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  • any suspected violations of the university’s academic integrity policy (AIP)through formal channels by submitting an electronic Academic Dishonesty Report Form (ADRF) with appropriate documentation ( When an instructor believes a student has violated the university’s AIP, they may, at their discretion, contact the student to inform them of the issue. When an ADRF is submitted, it will be sent to the Student Rights and Responsibilities Office (SRRO) for processing. The

  • violations of the university’s academic integrity policy (AIP) through formal channels by submitting an electronic Academic Dishonesty Report Form (ADRF) with appropriate documentation. When an instructor believes a student has violated the university’s AIP, they may, at their discretion, contact the student to inform the student of the issue. When an ADRF is submitted, it will be sent to the Student Rights and Responsibilities Office (SRR) for processing. The SRR will inform the student that an ADRF has

  • is a communication/mass media and journalism major with a minor in global development at PLU. Since leaving her hometown of Anchorage, Alaska, Genny has been exploring new places. From backpacking in south and central America and central Europe to a semi-settled life in the Puget Sound, Genny has enjoyed writing and telling stories. You can find her work around campus, through PLU’s Division of Marketing and Communications as well as Mast Media, and in The News Tribune of Tacoma. She’s embraced

  • really made all of the things that PLU tells us to care about actually come to life, like global citizenship and caring for others and how that transcends your nationality and where you’re from.” “She was perfect because she talked about vocation from her own perspective,” said Lisosky. “My favorite line of hers was, ‘It’s your responsibility now.’ She looked at our young people and said, ‘You now cannot turn a blind eye, because you have incredible power.’” As the evening wound to a close, Noujaim

  • ] Board members may be given the right to speak but they shall not have the right to vote. Part-time contingent faculty, emeriti faculty, and emeriti presidents shall have the privilege of attending Faculty Assembly meetings except when the assembly elects to meet in executive session, and may be given the right to speak though not the right to vote. Full-time contingent faculty and administrative faculty shall enjoy all the rights of regular faculty within the Faculty Assembly, including both voice

  • you through the process of understand what your rights as an educator are with regard to fair use and copyright law: PLU Library Copyright & Fair Use Guide PLU Faculty Handbook: Copyright Law and Educational Fair Use Copyright Basics (US Copyright Office) Gift PolicyThe Mortvedt Library at Pacific Lutheran University does not accept unsolicited gifts of materials.Noise NormsThere are study rooms on every floor that can be reserved for private and group study (reserve a room online) — when using

  • '21Greyson Hoye graduated from PLU in May 2021 with majors in History, Global Studies, and German, as well as a minor in French. Greyson’s experience with the History department began before he even enrolled at PLU, when one of the History faculty interviewed him as a candidate for the Regent’s Scholarship, an award that he received in 2017. During his time as a History major, Greyson focused his research on topics related to the Holocaust, the Second World War, and the Cold War period. In the winter of

  • show up to events around campus like concerts and games! PLU offered the opportunity for me to simultaneously pursue my passion for engineering and my love of music, and I just could not turn down an opportunity like that. My PLU experience: Adventure, growth, friends, Frisbees, The Big Bang Theory, music, and trebuchets. Over my four years I have grown as a student, musician, scientist, human being, and global citizen. I have learned the value and importance of community from my friends and

  • Commitment” procedures. Pets must be cared for in a responsible manner that ensures the safety of those on campus, as well as the safety of the pet. The pet owner may be asked by the university to discontinue bringing their pet to campus, if the relevant policy and procedures are not upheld. Copies of the procedures will be available in Human Resources and in the offices of the Provost and the Vice Presidents of Student Life and Administrative Services. It is the responsibility of the pet owner to obtain

  • was doing. I was in the IHON (international honors) program, and that had a big impact. Eventually, I came around to double majoring in political science and global studies, plus a minor in Hispanic studies. I really connected with global studies at PLU. I had a great IHON experience and I was in the Wang Center a lot. The study away program was one of the main things that drew me to PLU. I studied abroad in Oaxaca, Mexico and completed an internship at a rural development organization that was