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Meet Brian Sung, a business major from the class of ’24 at PLU. When he’s not taking international honors courses or diving deep into his double majors in business and economics , he’s all about data science and statistics through his double minors. Outside of…
Brian Sung ’24 talks business, econ majors, Oxford adventure, and his unique PLU journey as a first-gen Chinese immigrant Posted by: mhines / March 21, 2024 March 21, 2024 By By Fulton Bryant-Anderson ’23 PLU Marketing & Communications Guest Writer Meet Brian Sung, a business major from the class of ’24 at PLU. When he’s not taking international honors courses or diving deep into his double majors in business and economics, he’s all about data science and statistics through his double minors
34-38 semester hours depending on program M.A.E. with Teacher Certification The Master of Arts in Education with Teacher Certification Program helps prepare preservice teachers to establish a
instruction in all secondary content areas. (2) EDUC 544 : Sociocultural Foundations of Education Examines the purposes of K-12 schools, the root causes of the achievement gap, and the ways accomplished teachers adapt to the changing sociocultural context of schooling. (2) EDUC 556 : Critical Issues in Secondary Teaching Introduces what successful secondary teachers know and are able to do in the areas of curriculum and assessment, instructional methods, and classroom management. (2) EDUC 561
News articles and blog posts from Pacific Lutheran University.
Three New Tools for Teaching with Sakai By Dana Shreaves, Instructional Designer Many instructors use Sakai for posting their syllabus, sharing resources, and communicating course grades. But did you know that Sakai tools can collect formative assessment data, help students manage their to-do lists, and facilitate communication through audio recordings? Lesson Questions… September 9, 2019 assessmentaudio recordingchecklistinstructional resourcesinstructional toolsonline learningpollquizSakai
Occasionally, we are fortunate enough to find things that are more exciting than what we are searching for. This is certainly true for Dr. Jen Jenkins, Associate Professor of German in the Languages and Literature Department at Pacific Lutheran University. Dr. Jenkins spent the 2016-2017…
Geistesgeschichte and has two further articles currently under review with the Journal of Austrian Studies. Clayton Regehr is a senior English / Writing major, also completing minors in History and Holocaust and Genocide Studies. He completed this article as part of his work in English 320: Intermediate Creative Nonfiction. Read Next The Trail to Social Justice: Ultrarunning Meets Dark Green Religion LATEST POSTS Gaps and Gifts May 26, 2022 Academic Animals: Making Nonhuman Creatures Matter in Universities May
The Faculty Excellence Award in Teaching recognizes a member of PLU’s faculty who embodies a commitment to excellence in their ability to communicate knowledge and inspire students. The award was presented to Emily Davidson, Associate Professor of Hispanic and Latino Studies . The university sponsors…
. The award was presented to Emily Davidson, Associate Professor of Hispanic and Latino Studies. The university sponsors the Faculty Excellence Awards to recognize outstanding accomplishments of the faculty in five areas of faculty work: teaching, advising, mentoring, research, and service. Their peers have nominated and selected the recipients, signifying their high regard among those who know them well.A colleague wrote “Dr. Davidson represents the best of PLU in her efforts to foster an
Cover art If we were all eyes, could we see each other? by Vickie R. Phipps Intersections, Number 54, Fall 2021 Intersections is a publication by and largely for the academic communities of the twenty-seven institutions that comprise the Network of ELCA Colleges and Universities…
, Wartburg College; Martha Stortz, Augsburg University (emeritas); Deanna Thompson, St. Olaf College; and Marit Trelstad, Pacific Lutheran University. *Note: All comments are moderated Read Previous Intersections: Called to Place LATEST POSTS Intersections: Called to Place November 10, 2021 Intersections: Learning Love of Neighbor May 3, 2021 Intersections: The Tradition’s Wisdom in a Time of Pandemics December 1, 2020 Intersections: Lutheran Social Teaching and Economic Life March 27, 2020
What is your educational background? I received my Bachelors of Music Education (1977) and Master of Arts in Choral Conducting (1982) from West Texas State University (now West Texas A&M ) in Canyon, Texas. I received the Doctor of Musical Arts in Choral Conducting from…
I ever made! What is your favorite class to teach and why? I love teaching all my classes! Obviously, conducting the Choir of the West is very inspiring and challenging—every single day. The students are so talented and they work incredibly hard. We have established a culture of positive work habits and support for each other, and it really pays off. Students coming into the Choir each year understand that the bar for great work ethic and sense of community is set very high. I also love teaching
TACOMA, Wash. (Sept. 15, 2015)—As Hispanic Heritage Month kicks off across the country on Sept. 15, this year’s observation at Pacific Lutheran University takes on extra emphasis with two new campus-wide components: • the revival of a student organization representing Latino/a and Hispanic students, and…
University takes on extra emphasis with two new campus-wide components: • the revival of a student organization representing Latino/a and Hispanic students, and • the inauguration of an annual Latino Studies Lecture at PLU. Amigos Unidos Amigos Unidos held a bonfire Sept. 11 at Stuen Hall to welcome new and returning Lutes and to introduce them to faculty and staff. (Photo courtesy of Amigos Unidos) Over the summer, Sociology major Ashley Carrasco ’17 worked with Resident Directors Luke Ruiz and Ángel de
TACOMA, WASH. (Sept. 3, 2019) — A new $2.8 million federal grant will help increase the number of PLU Doctor of Nursing Practice students who can serve rural and underserved populations in Washington. The grant, from the federal Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA), will…
New federal grant boosts PLU doctoral nursing students serving in underserved WA areas Posted by: Thomas Kyle-Milward / September 3, 2019 Image: Graduate Program Coordinator and Assistant Professor of Nursing Kathy Richardson instructs a PLU nursing class on suturing. September 3, 2019 By StaffMarketing and CommunicationTACOMA, WASH. (Sept. 3, 2019) — A new $2.8 million federal grant will help increase the number of PLU Doctor of Nursing Practice students who can serve rural and underserved
Department Chair of History | Department of History | | 253-535-7395 | Rebekah M.K.
the University of Chicago in 2008. Her teaching interests include 19th U.S. history, Westward Expansion, Frontiers and Borderlands, and Environmental History. Her research explores the accommodations and exclusions among the variety of racial and ethnic groups in the lower Missouri River valley during the first half of the 19th century. She has presented her research at a number of conferences including the Organization of American Historians, the Filson Institute, and the Western History
Area of Emphasis/Expertise
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