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  • the images of the industrialized nations were compared to the developing ones he grew up in, and started wondering how people create financial wealth. “What is wrong here?” he recalled thinking. “Why not Africa? Why not other nations?” That initial curiosity, combined with his desire to study abroad after high school, eventually landed Samba in the Master of Science in Finance graduate program at Pacific Lutheran University. “I felt like this could be home,” he said of PLU. “The end goal for me

  • in the whales and wanted to know what we did and what we found,” she said. Higgins echoed her remarks, adding that she enjoyed being asked questions she had never thought about herself. Julie Smith, associate professor of biology at PLU, advised some of the students for the project. There is no better way to learn about science than actually doing science, she said. “Participating in research allows students to gain experience in the entire process from generating hypotheses, designing and

  • fascinated with the global economy. He saw how different the images of the industrialized nations were compared to the developing ones he grew up in, and started wondering how people create financial wealth. “What is wrong here?” he recalled thinking. “Why not Africa? Why not other nations?” That initial curiosity, combined with his desire to study abroad after high school, eventually landed Samba in the Master of Science in Finance graduate program at Pacific Lutheran University. “I felt like this could

  • New Delete Nursing Academic Programs all programs program website Nursing Undergraduate Major College of Health Professions Bachelor of Science in Nursing Video Transcription Nursing Students involved in COVID vaccine clinic Transcription [video: Prof. Guerrero stands in an orange vest in Olson Gymnasium. Behind her, a vaccine clinic takes place. At rows of tables, people receive shots. Those who have just received their dose sit in evenly spaced chairs across the gym floor. Clinic officials wear

  • to mediate these responses is unclear. Experiments in my lab are aimed at identifying genes involved in the JA-responsive signaling pathway through mutational analysis. By understanding how plants respond to infection, I hope to contribute to research that will lead to overall healthier crops and more productive, sustainable agriculture. Shannon Seidel My research focuses on how science is taught and learned by undergraduate students. I have developed tools used to assess key factors in the

  • approaches in the academic study of religion. Mathematical Reasoning (MR) Students will demonstrate numeracy by solving quantitative problems and by interpreting quantitative information in context. Students will demonstrate the ability to work with mathematical notation, techniques and concepts. Students will create and critique logical arguments supported by quantitative evidence or symbolic relationships. Natural Science, Computer Science, and Mathematics (NS) Students will understand and apply basic

  • Pacific Lutheran University’s School of Nursing is a professional school that combines nursing science with a strong foundation in natural sciences and the liberal arts. Since 1990, our graduate nursing programs have been providing outstanding, diversified clinical experience and instruction to students in the Seattle/Tacoma area. PLU’s School of Nursing offers two types of graduate degrees: an MSN and DNP.PLU’s Master of Science in NursingPLU’s Master of Science in Nursing Ranked as one of the

  • their careers and others will continue their academic pursuits. They have all found a passion for a vocation and are ready to engage the world. The students who shared their stories here joined 877 students who graduated from PLU this academic year. Here is a sample of a few students. Find the complete In their own words HERE. Anna Pfohl, Bachelor of Science in geosciences and Bachelor of Arts in environmental studies Anna Pfohl ’13 is from Little Falls, Minn. Why PLU? I visited PLU during the

  • 2023 Rae Linda Brown Undergraduate Research and Projects Showcase 2023 Choice Award Recipients President’s Choice Mackenzie Mayhem “The Journey of Self” Dean’s Choice G Alvarado “Through Science Comes Art” Rebecca Auman & Erin Swanson “Romantic and Platonic Interpersonal Relationship Differences in Relation to Gender and Heteronormativity” Isaac Madsen-Bibeau “How Socioeconomic Class Affects Low-Income College Students’ Interpersonal Relationships” Hailey Wharton “Soprano Sings Opera!” People’s

  • angrily conflicting testimonies! Now, this is clearly an unsatisfactory situation. Since the rise of modern science, there have been some notable attempts to overcome the raucous uncertainties of the tribunal of history. In the last quarter of the seventeenth century, for example, the Benedictine monk Jean Mabillon published De re diplomatica (1681), a textbook on the principles of verification whereby charters, treaties, and other official documents are to be authenticated. But the effort to found a