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Dear Campus Community: Please join me and the entire PLU campus community for a first in a series of open dialogues on sexual assault and violence on campus in an effort to expand community understanding and advocacy, while also increasing the safety and care of…
Campus Forums on Sexual Assault and Violence Posted by: Thomas Krise / April 18, 2016 April 18, 2016 Dear Campus Community: Please join me and the entire PLU campus community for a first in a series of open dialogues on sexual assault and violence on campus in an effort to expand community understanding and advocacy, while also increasing the safety and care of our community. This first forum will be followed by additional sessions in the coming weeks to address specific questions and
Cover art by Sheila Mesick Intersections, Number 51, Spring 2020 Intersections is a publication by and largely for the academic communities of the twenty-seven institutions that comprise the Network of ELCA Colleges and Universities (NECU). Each issue reflects on the intersection of faith, learning, and…
Intersections: Lutheran Social Teaching and Economic Life Posted by: abryant / March 27, 2020 March 27, 2020 Cover art by Sheila Mesick Intersections, Number 51, Spring 2020Intersections is a publication by and largely for the academic communities of the twenty-seven institutions that comprise the Network of ELCA Colleges and Universities (NECU). Each issue reflects on the intersection of faith, learning, and teaching within Lutheran higher education. It is published by the NECU, and has its
PLU’s 2015-16 Theatre season kicks off with a mystery and lots of laughs in Rumors , written by Neil Simon and directed by Associate Professor of Theatre Jeff Clapp. The play is bound to stir up memories for some Theatre alumni; the comedy is dedicated…
Rumors promises lots of laughs and memories Posted by: Mandi LeCompte / October 7, 2015 October 7, 2015 PLU’s 2015-16 Theatre season kicks off with a mystery and lots of laughs in Rumors, written by Neil Simon and directed by Associate Professor of Theatre Jeff Clapp. The play is bound to stir up memories for some Theatre alumni; the comedy is dedicated to the late Bill Becvar who taught at PLU for 35 years and produced the play himself in 1998. The show runs on October 15 (student preview), 16
In this Tony-winning musical, Sweeney Todd returns to London after 15 years in prison on a trumped up charge. His wife is gone and his daughter has been adopted by the very Judge who imprisoned him. As Sweeney seeks justice, he partners with Nellie Lovett,…
Revenge and Pies: Theatre’s Upcoming Sweeney Todd Posted by: Reesa Nelson / March 13, 2019 March 13, 2019 By Kate Williams '16In this Tony-winning musical, Sweeney Todd returns to London after 15 years in prison on a trumped up charge. His wife is gone and his daughter has been adopted by the very Judge who imprisoned him. As Sweeney seeks justice, he partners with Nellie Lovett, a pie shop owner, who shares her plan for how Sweeney can best serve his revenge. “PLU Theatre and Dance has
By Sarah Cornell-Maier ‘19. This Fall, Pacific Lutheran University is introducing a new history class that serves as a gateway to the Innovation Studies Program . Hist/Phil 248: Innovation, Ethics, and Society is a team-taught course that combines many different fields of study into one.…
New History Course Examines Innovation and Ethics Posted by: halvormj / September 7, 2018 September 7, 2018 By Sarah Cornell-Maier ‘19. This Fall, Pacific Lutheran University is introducing a new history class that serves as a gateway to the Innovation Studies Program. Hist/Phil 248: Innovation, Ethics, and Society is a team-taught course that combines many different fields of study into one. It lays a framework for the study of innovation and creativity, and also provides a common experience
This text has become a widely adopted standard for advanced pharmacology in schools of nursing all across the nation. Drs. Lorena Guerrero and Ruth Shaffler are among the text’s many contributors. Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice Nurse Prescribers 4th Edition
Congratulations to Dr. Woo and Dr. Robinson! Posted by: marcom / May 3, 2016 May 3, 2016 By PLU NursingThis text has become a widely adopted standard for advanced pharmacology in schools of nursing all across the nation. Drs. Lorena Guerrero and Ruth Shaffler are among the text’s many contributors. Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice Nurse Prescribers 4th Edition Read Previous Nursing Students Help Provide Thanksgiving Dinner to Over 225 Families Read Next PLU Alumni Named Pierce County
The Brown University Physics Department is launching the Brown PREP (Promoting Representation and Equality in Physics) (virtual) program intended to help students from traditionally underrepresented groups and gender minorities to prepare their applications for advanced study in physics. See the link . We will have sessions…
Promoting Representation and Equality in Physics Program Posted by: nicolacs / October 12, 2022 October 12, 2022 The Brown University Physics Department is launching the Brown PREP (Promoting Representation and Equality in Physics) (virtual) program intended to help students from traditionally underrepresented groups and gender minorities to prepare their applications for advanced study in physics. See the link We will have sessions
The University of Arizona in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering is hosting two upcoming Zoom informational sessions on their graduate programs. See the UArizona CHEE Dept Flyer 2020 for general information about the Chemical and Environmental Engineering Graduate Program department as well as…
UArizona Chemical and Environmental Engineering Graduate Program Info Sessions Posted by: alemanem / November 17, 2020 November 17, 2020 The University of Arizona in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering is hosting two upcoming Zoom informational sessions on their graduate programs. See the UArizona CHEE Dept Flyer 2020 for general information about the Chemical and Environmental Engineering Graduate Program department as well as a link to RSVP for these informational
The COVID-19 pandemic is presenting itself to be a challenging time for educators, but experienced professors like Dr. Brenda Llewellyn Ihssen are facing this challenge head-on. Dr. Llewellyn Ihssen is a professor in the religion department at Pacific Lutheran University and teaches classes in the…
Educator and Cheerleader: Dr. Brenda Llewellyn Ihssen Posted by: dupontak / May 13, 2021 May 13, 2021 By Allyson Lessard '23English and Philosophy MajorThe COVID-19 pandemic is presenting itself to be a challenging time for educators, but experienced professors like Dr. Brenda Llewellyn Ihssen are facing this challenge head-on.Dr. Llewellyn Ihssen is a professor in the religion department at Pacific Lutheran University and teaches classes in the university’s International Honors Program as well
You may have heard professors say that they still feel like students, learning every day. But Visiting Instructor of Chinese Xi Zhu is a true embodiment of this idea. You may have heard professors say that they still feel like students, learning every day. But…
Learning and Teaching with Professor Xi Zhu Posted by: hoskinsk / May 7, 2020 Image: Xi Zhu, Visiting Instructor of Chinese May 7, 2020 By John Evanishyn '21Environmental Studies & English MajorYou may have heard professors say that they still feel like students, learning every day. But Visiting Instructor of Chinese Xi Zhu is a true embodiment of this idea.You may have heard professors say that they still feel like students, learning every day. But Visiting Instructor of Chinese Xi Zhu is a
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