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  • Let’s Gaze At the Stars Keck Observatory Open House Posted by: alemanem / June 24, 2024 June 24, 2024 Join members of the PLU Physics Department and the Tacoma Astronomical Society (TAS) starting at 8:30pm on Thursday, August 15th, 2024 to take a tour of the observatory, learn about the stars, and look through telescopes (if there are clear skies)! Dress warmly. Follow the red lights to the dome. Read Previous AWIS Scholarship LATEST POSTS

  • sign a contract or passport giving up their First Amendment rights. As the students ate, a dictatorial “queen” of the republic issued edicts and gave orders to “enforcers.” The university’s theater department dressed as the enforcers and queen, as well as some of the protestors. Students acted out the parts of contemporary political and religious figures such as Gandhi and Sen. John McCain. A street theater with a civics message, the event included students dressed as monks literally being thrown

  • a different take,” said Philosophy Professor Erin McKenna. “He complicates some of those solutions. He’ll take things that people do automatically and show that you actually have to think about what you’re doing.” Each year the Philosophy Department hosts an event, but this is the first year they have done an event of this magnitude. “We wanted to break out from just having a speaker,” said McKenna. Anyone with an interest in food, including food aesthetics, ethics, politics, or nutrition, is

  • November 5, 2012 Dining and Culinary Services offers a taste of something different during the annual Ghoulish Food event on Halloween. (Photos by Jesse Major ’14) Ghoulish Food By Jesse Major ’14 Dining and Culinary services offered dishes designed to take students out of their culinary comfort zone during the annual Ghoulish Food event on Halloween. Students had the opportunity to try a plethora of dishes that crossed into many different cultures. One dish many students didn’t have the heart

  • February 12, 2013 Editor’s note: PLU students will be live Tweeting the event, join in the conversation by following the hashtag #rockthecasbah from the PLU News Twitter account. If you are not able to attend checkout for a live webstream of the event. Ambassador Chris Stevens Memorial Lecture Award-winning journalist Robin Wright will share her views on the Islamic world and talks about her friendship with Ambassador Chris Stevens, who was killed in Libya on the anniversary of 9-11

  • to introduce physics through a variety of intriguing experiments, the event invites not only the PLU community but also students and families from local middle and high schools. There also will be an exploration table during intermission for more entertainment. “The demo show is designed to reach out to the public and to kids especially,” Hay said. “My department colleagues and I wish to show them that science is fun. For children, visibility of adult scientists gives them permission to pursue

  • to recycle their waste and unplug their electronics for the sake of sustainability and education. The final event of the series will be a recycling fashion show in The Cave on Oct. 30. The Residence Hall Association (RHA) works in conjunction with Associated Students of PLU, Environmental Services and Facilities Management to coordinate and execute UnPLUgged each year. This year’s UnPLUgged events emphasize how PLU community members can be sustainable in tangible, relatable ways. So far, RHA has

  • university from holding its traditional in-person commencement event in the Tacoma Dome this spring. University leaders understand that there is no replacement for an in-person ceremony, and are working diligently to design the best virtual commencement possible.  “Commencement marks a highly significant moment in the lives of our students,” said PLU President Allan Belton. “Even as we continue to manage our way safely through this pandemic, it’s vital that we celebrate our graduates and our classes of

  • Campus,” the opening event of PLU’s social-justice-themed Spring Spotlight Series “…and Justice for All?” So why now? And why here? “I think it’s relevant,” she said. “I was a first-year student at the University of Virginia. My senior RA got help for me. It was Katie Couric—she was just a kid—before she was anybody. But in this audience, judging by what I know of PLU, there’s a lot of somebodies.” FlorCruz at West Point, October 1980. (Photo courtesy of Lt. Col. Celia FlorCruz) FlorCruz, who is

  • Challenge Program at ORNL! Posted by: Dean Waldow / January 22, 2016 January 22, 2016 Undergraduate students: Interested in a 10 week summer internship at Oak Ridge National Lab? Check out their “Challenge Program for Undergraduates.” The deadline for applying has been extended until Feb. 19th. See their website for more information: Read Previous ACS Career Day Event: “Careers in Clean Water” on Feb. 17th 1-5 PM in Woodinville Read Next NSF-REU at Univ. of