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  • . (June 18, 2015)-... January 20, 2015 Discovery Now he’s one of thousands of teachers—from PLU itself to Argentina, Europe,... April 21, 2014 PLU Pictures are Worth 125 Years of Words Compiled by Lace M. Smith Photos by Rustin Dwyer and John Froschauer Since Aug. 9—exactly 125 days... April 4, 2014 ALL-STAR ATTAWAYS Did you know that: In the early 1910s, Theander Harstad and Anton Brottem followed their exemplary... April 4, 2014 Volume 2, Issue 3 RESOLUTE is Pacific Lutheran University's flagship

  • reads “Exercise Science” at the bottom, showing students adjusting a breathing measuring device over the face of another student, behind them, a screen records data. The second photo reads “Pre-physical Therapy” at the bottom, showing a student taking the pulse of another student, who stands on a treadmill. The third photo reads “Health & Fitness Education” at the bottom, showing a professor pointing onto a computer monitor while a student looks on. The fourth photo reads “Health & Fitness Promotion

  • only had to transition to virtual online teaching in early 2020, but they also added these two ongoing and significant research projects to their agendas. It was no easy feat for either. Grahe noted that he was working more than ever for months and kept feeling like he was falling further behind. “In February 2020, I started anticipating a pandemic and started telling the students (in Statistics 232) that we could use our required class project to study it. When the cases started being announced in

  • July 26, 2013 “The kayak glides low in the water as you and your partner discover a mutual rhythm–right, left, repeat, your arms like firing pistons. The glistening head of a seal periscopes out of the water a hundred yards off your port as you pass farther into the open.” -James Olson Editor’s Note: Here, Outdoor Recreation guide and enthusiast James Olson writes about why joining PLU’s Outdoor Recreation adventures may mean loss of sleep and early mornings, but it is well worth the sacrifice

  • . A cold, hard church floor is nothing new to Reign. This church had a gym, complete with basketball hoops and dodgeballs. We made a great basketball video in our free time (check it out here). After the last of our team arrived early in the morning Friday, we all woke up to preschoolers playing in the gym. Churches are great places to stay, but we run on their schedule. So we were up and out, and headed to the fields for a day of practice.Next thing I knew, my Saturday-morning alarm went off. I

  • only had to transition to virtual online teaching in early 2020, but they also added these two ongoing and significant research projects to their agendas. It was no easy feat for either. Grahe noted that he was working more than ever for months and kept feeling like he was falling further behind. “In February 2020, I started anticipating a pandemic and started telling the students (in Statistics 232) that we could use our required class project to study it. When the cases started being announced in

  • By Kiara Revilla Beijing, China – Day 3 Today was by no means a busy day but it was definitely an eventful day. We started out with the luxury of getting up a little later then usual (meeting at 9:30!). Our breakfast was the usual mix of fried rice, toast, and fried duck eggs. The first stop was the art district. With our early start most of the streets were deserted and we got to look around all by ourselves. The streets were filled with modern art as well as traditional Chinese art. You could

  • your bachelor’s degree at PLU. You’ll have some great knowledge and skills to offer, but you should still be focused on growth. Early in your career, especially, look for jobs that will support that. It will set you up to have lots of options and opportunities down the road. Lute Powered is a project highlighting PLU alumni at some of the most well-known organizations across the Puget Sound region. Mark Miller is the first of three Lutes being featured from the Port of Tacoma and Northwest Seaport

  • provides an opportunity to begin the learning process that will extend throughout your education as a dental student and your career as a dentist. It is  also important that you consider what you’ve learned during your time shadowing. When you complete your application, you will need to be prepared to discuss your experiences with dentistry in detail as well as communicate that information during your dental school interviews. Thus we recommend that you keep a journal throughout your undergraduate

  • provides an opportunity to begin the learning process that will extend throughout your education as a dental student and your career as a dentist. It is  also important that you consider what you’ve learned during your time shadowing. When you complete your application, you will need to be prepared to discuss your experiences with dentistry in detail as well as communicate that information during your dental school interviews. Thus we recommend that you keep a journal throughout your undergraduate