of Career Connections and Alumni and Constituent Relations. Interested PLU students get a tour, free lunch, and the
From PLU, to Iraq, and Back By Nick Dawson When Barrett Bollen ’12 settled into the starting blocks for the 400-meter hurdles finals at the 2010 Northwest Conference Track and Field Championships in Spokane last April, 10 hurdles measuring 36 inches in height separated him…
November 1, 2010 From PLU, to Iraq, and Back By Nick Dawson When Barrett Bollen ’12 settled into the starting blocks for the 400-meter hurdles finals at the 2010 Northwest Conference Track and Field Championships in Spokane last April, 10 hurdles measuring 36 inches in height separated him from the finish line. Compared to the hurdles that Bollen crossed one year earlier as a member of the United States Marine Corps in Iraq, those 10 hurdles seemed like a walk in the park. Barett Bollen ’12
Alaska Governor Sean Parnell ’84 talks to students in Assistant Professor Kevin Boeh’s entrepreneurship class. (Photo by John Froschauer) Alaska governor urges students to be “gazelles” of business and think independently By Barbara Clements Looking around Assistant Professor Kevin Boeh’s financing and entrepreneurship class, Alaska…
September 16, 2011 Alaska Governor Sean Parnell ’84 talks to students in Assistant Professor Kevin Boeh’s entrepreneurship class. (Photo by John Froschauer) Alaska governor urges students to be “gazelles” of business and think independently By Barbara Clements Looking around Assistant Professor Kevin Boeh’s financing and entrepreneurship class, Alaska Governor Sean Parnell ’84 declared he was looking at future gazelles. At least he hoped that was the case. He urged the 15 students gathered in a
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