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  • PLU Hebrew Idol Celebrates Classwork, Creativity—and Costumes Participants in the 2014 Hebrew Idol finale gather in Studio Theatre on April 17. Pictured, from left to right: Back Row: Samuel Collier, Mike Plamer, Will Lockert, Megan Cheatham. Middle Row: Tom Flanagan, Quinn Johnston, Lexi Engman, Caitlin…

    April 22, 2014 PLU Hebrew Idol Celebrates Classwork, Creativity—and Costumes Participants in the 2014 Hebrew Idol finale gather in Studio Theatre on April 17. Pictured, from left to right: Back Row: Samuel Collier, Mike Plamer, Will Lockert, Megan Cheatham. Middle Row: Tom Flanagan, Quinn Johnston, Lexi Engman, Caitlin Dawes, Julia Nelson, Maddie Bernard, Brenda Llewellyn Ihssen, Adela Ramos. Front Row: Tim Chalberg, Shaquille Townsend, Antonios Finitsis, Tyler Travillian.   By Hannah Jeske ’16

  • Corbitt wishes to leave audiences ‘inspired and hopeful’ As director Kristina Corbitt walked into the room where she was supposed to be meeting her cast and crew for a rehearsal, she was shocked to find the room dark.“There was only one other person, sitting on…

    December 8, 2008 Corbitt wishes to leave audiences ‘inspired and hopeful’ As director Kristina Corbitt walked into the room where she was supposed to be meeting her cast and crew for a rehearsal, she was shocked to find the room dark.“There was only one other person, sitting on a chair in the middle of the room,” Corbitt said. “When I went to ask where everyone was, they all came out of their hiding spots and scared me! I am easily startled, so that was a fun prank for them.” For the past four

  • Best-selling Author, and Alum, Comes to PLU   Marissa Meyer ’04 came to the PLU campus in February for her book release and signing of “Cress.” The crowd filled the Karen Hille Phillips Center for the Performing Arts. (Photo by John Froschauer / PLU) Barbara…

    April 21, 2014 Best-selling Author, and Alum, Comes to PLU   Marissa Meyer ’04 came to the PLU campus in February for her book release and signing of “Cress.” The crowd filled the Karen Hille Phillips Center for the Performing Arts. (Photo by John Froschauer / PLU) Barbara Clements PLU Marketing & Communications Pacific Lutheran University alumnus Marissa Meyer will be on campus April 24 to talk about her career and her very popular series, The Lunar Chronicles. Her talk will take place at the

  • Researcher looks at how climate change leads to innovative science On Sept. 7, the PLU Chemistry department will host a seminar by Debra Rolison in Morken 103 from 12:30-1:35 pm. In her presentation, “How Subversion, Revolution, and Climate Change Lead to Innovative Science–Enhancing Electrochemical Energy…

    September 5, 2012 Researcher looks at how climate change leads to innovative science On Sept. 7, the PLU Chemistry department will host a seminar by Debra Rolison in Morken 103 from 12:30-1:35 pm. In her presentation, “How Subversion, Revolution, and Climate Change Lead to Innovative Science–Enhancing Electrochemical Energy Storage on the Macroscale via Architectural Design on the Nanoscale,” Rolison will share her passion for empowering women and minorities in the sciences, and will give an

  • TACOMA, Wash. (April 29, 2015)—Jennifer Henrichsen ’07 has accomplished much more than she could’ve imagined in the years since she left Pacific Lutheran University. Not only has she had a book published with a PLU professor, but Henrichsen also has recently been published by UNESCO…

    PLU Alumna and Scholar Seeks Justice for Journalists Posted by: Sandy Dunham / April 29, 2015 Image: Professor of Communication Joanne Lisosky, left, and Jennifer Henrichsen ’07 have been a powerhouse researching/publishing team since Henrichsen’s first year at PLU. (Photo courtesy Jennifer Henrichsen) April 29, 2015 By Taylor Lunka '15PLU Marketing & CommunicationsTACOMA, Wash. (April 29, 2015)—Jennifer Henrichsen ’07 has accomplished much more than she could’ve imagined in the years since she

  • The Advanced Materials Analysis and Characterization (AMAC) program is a 15-month long curriculum combining two quarters of intensive on-campus coursework with an internship component, culminating in a Master of Science degree in chemistry. This program provides graduate students with the analytical skills they will need…

    Master’s Degree Program: Advanced Materials Analysis and Characterization Posted by: nicolacs / January 21, 2025 January 21, 2025 The Advanced Materials Analysis and Characterization (AMAC) program is a 15-month long curriculum combining two quarters of intensive on-campus coursework with an internship component, culminating in a Master of Science degree in chemistry. This program provides graduate students with the analytical skills they will need for careers in industrial research

  • The Northwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety (NWCOHS) at the University of Washington prepares graduate students for careers in worker health and safety through training programs, significant financial support and community-engaged research opportunities. The NWCOHS offers funded graduate training for MS and PhD degrees.…

    Northwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety Webinar Posted by: nicolacs / August 6, 2021 August 6, 2021 The Northwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety (NWCOHS) at the University of Washington prepares graduate students for careers in worker health and safety through training programs, significant financial support and community-engaged research opportunities. The NWCOHS offers funded graduate training for MS and PhD degrees. The NWCOHS is offering a free webinar on careers in

  • Are you a rising sophomore, junior or senior looking to complete an REU this summer?  Applications for USM’s School of Polymer Science and Engineering REU program close on February 1 st , 2024!   What to expect Hands on research Workshops, team building, field trips…

    USM School of Polymer Science and Engineering REU Posted by: nicolacs / January 23, 2024 January 23, 2024 Are you a rising sophomore, junior or senior looking to complete an REU this summer? Applications for USM’s School of Polymer Science and Engineering REU program close on February 1st, 2024!  What to expect Hands on research Workshops, team building, field trips State conference attendance Outreach Social Activities Research Areas Functional Polymeric Materials Energy & Sustainability

  • Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) graduate students will develop a broad understanding across biomedical disciplines with strong foundations in quantitative literacy and critical thinking. This allows our students to identify important biomedical questions, design and execute experimental approaches, conduct data analysis and interpretation, and…

    Virtual Open House – Oregon Health and Science University Posted by: nicolacs / September 24, 2021 September 24, 2021 Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) graduate students will develop a broad understanding across biomedical disciplines with strong foundations in quantitative literacy and critical thinking. This allows our students to identify important biomedical questions, design and execute experimental approaches, conduct data analysis and interpretation, and communicate rigorous

  • The  Northwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety (NWCOHS) at the University of Washington prepares graduate students for careers in worker health and safety through training programs, significant financial support and community-engaged research opportunities. The NWCOHS offers funded graduate training for MS and PhD degrees. They…

    Webinar On Careers In Worker Health and Safety NWCOHS Information Session Posted by: nicolacs / October 11, 2021 October 11, 2021 The Northwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety (NWCOHS) at the University of Washington prepares graduate students for careers in worker health and safety through training programs, significant financial support and community-engaged research opportunities. The NWCOHS offers funded graduate training for MS and PhD degrees. They are hosting a webinar on