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  • deserving people,” Schaps said. The event also served as the kick-off for the Women’s Center spring campaign, titled “Why a Women’s Center?” A video depicted how 12 PLU students answered the question, and it also highlighted the center’s main causes: to spotlight issues of global women’s health, women’s history and pay equity. For more information, visit the Women Center’s Web site. Read Previous Civil War love letter inspires wind ensemble Read Next Fighting violence with kindness COMMENTS*Note: All

  • important event to hold, she explained, because it reaches the 60 percent of PLU students who aren’t able to study away and exposes them to the food, dance and history of Trinidad and Tobago. In her own study away experience, Hughes spent a month researching the environmental impact of copper and nickel mines in Botswana’s villages. During the rest of the semester, she and 16 students from across the nation, lived in local villages, learned the San language and went on safaris. “I was able to cross the

  • October 20, 2008 Looking for that first job? Try the career fair. PLU’s annual career fairs will be filling up every inch of the UC beginning Oct. 28, and it’s a place where both employers and students can check each other out, and possibly help you find that all-important first job after graduation. Adam Geisler, a junior and history major, said that while he might not find his dream job in the many booths, he still likes attending and checking out which employers show up.“As a student you

  • night, not only as fun but a kind of a ride through the history of rock music. His band played to the sound of the blues greats like Muddy Waters, while “American Standard” covered hits from the 1960s and 70s, and “My Name Ain’t Skip” captured early alternative rock with covers and original pieces. “It was really kind of fun to watch,” Anderson said. For the PLU alumnus, it was also a step back in time. Anderson used to play acoustic songs on campus in the 70s. “So that was kind of a full circle

  • interview the son of a survivor of the Armenian genocide. “His input just opened this other dimension to my research,” Marks said. “It essentially brings history to life.” It may seem confusing why the systematic death of almost 600,000 Armenians took place. Through Marks own research she found the area to be quite “cosmopolitan.” But as the Ottoman Empire begin to recede into the desert, the rise of Turkish nationalism felt threatened by any different identity – especially the Armenians. While Marks

  • university. That gift – almost $107,000 provided by 67 generous alums – sought to endow the Meant to Live program, part of PLU’s signature “Wild Hope Project.” “Meant to Live is the convergence of a gift from the Class of 1958 and homecoming, where an alumnus of the university can speak to students about his or her life’s work,” said Samuel Torvend, project director of the Wild Hope Project and professor of the history of Christianity. This was the first year that Meant to Live was officially associated

  • thing Monday morning. By the end of the interview, McGifford was told, “Here’s some paperwork you need to fill out. It’s for your new job.” McLane said that type of connection is not unique. After all, she too was able to take the skills she gained at PLU, combine them with an internship brokered by her mentors at the Women’s Center, and turn them into a job. “Our Sister’s House has a long history of hiring people from PLU,” McLane said. She was hardly the first. In fact, PLU has been placing

  • Caenolestes sangay as a different species, showing that this poorly studied group of marsupials is more diverse than previously thought. “It is possible that the diversity in this group will increase as more studies are conducted with Colombian, Ecuadorian and Peruvian material,” says Bruce Patterson, a curator at the Field Museum of Natural History. This discovery of this new species is not an isolated event. Miguel Pinto, a Ecuadorian graduate student at the City University of New York and co-discoverer

  • research at Central China Normal University in the Wuhan area this fall. Ted Charles ’12 will study in Turkey during his one-year scholarship. Charles is studying for his master’s in Archeology at the University of Idaho and would like to eventually get his doctorate in this field and become a university professor. Neal Sobania, Professor of History and PLU’s Post Graduate Fellowship Director, said PLU applicants receive intense tutoring, editing and encouragement from PLU faculty and staff. “I think

  • at PLU will bring to bear some of Washington’s finest resources to help combat these issues.” PLU has a rich history of working closely with the military community. Located just 4.9 miles from JBLM, PLU is ranked fourth among regional universities in the West in the 2015 U.S. News Best Colleges for Veterans list, and PLU has been named one of the top Military Friendly® private universities in the country for the sixth year in a row by Victory Media. PLU partners with the United States Department