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  • Norway this summer. The Consul of Norway in Seattle, Kim Nesselquist, facilitated the exhibition’s Tacoma premiere. “The relationship between Norway and the United States is very strong and continues to be critical for Washington state,” he said. “ It was important we get the exhibition here.” View Samples of the Exhibit Click on an image to see each piece. Accompanying the show is a scholarly volume of essays by leading authorities on the history and importance of the Norwegian constitution. (The

  • constant emergence of police brutality videos, bigoted political rhetoric and action, and an electoral race for the history books, there is a strong need for renewing the belief that this work is important and our self-care is vital for us to continue our care for the world. This weekend’s reminder of our social justice strength and resiliency, hence “no chill,” truly resonated with folks. With lots of food, a stirring panel discussion, thought-provoking conversations and even a little karaoke fun, we

  • Bible provides an intimate look at the book, created by a community for an even bigger one. Read More Hospitality Explore PLU’s commitment to hospitality, one of three primary themes that occur throughout The Saint John’s Bible illuminations, through the eyes of Lutes. Read about how Marilyn Knutson ’59 and others experienced hospitality and how they continue to pay it forward in the PLU community and beyond. Read More Reformation Learn about the history of the Reformation, Martin Luther and how PLU

  • that PLU, and only PLU, would truly own. We wanted a name that reflects PLU and its strong and growing Lute community. We wanted a name that matters today, on several levels, and is likely to keep mattering. In the end we chose RESOLUTE wholeheartedly and with great glee: Not only does it contain a ready-made Lute—it also perfectly describes one: admirably purposeful, determined and unwavering. Just like a magazine, and a readership, with a rich history—and an exciting future. We’ll be mailing two

  • be referred to PLU University Archives and Special Collections. The Scandinavian Cultural Center’s Collection Review Committee shall consider acquisition of artifacts for the collection based using the following questions. Does it support the SCC mission? Does it have a meaningful connection to Nordic culture, history, or PLU’s Nordic connections? Does it have multiple potential uses for our staff, audiences, and researchers? Is the SCC the most appropriate place for it? Can the SCC adequately

  • take their own peer reviews and writing process more seriously.A History of American Philosophy: From Wounded Knee to the Present (forthcoming from Bloomsbury Press) will be marketed as a textbook. And so, in Fall 2013, I provided an online draft of the text for my Pragmatism and American Philosophy class. It provided important background information for the figures we studied and the texts we read. The students provided valuable feedback on how the book read and what they got out of it. They, of

  • enriches the diversity of education is that philosophy is very good at bringing forth multiple perspectives on one thing. When studying philosophy, you get used to seeing conflicting view points and become much more tolerant of those conflicting viewpoints. Philosophy also helps us to see the contingencies of our way of thinking. Philosophy is very good at preserving the history of thought and looking deeply at ancient figures. These histories are usually ways of thinking, that we don’t think of

  • Folk Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States Paul Freire Pedagogy of the Oppressed Frantz Fanon Black Skin, White Masks bell hooks Teaching Community: A Pedagogy of Hope George Lipsitz The Possessive Investment in Whiteness: How White People Profit from Identity Politics Audre Lorde Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches Tressie McMillan Cottom Thick and Other Essays Charles W. Mills The Racial Contract Leigh Patel Decolonizing Education Research. From Ownership to

  • /* fix for jQuery UI library issues when using the date picker popup */ jQuery.browser = {}; (functi

  • A conversation with 2016 Benson fellows Marc Vetter and Matthew Macfarlane PLU Student-Faculty Resea