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  • Studies Analytical Reasoning (4 semester hours) ECON 101: Principles of Microeconomics ECON 102: Principles of Macroeconomics MATH 107: Mathematical Explorations (or higher level mathematics course) Math placement or High School Math will not be accepted as a substitute Ethics (4 semester hours) HIST 248: Innovation, Ethics, and Society PHIL 125: Ethics & the Good Life PHIL 128: Politics & the Good Society PHIL 229: Human Rights RELI 226: Christian Ethics Communication (4 semester hours) COMA 212

  • Peter C. Grosvenor Associate Professor of Sociology & Global Studies Full Profile 253-535-7399

  • to cultivate relationships and get people to believe in what you’re doing.” Mikheyev, who studied art history as well as publishing and printing arts at PLU, is the marketing coordinator at Spaceworks. “My job includes a lot of social media, blogging, feature writing and graphic design,” Mikheyev said. “Other people do the work, and I just talk about it.” Mikheyev, who grew up in Russia, is quick to downplay his impact at Spaceworks, but his colleagues insist otherwise. “Dmitry brings to life in

  • The three concentration areas offered by the Global Studies Program help students personalize their degrees to make Global Studies work for them. Every student pursuing a major or minor is required to select a concentration area. A specific list of approved classes are set for each concentration area, and students are welcome to petition for the inclusions of other classes that meet the concentration theme and requirements. Click on the concentration area headings for more

  • 2019 Lutheran Studies Conference Morning Session (link) view page

  • serve my local community while embracing the differences of those around me.” Her advice for current French majors is the same advice her dad offered her when she decided to become a French major at PLU: “learning is never a waste of time.” In Saint-Brieuc, France, Bethany Powell (Class of 2013; Major: Environmental Studies; Minors: French and Biology) works with high school students to improve their English speaking and listening skills. Bethany draws on her PLU education to ask “big enough

  • receive one-on-one career and internship guidance from seasoned alumni in your field of interest. Here are the three programs we’re offering this year: The College of Liberal Studies mentoring program is tailored for students in a diverse range of majors and minors, such as Anthropology, Chinese Studies, Criminal Justice, Economics, English, Gender, Sexuality, & Race Studies, Global Studies, History, Holocaust & Genocide Studies, Language & Literatures, Native American & Indigenous Studies, Philosophy

  • without notice. -Will Durant Why Study Earth Science at PLU?Civilization exists by geologic consent, subject to change without notice. – Will Durant Global society is based on geology. Our energy resources, construction and manufacturing materials, food and agricultural products, and building sites all depend on the geologic environment.What is Earth Science?Earth Science is a multidisciplinary field that studies the features, processes and history of the earth. The role of geoscientists will be

    Department of Earth Science
    Rieke Science Center Room 158 Tacoma, WA 98447-0003
  • Clifton Strengths Institute From Youth at Risk to Kids at Hope: Harnessing the power of a culture to ensure the success of all children and youth, No Exceptions! Rick Miller, Founder and President, Kids at Hope 11:50am-1:15pm — Women in Prison and Transformative Learning (Regency Room) Danielle Azevedo, FEPPS Graduate, Student at Clark College Dr. Tanya Erzen, Associate Professor of Religion and Gender Studies, University of Puget Sound and Executive Director, Freedom Education Project Puget Sound

  • PLU, joining a group of other prestigious colleges with Holocaust Studies, which asks students to write essays on the topic of genocide. Lemkin was an international lawyer who initiated the term “genocide” and in 1948 succeeded in persuading the United Nations to adopt the Genocide Convention which outlawed the destruction of races and groups. Last week the two top essayists presented their findings and were recognized for their work. Marks began her essay “Identity and Genocide: The Armenian