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  • Program Schedule Thursday, February 23 4-5:15 p.m. Opening Student Session – Regency Room, University Center (UC) 7-8:45 p.m. The Inaugural PLU Norwegian-American Annual Lecture: “The Global Water Crisis and the Coming Battle For the Right to Water” – Lagerquist Concert Hall, MBR Speaker (keynote): Maude Barlow, national chairperson of the Council of Canadians, and chair of the Washington-based Food and Water Watch. Friday, February 24 9:15-10:20 a.m. – Concurrent Session 1 1A) “Capturing

  • discussion leader, a university professor of African American Studies and Communication Studies, the newcomers were at first welcomed.  But, mirroring the white pastors in King’s text, some parishioners became edgy as the conversation morphed in unexpected directions: They had wanted a discussion about race that made no one uncomfortable, and such was not to be had.  The reading group was disinvited.  Undeterred, the group continued meeting elsewhere, named itself “The Conversation,” initiated social

  • commitment to improving both the PLU community and the broader scientific community through her service on and beyond campus.” Dr. Siegesmund’s service at PLU includes Governance Committee, Faculty Affairs Committee, co-chair of the Faculty Joint Committee, S-STEM, Natural Sciences Fellows program, and several student clubs such as the Biology club, Pre-Medical club, and Pre-Dental club. Beyond the campus, she is a board member of the American Society For Microbiology (AMS) Education where she identifies

  • difference is a mandatory skill in today’s world. “(The seminar) strengthened my belief that religious literacy is an essential requirement for American citizens,” he said. “Whether you work in nursing, the military, business or some other field, you will encounter people of different religious backgrounds whose commitments impact the choices they make.” Hammerstrom is a practicing Buddhist, serving on the outreach and education committees for the Tacoma Buddhist Temple. But he says he’s been trained “to

  • program from August 2007 to February 2014. Teska was dedicated to teaching, scientific research, and sustainable development and conservation. He developed research programs in Central America and the Galapagos Islands in the 1980s at Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina, where he chaired the Latin American studies concentration, implemented an interdisciplinary program among five departments and supervised dozens of undergraduate research projects. In addition to his work with the U.S

  • , Pacific Lutheran University seniors Hailey Olafson and James Van Alstine presented their mathematics research at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in San Antonio, Texas. JMM, put on by the Mathematical Association of America and the American Mathematical Society, is the largest mathematics meeting in the world. The research Olafson and Van Alstine presented, on changing the base of numbers, was conducted over the summer with PLU Assistant Professor of Mathematics Tom Edgar. Edgar says that numbers we

  • Assault , the CDC and the American Public Health Association, in collaboration with the departments of Education and Justice, convened the Think Tank in Atlanta from May 5-6 to inform the development of guidance for a comprehensive approach to sexual-violence prevention on college campuses. In July, CDC and APHA will host a meeting for CDC’s Rape Prevention and Education (RPE) grantees to put the Think Tank’s guidance—including Warwick’s considerable input—into action. “I am excited to share some of

  • Dakar, Senegal as well as Accra, Ghana.  I have guest lectured at Marist college in New York, and Fort Hays University, in Kansas. I have taught in person zoom, hybrid, and global asynchronous classes.  I have always taught history; however, the subjects range from World History, military technology, environmental trade, gender history, African American history, cartoon history, Islamic history, terrorism history and more! Interests and Photography Prof. Halvorson: What do you like to do in your

  • PLU French professor Rebecca Wilkin wins the 2024 Translation Prize The French-American Foundation has announced that PLU Professor of French Rebecca Wilkin is one of the winners of the 2024 Translation Prize. Wilkin and her co-editor and translator Angela Hunter, an English professor at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, received the nonfiction prize… June 7, 2024 Research & Academics

  • PLU French professor Rebecca Wilkin wins the 2024 Translation Prize The French-American Foundation has announced that PLU Professor of French Rebecca Wilkin is one of the winners of the 2024 Translation Prize. Wilkin and her co-editor and translator Angela Hunter, an English professor at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, received the nonfiction prize… June 7, 2024 Research & Academics