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  • Services that will help me gain knowledge in international development and management. Within the next few years I plan to continue education by attending graduate school aboard to study International Relations or Development Economics. I would ultimately like to have a career working on Africa’s economic development policies. Brian Higginbotham, Bachelor of Arts in history with a minor in political science Brain Higginbotham ’13 is from Woodinville, Wash. Why PLU? I chose to come to PLU because it

  • will start making an immediate impact on the world—mostly because they already have done so much at PLU. Here’s a look at just a few outstanding members of this year’s graduating class.Greg HibbardMajors: Geoscience and Economics. Hometown: Olympia, Washington. Accomplishments at PLU: NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship recipient, two-time Capital One First Team Academic All American (first male student-athlete in PLU’s history to receive this honor twice), 2014 Football Team Captain, football player all

  • and learning led to a deep and abiding belief in the importance of education for all people (not just Lutherans!) at all levels—from preschool to graduate education—that Lutherans have been justly famous for throughout our 500-year history. Pacific Lutheran University is an expression of that Lutheran commitment to education and learning. But take it a step further. For Luther, learning was never an end in itself. It was always learning for the sake of serving our neighbor who, as Jesus taught us

  • Earth self-identify as religious. It would be unfortunate, if not foolish, to overlook that statistic. Many of the people you and I encounter in life are part of that large number.” Torvend, the son of a Lutheran pastor and a priest in the Episcopal Church, has dedicated his career to PLU, teaching here for the past 21 years. He serves PLU in multiple ways. He is a professor of the history of Christianity, and has served twice as the director of the Wild Hope Center for Vocation as well as its

  • Chicano History Month event $8,481.75 for food trucks and inflatable activities for Lute Fest all campus spring event $1,787.10 to support student participation at the National DECA conference $671.72 to support the Clay Crows student improv group in a regional Improv Festival $11,220 to support renovations of the Cave Commuter Community to provide a dedicated kitchenette and updated furniture $1,700 to support a commencement celebration for Black PLU grads and students $1,300 to the Collective and

  • ’ Reactions to Refugees Echo Past Xenophobia: Which Side of History Do We Want to Be On? (Huffington Post, 2015)   Marking ‘Preemptive Suspects’: Migration, Bodies, and Exclusion (Latin American Perspectives, 2017) Denise DresserUnder the Volcano: Polarization in Mexico's Decaying Democracy 11:50 a.m. | March 6 | Scandinavian Cultural Center Who: Dr. Denise Dresser Title:  Professor of Political Science, ITAM, Mexico City Bio: Named by the World Policy Journal as one of the 14 Latin American Women to

  • March 8 | 7:30 p.m. | Anderson University Center (Scandinavian Cultural Center) This year’s distinguished speaker is Dr. Jim Anderson, Philip S. Weld Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry at Harvard University. His lecture is titled “The Science and Politics of Global Climate Change.” Duke Ellington’s Sacred Concerts March 15 | 8 p.m. | Karen Hille Phillips Center for the Performing Arts Members of PLU’s choral and jazz ensembles will perform selections from Duke Ellington’s “Sacred Concerts.” Religion

  • , Minor in Art History “I got a job at my high school (Trinity Christian School in Kailua, Hawaii) as the Digital Media Specialist, basically helping run their social media platforms, creating advertising/internal materials, doing some digital marketing, and consulting on marketing/advertising strategies. I’m working there (part time) remotely for the next year, started this past June. I’m due to start at Portland State University at the end of September for my Master’s in Writing and Book Publishing

  • which can be uploaded to the Recommender Portal in place of a recommendation letter. Resume Upload resume via the application portal that includes your: Employment history Significant academic, professional and community achievements Honors and awards Personal Statement Upload personal statement via the application portal. The statement should be 300-400 words addressing your educational and professional goals. (Note: If you need to submit additional documents after submitting the online application

  • in England, Germany, Greece, Mexico, and Peru. The experiences were fruitful for both students and professors, in spite of challenges presented by the pandemic. “Study away is one of the big reasons why I chose PLU,” says Anna Van Vleet, theater major. She visited Greece this J-term as a part of professor Antonios Finitsis’ Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean course. She chose to visit Greece because of its rich theater history. “Before I left, there were a lot of things I was worried about