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  • News. Joshua Wiersma ’18 Joshua is a senior from Gig Harbor, Washington, working toward a bachelor’s degree in communication with a focus in journalism. An award-winning video specialist, Joshua has worked with a number of local clients — such as KBTC Public Television, The Doty Group and the Greater Tacoma Convention Center — to help capture and share compelling stories with broad audiences. Joshua formerly served as the lead videographer for the prestigious student-media organization MediaLab

  • Student Project. Impact of food insecurity on mental health and academic performanceA recent longitudinal study in Public Health Nutrition of undergraduates found that “food insecurity was associated (standardized β, se) with poorer psychosocial health (0·22, 0·03, P<0·0001) and poorer psychosocial health was associated with a lower GPA (-0·21, 0·03, P<0·0001). The indirect effect of food security status on GPA, as mediated by psychosocial health, was significant.” Challenges to wellbeing and

  • legitimate interest the party had in requesting or obtaining the information.  The parent(s) and/ or eligible student may review the record. Directory InformationPacific Lutheran University has designated the following items as directory information (available to the public): student name, local and permanent addresses and telephone numbers, E-mail address, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, photo, weight, height and hometown of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance

  • :20) A-1) “The Global Video Game Industry – Uniting the World through Fun” Markets like China and Korea have become dominant players in the global game business with game companies in China valued in the billions on public trading, professional game players in Korea can earn over $100,000 USD a year playing games, the most used applications on Facebook and the iPhone are games like Farmville and Flight Control, and people are getting “married” in online worlds like World of Warcraft. What does

  • Locating Humanities in the 21st Century Posted by: alex.reed / May 25, 2022 May 25, 2022 By Scott RogersOriginally published in 2016As scholars of the Humanities in the 21st century we find ourselves working in unusual settings. Places of faith and worship, educational contexts like high schools and public libraries, in newspapers, in comment forums, on radio shows, our “workplaces” often do not resemble the ivory towers of old. Vignette #1 Prime Time Family Reading Night I ask the question

  • :20) A-1) “The Global Video Game Industry – Uniting the World through Fun” Markets like China and Korea have become dominant players in the global game business with game companies in China valued in the billions on public trading, professional game players in Korea can earn over $100,000 USD a year playing games, the most used applications on Facebook and the iPhone are games like Farmville and Flight Control, and people are getting “married” in online worlds like World of Warcraft. What does

  • arranged by the student and may include the public school system, private and public social service organizations, criminal justice system agencies, local and state governmental agencies, and businesses. Prerequisite: SOCI 101 or SOCI 201. (1 to 4) SOCI 496 : Sociological Theories An analysis of influential sociological theories of the 19th and 20th centuries with attention to the classic theories of Marx, Durkheim, Weber, DuBois, and Gilman to the recent contemporary schools, and to the underlying

  • better understanding in the public. Through the use of myths, narrative style, and the blurring of lines between witches and faith healers, these works shed light on the historical persecution of these women as figures that help communities while challenging patriarchal structures. 3:55-4:15pm - Sarah Calvin-StupfelLa resistencia y curación chicanx/a/o queer a través del artivismo: Las obras de Julio Salgado y Alma López como continuación del proyecto crítico de Gloria Anzaldúa / Queer Chicanx/a/o

  • ahead in order to assist you to the level we would like. Note: Items to take care of or before you leave for the USA Schedule an appointment with a dentist, and get any procedures you need done in your home country. Dental work is very, very expensive in the USA, and your insurance will not cover dentist visits. Think about how you will get around. Public transportation in the USA is not as well-developed as many other countries. There is a good bus system in Pierce County, and the campus is near a

  • with WRIT 101-23: Our Place, Our Vision, Our Lens: Indigenous Film, but the series is open to the public. Table Talk: ‘What is the World’s Greatest Need?’ Monday, Nov. 16 | 6 p.m. | Scandinavian Cultural Center Panel discussion featuring Assistant Professor of Philosophy Mike Schleeter, Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology Galen Ciscell and School of Education & Kinesiology Director of Information Management and Technology Mary Jo Larsen. Title IX: More Than Just Sports Tuesday, Nov. 17 | 8