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  • Dressed for Macbeth Success Posted by: Mandi LeCompte / May 1, 2014 May 1, 2014 They call it the crows nest. On the top floor of the Karen Hille Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, the PLU costume shop is abuzz, preparing for Macbeth, which opens with a student preview on May 8. The new space is, for all involved, a marked upgrade from the previous space, which was located in “the bowels of Eastvold,” according to veteran Costume Designer Kathy Anderson. “It’s like we’re reconnected with

  • December 1, 2009 Perspective – The view through safety goggles Folks around Rieke Science Center – and sometimes in other parts of campus when I’m running late for a meeting – often see me donning a certain accessory that is quintessential to chemists worldwide: safety goggles. We all wear them. Our laboratory students often complain that the goggles are uncomfortable or fog up during a frustrating lab day. But as a regular user through my years in research, I’m indebted to them for reasons

  • April 25, 2011 Robert Lynam ’12 and Bridgette Cooper ’11 had a front-row view this year on how laws in Olympia are really made. (Photo by John Froschauer) Learning from the floor: PLU students head to Olympia, join the front lines of public policy. By Chris Albert Under the Capitol dome in Olympia, Wash., Robert Lynam’s office is pretty much a glorified closet. Remove the computer, phone and a tattered Seahawks poster, and it would be a closet. But if you ask Lynam ’12, he’d tell you there’s no

  • PLU’s New Greenhouse is Growing Into Something Amazing Posted by: Sandy Dunham / March 20, 2015 Image: PLU’s new Carol Sheffels Quigg Greenhouse will be dedicated Oct. 19. (Photo: John Froschauer/PLU) March 20, 2015 UPDATE (10.15.15):Please join the PLU community in dedicating the Carol Sheffels Quigg Greenhouse. A reception and opportunity to explore the greenhouse will follow the dedication ceremony. We hope to see you there! Date: Monday, October 19, 2015 Time: 10:30 a.m. Location: Between

  • . (Dec. 7, 2018) — The familiar coffee house on the corner of Garfield and C St. is open for business once again, with a new owner and a new name: Notes’ Coffee Company.Proud new proprietor John Gore has PLU students and Parkland residents alike covered with piping hot coffee and sandwiches, and he’s always ready with a smile and a story for anyone willing to linger in the shop’s warm, welcoming atmosphere. But Gore has an even bigger vision: He wants to make his coffee house into a bustling cultural

  • Family ties and academic pursuits: Parker Brocker-Knapp’s journey at PLU Posted by: mhines / May 19, 2023 Image: Parker Brocker-Knapp ’23 (PLU Photo / Emma Stafki). May 19, 2023 By Lora ShinnPLU Marketing & Communications Guest WriterParker Brocker-Knapp ’23 grew up in Portland, but Puget Sound never seemed far—thanks to close family ties to PLU. We sat down with Brocker-Knapp to learn more about how this senior made the most of his time at PLU.How did you choose PLU? I only entertained the

  • ‘What’s a Lute?’ — Go Lutes Edition Posted by: Lace M. Smith / September 18, 2015 Image: PLU Homecoming football game against Linfield at Sparks Stadium in Puyallup on Saturday, Oct. 4, 2014. (Photo/John Froschauer) September 18, 2015 As I travel around talking to prospective students and their families, donors, and friends of PLU, I am often asked, “what is a Lute?” From time to time, I blog about examples of students and alumni that uplift what it means to be a Lute. We’ve received two

  • that this place will become a new community; one that challenges you, yes, but also supports you and helps you grow in ways that you can only imagine now.  You’ll become part of a community that includes nearly 50,000 alumni scattered over 64 countries around the world.  You’ll also form community with your professors and advisers.  You’ll have the opportunity to work in close collaboration with faculty members…some of you may even have the opportunity to do published research and creative projects

  • life and all economic backgrounds. The 253 PLU Bound Scholarship provides full-tuition financial aid to College Bound-eligible prospective students who attended a Washington high school and maintained a 3.30 or higher weighted cumulative GPA. 253 PLU Bound changes students' lives — these are their stories. Alex Gutierrez ‘20 Watching a close family friend’s important work in an intensive care unit made nursing an easy career choice for Alex Gutierrez ‘20. Finding an accessible, affordable way to

  • Questions.” No doubt you have your own reasons why PLU remains a top choice. Probably a lot. Here are some of the things we feel like PLU does really, really well. (And many students agree.) So dive in. As you make one of the most important decisions of your life – the university you will attend – remember that more than 3,500 students all have their own reasons why PLU is a good fit for them. We look forward to hearing yours. Ian Kinder-Pyle ’14 likes that PLU provides numerous opportunities to get