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  • to show us how. 10:15 – 10:45 a.m. – PLU Students Engage the Quest for Racial Justice 1. Kim Bond, Ms. Meghan Gould, and Mr. Theo Hofrennig In this panel, PLU students discuss how their education and their activism continue to shape their experience and views of racial justice. 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. – Marginalized Memories, Critical Conversations: The Literature Classroom as a Space for Imagining Racial Justice Dr. Emily Davidson Literature classrooms can be powerful spaces for conversations

  • this central text – which had become the charter of religious and social reform – was absolutely necessary. In order for Germans to read it, however, he insisted that city councils establish public schools for boys and girls, financed by a public tax, in which they would be taught to read. This insistence on literacy gave rise to the kindergarten (the “children’s garden”) and the gymnasium (the secondary school), the first founded in 1528. For the first time in human history, public schools were

  • In the interest of maintaining a proper business environment and preventing interference with work and inconvenience to others, employees may not distribute literature or printed materials of any kind, sell merchandise, solicit financial contributions or solicit for any other cause during working time unless it is directly related to university business. Employees who are not on working time may not solicit employees who are on working time for any cause or distribute literature of any kind to

  • New Honor Society Enters LutedomeEvery year, nine thousand students worldwide join Sigma Tau Delta, an English Honor Society founded in 1924. This international group of readers and writers engages in formal and informal discussions about literature, fosters literacy education through outreach programming, and celebrates the impact of words on culture and experience. In the 2014-2015 academic year, Sigma Tau Delta made its way to PLU. PLU students and faculty have joined a conversation that

  • , and coursework aimed at developing intellectual skills and resources apt to generate success in legal study and practice. Recent successful PLU applicants to law schools have taken such diverse courses as those in the anthropology of contemporary America, social science research methods, American popular culture, English Renaissance literature, news writing and argumentation, recent political thought, international relations, freelance writing, intermediate German, animal behavior, neuropsychology

  • important political and philosophical ideas in an approachable anthology.  “We are confident that our edition—Louise Dupin, Work on Women: Selections—will appeal to students and scholars of history, philosophy, literature, and feminist and gender studies,” said Wilkin.  Wilkin became interested in Dupin in 2012 while working on a student-faculty collaborative research project with Sonja Ruud ‘12 who is assisting the ongoing project as a research associate and is currently completing her Ph.D. in

  • Anthropology OverviewThe word anthropology comes from the Greek words anthropos, meaning “human”, and logos, which refers to doctrine, theory or science. Loosely defined, anthropology is the comprehensive study of humankind with an emphasis on culture. It is a holistic field which can touch on multiple specific disciplines, including humanistic approaches from history to literature the empirical or “natural” sciences from geology to physics, as well as behavioral studies such as sociology to

  • yourself in Norwegian culture, history, geography, society, and politics with the “Norway—An Introduction” course (not for credit) that includes excursions in and around Oslo Learn MoreBø, Norway: Nordic Studies, Business, Natural Sciences, Environmental Studies & Kinesiology / Kinesiology in Vestfold, NorwayUniversity of Southeastern Norway Study in Bø: Engage in an active campus community at the University of Southeastern Norway and experience the local natural landscape as an extension of classroom

  • accounts in Hebrew Scriptures, to the Psalter, to the stories of Jesus and the disciples, and continuing throughout history, the People of God have sung.  Each era of time, each place on earth, has left a remnant of song in the sung repertoire of the church, a remnant which provides a glimpse into the practice and theology of each era and place. The Reformation initiated by Martin Luther marked a new direction in the church’s song, spurring a new wave of creativity that continues today across the whole

  • The People’s Librarian: Brian Bannon’s passion for democratizing information led him to the New York Public Library In 1997, Brian Bannon was a PLU senior. An exemplary student, he wrote for The Mast, and was a double major researching social justice through the lens of queer rights movements. One afternoon, Bannon found himself in the office of history professor Beth Kraig, discussing… September 12, 2023 Alumni, Internships, CareerResoLute