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Greg Youtz: Composing for the cannery – of boxcars, rhinos, and grapes By James Olson ’14 In 1973, a 17-year-old Gregory Youtz departed from Sea-Tac International Airport and landed in France. Meritoriously skipping the third grade, the young composer had afforded himself the luxury of…
April 1, 2013 Greg Youtz: Composing for the cannery – of boxcars, rhinos, and grapes By James Olson ’14 In 1973, a 17-year-old Gregory Youtz departed from Sea-Tac International Airport and landed in France. Meritoriously skipping the third grade, the young composer had afforded himself the luxury of a year in limbo – graduating high school a year early and giving himself time to explore before college. In the dead space between high school and “higher learning,” potential itineraries sprawled
Professor Robert Ericksen, Kurt Mayer Chair of Holocaust Studies. (John Froschauer, Photo) A Report on Scholarship and Activities in 2013-2014 Robert P. Ericksen, Kurt Mayer Chair of Holocaust Studies During the past two years, Bob Ericksen has given ten lectures in five nations on three…
February 1, 2014 Professor Robert Ericksen, Kurt Mayer Chair of Holocaust Studies. (John Froschauer, Photo) A Report on Scholarship and Activities in 2013-2014 Robert P. Ericksen, Kurt Mayer Chair of Holocaust Studies During the past two years, Bob Ericksen has given ten lectures in five nations on three continents. Seven of these lectures, which took place in South Africa, Germany, England, and Canada, as well as in the United States, either have appeared or will appear in print. Last April
PLU President and Mrs. Krise Announce Endowed Internship Fund PLU President Thomas W. Krise, left, and Patricia L. Krise announce an endowed internship. By Sandy Deneau Dunham PLU Marketing & Communications The benefits of a summer internship—even an unpaid one—are unlimited and undeniable: Students can…
April 15, 2014 PLU President and Mrs. Krise Announce Endowed Internship Fund PLU President Thomas W. Krise, left, and Patricia L. Krise announce an endowed internship. By Sandy Deneau Dunham PLU Marketing & Communications The benefits of a summer internship—even an unpaid one—are unlimited and undeniable: Students can apply what they’ve learned in the classroom to real-world situations, network with people in the industry and gain valuable work experience and insight (and sometimes even a job
PLU’s Marks Constitution Day With Free Speech (and More) Keynote Speaker U.S. Rep. Denny Heck Headlines Sept. 23 Conversation About Democracy By Sandy Deneau Dunham PLU Marketing & Communication Pacific Lutheran University will mark Constitution Day on Sept. 23 with a keynote address by U.S.…
September 11, 2014 PLU’s Marks Constitution Day With Free Speech (and More) Keynote Speaker U.S. Rep. Denny Heck Headlines Sept. 23 Conversation About Democracy By Sandy Deneau Dunham PLU Marketing & Communication Pacific Lutheran University will mark Constitution Day on Sept. 23 with a keynote address by U.S. Rep. Denny Heck titled The Constitution is 227 Years Old … How is it Doing? But first, to prepare you—and to mark the official Constitution Day—Lutes will hand out copies of America’s
TACOMA, Wash. (Feb. 10, 2015)—On Thursday, Feb. 12, Pacific Lutheran University alumna and gospel music star Crystal Aikin ’97 returns to campus for a signing of her sophomore album, All I Need . Aikin will sign copies of All I Need from 12 p.m. to…
PLU Alumna and Gospel Music Superstar Returns to Campus Posted by: Sandy Dunham / February 10, 2015 Image: Crystal Aiken ’97 returned to PLU in December 2013 to perform at the annual holiday luncheon. (Photo: John Froschauer/PLU) February 10, 2015 By Matthew Salzano ‘18PLU Marketing & CommunicationsTACOMA, Wash. (Feb. 10, 2015)—On Thursday, Feb. 12, Pacific Lutheran University alumna and gospel music star Crystal Aikin '97 returns to campus for a signing of her sophomore album, All I Need.Aikin
A Powerful Presentation at PLU Watch Lt. Col. Celia FlorCruz’s riveting talk on sexual assault, “From Victim to Survivor to Leader,” which she delivered to a rapt audience at Pacific Lutheran University on Feb. 17. FlorCruz publicly shared her own story of sexual assault for…
Lt. Col. Celia FlorCruz at PLU: Video and Photos Posted by: Sandy Dunham / February 20, 2015 February 20, 2015 A Powerful Presentation at PLU Watch Lt. Col. Celia FlorCruz’s riveting talk on sexual assault, “From Victim to Survivor to Leader,” which she delivered to a rapt audience at Pacific Lutheran University on Feb. 17. FlorCruz publicly shared her own story of sexual assault for the first time; she also presented effective tips for preventing sexual assault, and for supporting its victims
TACOMA, Wash. (April 24, 2015)—Pacific Lutheran University awarded six student scholarships and other awards on April 22 for outstanding contributions to service at PLU and the surrounding community . Individual scholarships ranged from $250 to $1,000. “The scholarships here don’t come close monetarily to justify…
PLU Presents Service Awards to Students, Staff and Community Posted by: Sandy Dunham / April 24, 2015 Image: PLU’s annual Celebration of Service honored students, administrators and community members. (All photos by John Froschauer/PLU) April 24, 2015 By Sandy Deneau DunhamPLU Marketing & CommunicationsTACOMA, Wash. (April 24, 2015)—Pacific Lutheran University awarded six student scholarships and other awards on April 22 for outstanding contributions to service at PLU and the surrounding
TACOMA, WASH. (August. 31, 2016)- The sale of KPLU from Pacific Lutheran University to Friends of 88.5 FM was finalized on Tuesday, August 30. Friends of 88.5 FM, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization formed to preserve the local National Public Radio affiliate, officially took ownership of…
PLU and Friends of 88.5 finalize sale of KPLU Posted by: Zach Powers / August 31, 2016 August 31, 2016 By Zach Powers '10PLU Marketing & CommunicationsTACOMA, WASH. (August. 31, 2016)- The sale of KPLU from Pacific Lutheran University to Friends of 88.5 FM was finalized on Tuesday, August 30.Friends of 88.5 FM, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization formed to preserve the local National Public Radio affiliate, officially took ownership of KPLU at 12:00 a.m. on Wednesday. In a sale approved
TACOMA, WASH. (July 10, 2019) — Angie Hambrick, PLU’s Assistant Vice President of Diversity, Justice and Sustainability, sits down with anthropology professor and PLU Peace Corps Prep Program Coordinator Katherine Wiley, Hispanic studies professor Giovanna Urdangarain, and anthropology and global studies professor Dr. Ami Shah…
Diversity Center Alums: Complexities of Care and Service Abroad Posted by: Thomas Kyle-Milward / July 10, 2019 Image: Angie Hambrick (from right, clockwise:) Assistant Vice President of Diversity, Justice and Sustainability, sits down with Hispanic studies professor Giovanna Urdangarain, anthropology professor and PLU Peace Corps Prep Program Coordinator Katherine Wiley, and anthropology and global studies professor Dr. Ami Shah to discuss service abroad. July 10, 2019 By Kenzie Gandy
Together, the ports of Tacoma and Seattle are the fourth-largest container gateway for containerized cargo shipping between Asia and major distribution points in the Midwest, Ohio Valley and the East Coast. For this installment of Lute Powered, we interviewed three PLU alumni who are serving…
Lute Powered: Port of Tacoma and Northwest Seaport Alliance Posted by: Zach Powers / November 7, 2022 Image: Port leaders John Wolfe, Eric Johnson and Mark Miller all say PLU helped prepare them for their careers. November 7, 2022 Together, the ports of Tacoma and Seattle are the fourth-largest container gateway for containerized cargo shipping between Asia and major distribution points in the Midwest, Ohio Valley and the East Coast. For this installment of Lute Powered, we interviewed three
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