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  • PLU News documents good work Lutes are doing, on and off campus, as they live and pursue lives of thoughtful inquiry, service, leadership and care.

    A Silent Story: PLU Faculty Member is a Witness to Refugee Crisis TACOMA, Wash. (Sept. 8, 2015)—The story I want to share with you is silent. No words were exchanged. It is one of those cases in which words fail to express the extent of human despair. Thank God, it is also a case in which words… September 8, 2015 Equity, Faith, JusticeResearch & Academics

  • Knutson Lecture

    -Schramm ’81 2021 (Spring) – George “Tink” Tinker 2019 – Jennifer Graber 2018 – Kelly Brown Douglas 2017 – Ulrich Duchrow 2016 – Jennifer Harvey 2015 – Darren Dochuk2014 – Monica Coleman 2013 – John Collins 2012 – Robert N. Bellah 2011 – Marcus J. Borg 2010 – Mark Brocker 2009 – John Dominic Crossan 2008 – Susan Ross 2007 – John Pahl 2006 – Martin E. Marty

  • News articles and blog posts from Pacific Lutheran University.

    Can I Get a Master’s Degree Unrelated to My Undergraduate Major? Maybe you’re a recent college graduate — you’re discovering that your bachelor’s degree actually isn’t going to prepare you for the career you want. Or maybe you’ve been in the workforce for several years — and you’ve decided that you either want to move in… April 8, 2022

  • Damian Alessandro news for Pacific Lutheran University.

    Can the Innovation Studies minor help you to be more (well…) innovative? By Damian Alessandro. Innovation .  If you read the popular press, you’ll see that this word is constantly thrown around in professional settings. But what does it mean? For some, innovation is all about progression and disruption. One of the defining ideologies of our time,… November 8, 2017 Damian Alessandrodisruptionentrepreneurial thinkinghistory of technologyInnovation minorinterdisciplinary

  • Where can a liberal arts degree in Music Composition lead you? In my case it has led to a life of travel, study, program development, tour-guiding, international relations and eventually a handshake with the President of China. Here’s the tale. TACOMA, Wash. (Sept. 29, 2015)—The…

    deafening staccato rhythm of celebratory welcome as the President of the People’s Republic of China entered the room, followed by his wife, Peng Liyuan—a famous singer in China. President Xi Jinping and Peng were warmly welcomed by Lincoln High School Principal Pat Erwin and Tacoma Mayor Marilyn Strickland, who are, coincidentally, husband and wife. While we were waiting, President Xi had met with a Lincoln teacher and class and with the football team in the gym. President Xi was presented with a custom

  • TACOMA, WASH. (January 12, 2016)- Sylvia May ’18, a doctoral student at Pacific Lutheran University, was one of just eight students in the country to receive the Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship in 2015. The prestigious scholarship will cover her tuition, books and other fees…

    hearing about PLU helped me to decide that PLU is where I wanted to be. I applied and was given an opportunity to dine at the PLU DNP table, of which I am so grateful for. Why are you passionate about nursing? My passion for nursing began in high school. I remember my business and commerce teacher asking the students in class where did we see ourselves in 10 years. I replied without reservation, “working as a nurse.” Though it sounds cliché, deep within I knew nursing was my calling. Nursing has given

  • TACOMA, WASH. (March. 16, 2016)- Charles Reinmuth ’19 didn’t think twice when he was offered the chance to spend five weeks in the summer getting acclimated to life at Pacific Lutheran University and earning his first six college credits for free. “I couldn’t pass up…

    to attend. “Summer Academy really helped me find my passion and dive into it,” said Torres. Reinmuth said he feels more prepared: “It sets you on track so that when you arrive at college (in the fall) you don’t feel like a stranger,” he said. “You feel like you’re already at home because you attended Summer Academy.” Read Previous PLU to host TEDxTacoma 2016: Speakers include YWCA CEO, best-selling novelist and Army lieutenant general Read Next PLU alumnus, Tacoma teacher draws from his own tough

  • By Damian Alessandro, ’19 At Pacific Lutheran University, we’re pretty excited about innovation. Over the past few months, my colleague Sarah Cornell-Maier and I have been writing about several types of innovation that we see in the workplace and in our curriculum. This week, I…

    actually under $5 or $6. Starbucks started at the bottom and moved up until it displaced the competition. (Many of their competitors refused to offer “to go” cups to their customers, convinced that gourmet coffee could only be a restaurant experience.) Howard Schultz wasn’t the only one to do this. Steve Jobs didn’t create telephones or computers, but he created a new way for people to access that technology, such as helping to introduce personal computers in the late 70s and smartphones in 2008-2009

  • When Jordan Levy first visited Honduras in high school, he had no idea that someday he’d be serving as an expert witness on Honduras in the U.S. court system. He first visited the Central American nation to perform volunteer work, and then returned annually throughout…

    work, and then returned annually throughout undergraduate and graduate school for college-related studies and more volunteering. He even met his future wife there, in 2004.  Today, Levy is a specialist in contemporary Honduras and an assistant professor in Pacific Lutheran University’s anthropology department. His research has focused on Honduran governance after the 2009 military coup and the outmigration patterns that followed. Recently, Levy provided pro bono expert witness testimony on behalf

  • Jacob Taylor-Mosquera ’09 was 18 when he returned to Colombia. Although he considered it a homecoming, it took several more visits for him to truly feel at home.

    capstone paper Taylor-Mosquera wrote in Oaxaca, says “it was one of the best I had seen at PLU.” After graduating from PLU in December 2009, and spending a year in Panama serving with the Peace Corps, Taylor-Mosquera returned to Tacoma, where he would immerse himself in teaching Spanish. Serving at Tacoma’s Annie Wright School and SeaTac’s Tyee High School, Taylor-Mosquera relished the opportunity to introduce young people to the language, cultures and peoples of Central and Latin America. His message