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  • Paid Engineering Internship with Tacoma Water February 2, 2024 USM School of Polymer Science and Engineering REU January 23, 2024

  • people. PLU religion graduates make significant contributions to the community as lawyers, school teachers and college professors, lay and ordained religious leaders and leaders in local and global agencies devoted to healthcare and the environment. Graduates from the last 5 years: Their jobs Secondary Science Teacher, Peace Corps Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation Licenced Geologist, Project Manager, Antea Group Director of Youth and Family Ministry, Christ Lutheran Church IT Support Technician

  • individual and collective human behavior, history, culture and institutions., Topics will vary by instructor and term, but each section of the course will draw from one of the following disciplines: anthropology, economics, history, political science, psychology or sociology. (4) IHON 259 : The Natural World - H2 This course utilizes a multidisciplinary approach to explore the natural world around and within us and to provide expression of our human inclination to order what we see and to think in

  • dental school, or another heath science professional school. For Jensen, this meant working with Matt Smith, associate professor of biology and chair of the department. Smith is one of six natural science professors on the Health Sciences Committee. At PLU, most students on the health-sciences track work through the biology curriculum and take an entire year of organic chemistry. By the junior year, with most of the lower-division classes out of the way, students select classes and extra-curricular

  • . in the Studio Theater on campus. (The screening will be livestreamed online.)Coming to PLU in 2009, I quickly decided to major in political science and global studies. But, I had never considered the field of communication until I discovered the opportunities for documentary filmmaking with MediaLab. I joined MediaLab in September 2011 and I was given the duty of choosing the next documentary topic along with another member; both of us came from political science backgrounds with an interest in

  • words on the responsibilities of those who govern, provide healthcare, and care for family and friends. Tuesday, December 15 at 6 p.m.Why Study Religion? Luther talked about those who were flippant about the plague and “too rash and reckless” during it. Can you briefly explain this part of his argument, and how it parallels current events? So, we have the advantage of modern science. And what is so striking to me and horrific to me would be political leaders not paying any attention to medical

  • over to Washington, and we’ve been here ever since. I attended Lakes High School and swam varsity. Once I became a junior, I did Running Start, so that knocked off two years of college, and I was able to transfer all of my credits over to PLU. I chose to attend PLU because I heard it has an outstanding nursing school and just excellent faculty for teaching science classes. When I was applying to colleges, I knew I wanted to be a biology major, so I looked for local schools with strong STEM programs

  • Connecting for Commerce: Port of Tacoma Executive Director Eric Johnson ’83 Posted by: Zach Powers / November 7, 2022 Image: Eric Johnson ’83 is the executive director of the Port of Tacoma. (Photo by John Froschauer/PLU) November 7, 2022 By Zach Powers ’10PLU Marketing & CommunicationsWhen Pacific Lutheran University alumnus Eric Johnson ’83 majored in political science and minored in biology, he wasn’t sure how the two would fit together in a career. After he graduated from PLU, he earned a

  • PLU researchers shine light on RNA activities Professor of chemistry Neal Yakelis works with five summer research students to gain a deeper comprehension of RNA and its intricate workings within the realm of cells. Posted by: mhines / November 8, 2023 Image: Professor of chemistry Neal Yakelis leads his students in summer research in the Rieke Science Center at PLU. The team employed advanced organic chemical synthesis methods and characterization techniques. These include NMR spectroscopy

  • Washington State Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission. The undergraduate program qualifies students for the Bachelor of Science in nursing degree and certifies them eligible to sit for the registered nurse licensure exam (NCLEX-RN). The basic program is four academic years in length. A sequence for registered nurses pursuing the BSN was established in 1978. In the academic year 1997-98, the RN-BSN program began its phase-out. A new RN-B to MSN cohort program, for registered nurses with a non-nursing