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  • through the study of heterogeneous Latin American and Latino experiences of coloniality, migration, and exile, and the realities of lived experience in borderland and/or transnational contact zones. 3) Students will come to know Latinos as subjects and producers of knowledge through the exploration of diverse and intersectional Latino/a/x identities. Students will engage questions of how indigeneity, race, class, gender, language, and nationality shape negotiations of Latino identities. Through their

  • Examined Life - VW PHIL 125 Ethics and the Good Life - VW PHIL 128 Politics and the Good Society - VW PHIL 220 Philosophy and Gender - VW PHIL 223 Bioethics - VW PHIL 225 Business Ethics - VW PHIL 226 Environmental Ethics - VW PHIL 227 Philosophy and Race - VW PHIL 229 Human Rights - VW PHIL 231 Ancient Philosophy - VW PHIL 238 Existentialism and the Meaning of Life - VW PHIL 311 Topics in Ethics - VW PHIL 312 Topics in Philosophy and Politics - VW PHIL 313 Topics in Philosophy, Science, and Religion

  • Pacific Lutheran University and the School of Nursing are committed to providing equal opportunity in education for all students without regard to a person’s race, color, national origin, creed, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, mental or physical disability, or any other status protected by law. The university community will not tolerate any unlawful discrimination, harassment, or abuse of or toward any member of the university community. The university holds as basic the integrity

  • Samantha Atienza Commuter Advocate she/her Biography Biography Hi! My name is Samantha Atienza but I usually just go by Sam! My major is psychology with a minor in communications! I love to play rugby & any other sport anyone will teach me, I’m a part of the Filipino group, PI group here at PLU, and usually you’ll see me walking around campus with my green headphones!!

  • Studies Selected Publications "Gasping for War Drama: The 'About to Die Moment' of the Osama bin Laden Assassination" in Critical Studies in Media Communication "War Misguidance: Visualizing Quagmire in the US War in Afghanistan" in Media, War & Conflict "Fusing Race: The Phobogenics of Racializing Surveillance" "Feeling for the State: Affective Labor and Anti-Terrorism Training in US Hotels" Accolades 2021 • Karen Hille Phillips Regency Advancement Award 2021 • PLU Center for Gender Equity Award for

  • Studies Selected Publications "Gasping for War Drama: The 'About to Die Moment' of the Osama bin Laden Assassination" in Critical Studies in Media Communication "War Misguidance: Visualizing Quagmire in the US War in Afghanistan" in Media, War & Conflict "Fusing Race: The Phobogenics of Racializing Surveillance" "Feeling for the State: Affective Labor and Anti-Terrorism Training in US Hotels" Accolades 2021 • Karen Hille Phillips Regency Advancement Award 2021 • PLU Center for Gender Equity Award for

  • In addition to and co-equal with its legal responsibilities as set out in Section II to this policy, PLU, by its mission, is committed to providing an environment in which students and employees can work, live, and study free from all types of Prohibited Conduct. Consistent with its Equal Educational Opportunity Policy, PLU prohibits any discrimination in education and employment on the basis of gender or gender identity (see also PLU Human Resources Sexual Misconduct Policy). Prohibited

  • Bachelor of Fine Arts Design Bachelor of Arts Art History Studio Arts Bachelor of Arts in Communication Film & Media Studies Strategic Communication Minors Art History Communication Publishing and Printing Arts Studio Arts Students pursuing a BFA in Design or BA in Studio Arts may minor in Art History, but not in Studio Arts, which is a minor reserved for non-majors. DegreesMajors in all CMDA degrees are urged to follow course sequences closely. It is recommended that students interested in

  • new setting while pursuing her scholarly goals. Photo courtesy of Dr. Seth Dowland Dr. Dowland, Associate Professor of Religion and Chair of Women’s and Gender Studies, was able to focus on his second book project, which has the working title of “Purity and Power: The History of White Christian Masculinity in America.” He completed much of his research at Oxford University, which houses the largest collection of scholarly material on American religion outside of North America. Dr. Dowland

  • Meet Dr. Marnie Ritchie, Assistant Professor of Communication! Meet the Communications department’s most recent faculty member, Dr. Marnie Ritchie. Dr. Ritchie joined PLU in 2018 and has taught a variety of communications classes since then, from introductory communications to courses covering complex topics like gender and ethics. Dr. Ritchie’s other interests for her… January 10, 2020 Faculty