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  • appreciated how Innovation Studies drew from so many disciplines. By combining programs like communication, business, and philosophy, I feel like the minor helped accentuate my liberal arts experience at PLU. This paired with hands-on designing experience will be invaluable for me in my future.” Michelle Mendoza Michelle Mendoza majored in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing. She also minored in Hispanic Studies and Innovation Studies. Michelle was also one of this year’s winners of

  • master’s program in this field.  A lot of pieces fell into place for this opportunity at PLU to happen. I originally applied to other great programs around the country, but when I got the news that PLU would be starting this program, I chose to pass up other opportunities and wait so that I could stay a Lute! Amazing faculty, the scope and style of the program, and an opportunity to coach at the university, were all strong reasons for me to choose the PLU MSK program. What are you most excited to learn

  • business, you will likely be able to find interesting and challenging entry-level positions that seek people with strong quantitative skills. Your studies here can also prepare you for different graduate-level work including masters programs in mathematics, data science, and bioinformatics, that will prepare you for more advanced careers with major businesses or at national laboratories. Our graduates have paired their study of mathematics with majors such as Hispanic studies, English, or music and

  • Donkey Creek Chum Festival introduces new short film about location” –The Peninsula Gateway September 14, 2016 The Seattle Times“In filmmaking quest, students gather tips on how to make the most of college” –The Seattle Times November 9, 2015 Tacoma Weekly“MediaLab Breaks Down the Food Equation” -Tacoma Weekly October 24, 2014 New Filmmakers New York“On Wednesday, March 26th, NewFilmmakers ends its Winter Season with a Documentary Series and two Short Film Programs.” –New Filmmakers New York March 26

  • . Her choreography has been commissioned by many festivals and programs throughout the region. She is also the owner and founder of Seattle Ortho Arts Physical Therapy, a physical therapy clinic for performing artists. With her professional focus on the health of the body, Alana’s master class will focus on alignment and joint health specifically for dancers.Ashley RodbroAshley Rodbro is the Associate & Resident Director for Moulin Rouge! The Musical on Broadway. She was previously the Resident

  • get details on the 2024 Mathematical Contest in Modeling. 5:15-6:15pm, Xavier 150 Psychology Grad School Information Night Are you starting to think about your next step after PLU? Alumna Clara O’Brien ’15 will discuss her transition from PLU to Ph.D. in clinical psych, and we’ll answer questions about how to apply, preparing to apply, and what to expect with different types of graduate school programs. Tuesday, November 14th Voting for the Rieke microbe coloring contest begins. Check out the

  • Accessibility and Wellbeing Resources) James Innocent, (Assistant Director for Outreach, Counselor) Jen Rude (University Pastor) Magdalena Stickel (Assistant Director and Confidential Advocate, Office of DJS) 10:15 | Break 10:30 | Top 5 Tech Things to Know Dr. Bridget Yaden (Associate Provost for Undergraduate Programs) Sakai – PLU’s Learning Management System Banner – PLU’s Student Information System Classroom Technology tools and support Engagement Tools Student Success and Support Apps 11:20 | Move to

  • (planting) from a farmer’s perspective.” Formed in 2000 by the Emergency Food Network, Mother Earth Farm is an eight-acre organic farm that produces more than 150,000 pounds of fresh fruit and vegetables each growing season. All the produce is distributed directly to local food banks and hot meal programs. Through service learning projects and the student environmental club GREAN, PLU students have volunteered at the farm. Working there is as much an educational experience as it is manual labor, Mares

  • wages paid. The entire process is transparent and verifiable, Giguere said. Not all items in the store are certified fair trade, yet many are still considered to be fair trade goods. Characterized by Valdez as a “homegrown, organic” process, it involves PLU students, faculty or staff visiting a site, seeing how items are made and disclosing the information. The store is currently working with the Wang Center for International Programs to create import avenues for PLU, Valdez said. Students studying

  • will study meat production and the environment. Mini-grants of up to $500 are also available for students and faculty interested in projects to improve the environment. More information and applications is available at the Environmental Studies Web site. The interdisciplinary approach of the Environmental Studies Program is not unique at PLU, Teska added. A number of PLU programs – Chinese Studies, Global Studies and Women’s and Gender Studies, to name a few – are designed to bring together two or