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  • 欢迎来到PLU 有关PLU 太平洋路德大学 (简称PLU)创立于1890年。原创始团体的大部分队员为斯堪的纳维亚半岛(包括北欧的挪威、瑞典、丹麦、有时还包括芬兰、冰岛、法罗群岛)移民。太平洋路德大学不但注重学生的人文学科的综合培养,同时还注重专业化的筹备。据悉,美国新闻与世界报道周刊的”最好大学“的年度调查指出,PLU为唯一每年名列华盛顿州西部顶尖院校前15名的学校。大多数国际生能获取奖学金。位置 PLU坐落在塔科马港市的安静郊区。塔科马是华盛顿州的第三大城市,其中包含200,000多余居民。从PLU到华盛顿洲的著名城市西雅图的车程大约为40分钟,到首府奥林匹亚需30分钟。气候相对宜人,城市降雪量较少。 入学要求 总体平均分要求达到80%-B或更高。(70%-C或更高能给予考虑。) 挪威国际生语言需求 托福机试79,雅思6.5,或PTE56 如果来自一下国家,语言成绩可豁免 申请程序 网上申请表请点击链接Helpful Links 中文小册 SQA HND Advanced Diploma 中国留学服务中心(CSCSE)

  • /Organizations American Marketing Association The Institute of Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) Digital Analytics Association Academy of Marketing Science Chinese Scholar Marketing Association Biography Qin Zhang is a tenured Associate Professor of Marketing and teaches undergraduate and graduate courses such as Big Data and Digital Analytics, Advanced Research Methods, Qualitative Marketing Research, Marketing Analytics and Principles of Marketing. She also supervises student

  • @plu.eduGifts, bequests, grants, and the PLU Fund Vice President for Administrative Services253.535.7121fadmin@plu.eduFinancial management and administrative services Graduate Programs and Continuing Education253.535.7723gradadmission@plu.eduGraduate admission Graduate Programs and Continuing Education253.535.7723ce@plu.eduContinuing education Admission253.535.7151 (800.274.6758)admission@plu.eduGeneral information, admission of students, and publications for prospective students and advanced placement

  •  of CUNY that are located throughout the 5 boroughs of NYC for their thesis research. Students are mentored by world-class researchers and enjoy access to state of the art facilities and instrumentation at the campuses and in central and collaborative research buildings such as the Advanced Science Research Center or at the Belfer Building that is jointly operated with Weill-Cornell Medical Center. Students receive a guaranteed 5-year, $30,000 per year Science Scholarship, full tuition waiver, and

  • /Organizations American Marketing Association The Institute of Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) Digital Analytics Association Academy of Marketing Science Chinese Scholar Marketing Association Biography Qin Zhang is a tenured Associate Professor of Marketing and teaches undergraduate and graduate courses such as Big Data and Digital Analytics, Advanced Research Methods, Qualitative Marketing Research, Marketing Analytics and Principles of Marketing. She also supervises student

  • , as well as to the city of Edinburgh, where Smith spent his later years and died. Over the course of my trip, I was able to see a number of Smith’s private letters, some of which warmly related the details of his close friend David Hume’s life and last days; to walk the winding streets and alleyways of his hometown; and to visit his grave in Canongate Kirkyard. In the end, my experiences in Scotland not only advanced my scholarship, but also brought me much closer to the life and work of this

  • program during the summer of 1999 during a sabbatical leave, and Lindsey in the summer of 2006. During the apprenticeship program we learned how to care for captive chimpanzees and assisted with ongoing research projects. Now we continue to volunteer at the Chimposiums held at CHCI. These are educational programs that inform the public about the sign language studies this particular family of chimpanzees has been involved in as well as providing information about the plight of free-living chimpanzees

  • settings. After graduation, some will produce imaginative writing through freelance work. Some will move into writing positions in science, law, business, or industry, and others will find themselves well prepared to pursue advanced degrees in English studies and Master of Fine Arts programs. Publishing and Printing Arts For more than twenty years Pacific Lutheran University’s Department of English has offered a way to help students translate a love of books into an exciting professional career in

  • the principals and staff of the firm with her integrity, follow-through and dedication to quality; in the meantime, she discovered her passion for finance. After graduating with a PLU Business Administration degree, she was offered a position at Summit as a financial assistant and advanced quickly to become director of operations—and, in full-circle fashion— to assume responsibility for leading Summit’s internship program. Hill is life- and health-insurance-licensed in Washington and Montana, is a

  • grant, from the agency’s Advanced Nursing Education Workforce (ANEW) program, will support training for 72 Doctor of Nursing primary-care nurse practitioners, beginning with the 2019-2020 school year. The grant is for $2.8 million over four years, with annual funding subject to Congressional budgeting. The grant’s goals are broad. Among its aims: Increase the number of nurse-practitioner students practicing in clinical rotations with medically underserved patients in both urban and rural settings