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  • €”And Vote For! €”PLU’s Video From April 1-15, vote for PLU’s sustainability video here. Anyone, anywhere, can vote in the competition—but only once a day. Just click on the thumbs-up icon! As a result, PLU is participating in a nationwide video-voting competition organized by Second Nature and Planet Forward. Online voting begins April 1 and runs through April 15. Global education is a pathway to distinction at PLU, and the university offers Study Away programs on all seven continents. As a result

  • The PLU Department of Social Work program is preparation for generalist social work practice with individuals, families, households, groups, communities, and organizations.

    , gain hands-on experience through local agency practicums, and be prepared to enter the workforce directly or pursue graduate studies. You can find PLU graduates from the Department of Social Work in hospitals, schools, and community health centers, providing support for illness, therapy, and youth services. Witness their impact in rehabilitation centers for prisoners and drug and alcohol support; experience outreach and long-term care in nursing homes and shelters. From aiding military members and

    Heidi Brocious, BSW Program Chair
    Xavier Hall, Room 112 12180 Park Ave S Tacoma, WA 98447-0003
    Anissa Rogers, MSW Program Chair
    Xavier Hall, Room 144 12180 Park Ave S Tacoma, WA 98447-0003
  • the ones you’ll have with people you’re going to be with for 15 weeks,” he said, stressing the sense of support and authenticity that results from those classroom discussions. “These are relationships that start in the program and last for a very long time.” A THERAPIST’S CONTEXT Ward says the context surrounding Sabet-Kazilas isn’t just a benefit to the cohort she graduated with; it’s a benefit to her future clients. “There’s an empathy and an understanding that clients will experience from Shiva

  • The PLU Anthropology Department is dedicated to understanding the nature and variety of all humanity. Humankind has great cultural diversity, significant biological uniformity and an undeniable

    understand global issues are key for the 100 level courses. Further, the development of intercultural skills for use in a myriad of circumstances is central in all general education classes. Our focus on human diversity with a broad intercultural and international expertise has lead a number of other programs to require our courses for their students or recruit our faculty for their courses. At the present, we teach courses that are required by education, legal studies, social work, global studies

  • TACOMA, WASH. (May 4, 2016)- Editors of ResoLUTE, Pacific Lutheran University’s alumni community magazine, want Lutes to share their favorite mouth-watering, nostalgic and unique recipes for a special food issue coming soon. Submissions may include recipes from students, staff, faculty, their family members and anyone…

    years in politics to health care, social justice Read Next PLU Names New Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you might have ad blocker enabled or are currently browsing in a "private" window. LATEST POSTS PLU hosts the 14th Annual Lutheran Studies Conference: Celebrating Cecelia Svinth Carpenter, Indigenous education and tribal sovereignty September 23, 2024 PLU Welcomes the Class of 2028: Trailblazers

  • Major in Hispanic Studies A minimum of 36 semester hours beyond HISP 102, including: Language and Composition 4-12 semester hours of Spanish language and critical writing for second language or heritage learners. Students with prior background in Spanish should consult the Language Placement Guide for a recommendation on the appropriate level to start their studies. HISP 201 (4) HISP 202 or 252 (4) HISP 301 or 351 (4) Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies 12 semester hours HISP 321

  • Norwegian and Scandinavian Area Studies Program to Continue Through Endowment Audun Toven, associate professor of Norwegian, advanced Norwegian-American relations throughout the Northwest, encouraged countless PLU students to study away in Norway, played a leading role in hosting Norwegian guests at PLU and was presented with the Royal Norwegian Order of Merit by Norway’s ambassador, His Excellency Knut Vollebaek. Toven always dreamed of having an endowed faculty position in Scandinavian and

  • global education, student research, embracing lives of service and fostering PLU’s Lutheran Heritage. “Working together the campus community has realized so many important dreams,” Anderson said. “All of us together have sharpened and focused our mission as a Lutheran university. Together we have achieved our goals to cultivate academic excellence, to enhance our global perspective, to build an engaged community and to nurture life as vocation in the fullest sense. “Our community has turned these

  • Klaus-Wilhelm Rath,” presented at the Lessons & Legacies Holocaust Conference (Nov. 1-4, 2012). These activities have benefited tremendously from research and travel support provided by Ericksen’s position as the  Kurt Mayer Chair in Holocaust Studies. Among other things, this support allowed research in Berlin during most of June and July. Ericksen also had a chance in June to attend a 25th anniversary celebration in Göttingen of a book on the history of Göttingen University, Die Universität

  • Local Histories LTST 341 students visit the Sea Mar Museum of Chicano/a/Latino/a Culture Building Bridges of Hope and Solidarity Alternative Spring Break: US/Mexico Border Immersion Program Learn more Powerful Lectures and Events Dr. Alberto Ledesma speaks at the 3rd Annual César Chávez & Dolores Huerta Latino Studies Lecture Learn more Community Engaged Learning Tatiana Molinero Ceras volunteers in a dual immersion classroom at Harvard Elementary School Latino Studies MinorAs a Latino Studies