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  • Carl Petersen wrote, produced and starred in a short film titled “All The Marbles,” which screened at the Cannes Film Festival in France as well as the Gig Harbor Film Festival.

    atmosphere and a Dr. Seuss-like rhyme scheme. Petersen said telling the story through rhymes was one of the most strenuous aspects of writing the film: “Sometimes we would agonize over one line, but if we changed that, then we’d have to change the paragraph before that.” The film’s concept came to Petersen while pondering an ancestral bag of marbles at his work desk in Los Angeles. The marbles belonged to his grandfather and were passed down to Petersen through his father, who played with the marbles as

  • Jacob Taylor-Mosquera ’09 was 18 when he returned to Colombia. Although he considered it a homecoming, it took several more visits for him to truly feel at home.

    hungry to continue his educational journey, and to experience a new part of the world. He enrolled at Leiden University in the Netherlands, completed a research project in Chile and earned a Master of Arts in Latin American studies in 2014. Taylor-Mosquera now lives with family in Cali, working with adoptees and teaching high school English. He’s savoring the newfound identity he questioned for decades. “I’ve always felt Colombian in the states,” he said, “but before this I never felt Colombian in

  • take two elective courses (8 semester hours) selected from two of the following categories: Writing/Editing Approved courses in English, History, or Publishing & Printing Arts: ENGL 221: Research & Writing (4) ENGL 225: Autobiographical Writing (4) ENGL 227: Introduction to Creative Writing (4) ENGL 236: Introduction to Screenwriting (4) ENGL 320: Intermediate Creative Nonfiction (4) ENGL 323: Writing in Professional & Public Settings (4) ENGL 327: Intermediate Poetry Writing (4) ENGL 329

  • PLU alumnus Scott Foss ’91 serves as a top paleontologist for the Department of the Interior.

    able to pursue them at PLU, knowing that I would eventually have to set them aside to focus on paleontology. I took a lot of classes to do with art, writing and literature coursework. I also played tuba in the wind ensemble and the crazy pep band PLU had back then, known as “commando band.” I’m really glad in retrospect I did it that way. That would be advice I’d give any current student — look forward and prepare for your desired career, but don’t feel like you have to immerse yourself in it as an

  • TACOMA, WASH. (May 6, 2016)- Kelly Hall couldn’t decide on a major when she first came to Pacific Lutheran University. “I didn’t know for sure what I wanted to do, and several fields I explored just didn’t fit right,” said Hall, a senior at PLU.…

    something that exists within many words.” Hall worked with a tribal elder to come up with a phrase equivalent to the English word interconnectedness. “When I talked to my tribal elder and asked him if we had a word to explain interconnectedness, the first thing he said was -mixw, a suffix in our language that means life force or anything with life force in it, like the earth,” she said. “A lot of our words in our language have to do with life and the environment, and that is why there is not one word

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Dec. 13, 2016)- Grace Zimmerman ’18 was already thrilled to pursue a study away experience in Namibia. But her excitement compounded after learning she received a competitive scholarship, one of more than 2,800 awarded by the federal government to students such as herself…

    non-traditional subjects,” Taylor said. “If you’re going to London, you’re probably not going to be as competitive as if you’re going to Namibia to study nursing for the semester. That’s why Grace was a particularly strong candidate for the award.” The Gilman Foundation receives more than 10,000 applications per year for the award. The application process includes submitting official transcripts, verifying financial standing, and writing essays regarding a statement of purpose and a so-called

  • Study away programs don’t just take students to countries around the world. Some Lutes stay right in PLU’s backyard.

    . Eventually, the program will evolve to include about 12 students, Zylstra says. Once it’s fully fleshed out, students will take a class exclusively offered to the TIES group and two classes of their choice at off-campus locations, in addition to an internship or community-based research opportunity. (This year, students are participating in a slightly modified schedule to start.) TACOMA, WASHINGTON This program focuses on community partnerships and advocacy, place-based writing, Puget Sound industry and

  • and Kimmel Harding Nelson Center of the Arts. Currently they live in Seattle and are the Visiting Assistant Professor of Creative Writing in Nonfiction at Pacific Lutheran University. Miranda Morgan is a writer who proudly hails from Santa Fe, New Mexico. Before accepting a Visiting Assistant Professor of English position at PLU, Miranda worked as a writer and producer for various docuseries and unscripted TV projects. Her TV credits include series that have appeared (or will appear) on networks

  • Lutes are dedicated to global education, and student athletes are no different. This fall, two Lutes who studied in Norway managed to balance their studies and training abroad, while PLU welcomed

    English-speaking referees or bystanders. “It’s been a good experience for the Norwegians and Americans to intermix,” Kvindesland said. “It’s a clash of cultures.” The most fun — and likely the loudest — result of the clash has morphed into a new routine. The team blasts the Russian electronic dance song “Our Feet Are Dancing Themselves” before every practice and game, sometimes multiple times, to pump up the players. They adopted the tune from their new European friends. “It was really catchy to

  • TACOMA, WASH. (March. 16, 2016)- Charles Reinmuth ’19 didn’t think twice when he was offered the chance to spend five weeks in the summer getting acclimated to life at Pacific Lutheran University and earning his first six college credits for free. “I couldn’t pass up…

    prepare first-year students to successfully navigate their transition from high school to college. The program provides incoming first-year students the opportunity to earn six credits at no cost while focusing on skills paramount to thriving in college: reading, writing, critical thinking, dialogue and discussion.Thanks to Summer Academy, Reinmuth – a music education major from Vancouver, Washington – said that he felt calm and comfortable by the time he returned to campus more than a month later for