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  • Awards 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2007 2020 “Eyes Above” Winner of the 2020 College Division Emmy Award in the long-form nonfiction category by the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Nominee for the Morehouse College of Human Rights Festival Honorable Mention from the Awareness Festival Nominee for the Morehouse College of Human Rights Festival in the short film category Honorable Mention in

  • University, as defined below. Inventions, Improvements and Discoveries Under patent law, inventions are owned by the inventor and not the employer unless the inventor agrees to assign his or her rights in an invention to the employer. Unless “extraordinary resources” of the university are used in the creation of a work, the university will not expect the faculty member to assign his or her rights in an invention conceived, developed, or discovered during the faculty member’s employment with the

  • confronted every obstacle that came up and has gone above and beyond to ensure that students are able to achieve their goals and excel academically. Mauricio Coitiño does research in Communication and Media, Public Policy and Human Rights. He is also a former representative of Uruguay for Amnesty International and an activist of Ovejas Negras, a Uruguayan collective that advocates for the defense of sexual diversity and rights of the LGBTQI community. Part of the educational work this social organization

  • ), which prohibited gays and lesbians from openly serving in the U.S. military. In her Air Force career, Witt logged nearly 2,000 hours as a flight nurse before being suspended from duty in 2004 and ultimately discharged under the Pentagon’s DADT policy upon being outed. After prevailing at trial, she reached a settlement agreement and retired from the Air Force. She continues to speak out about challenging DADT and her campaign for equal rights and protections for LGBTQ+ individuals. Witt has since

  • managing a university. How do we ensure that we are putting our Rod Tidwells – our students – first in an environment of escalating costs and competitive ambitions? The pillars of our strategic vision include the Philosophy of Enrollment that I blogged about recently, which seeks stability of enrollment and an optimal student/faculty ratio from one year to the next in an effort to provide a consistently high-quality educational program for our students, and a stable and vibrant work environment for our

  • & Yonge, 2004). Preceptors empower and support as much as they lead and teach (Wardrop, Coyne, Needham, 2019). References for What is a preceptor?Refs: Billay, D. B., & Yonge, O. (2004). Contributing to the theory development of preceptorship. Nurse Education Today, 24, 566-574. Wardrop, R., Coyne, E., & Needham, J. (2019). Exploring the expectations of preceptors in graduate nurse transition: A qualitative interpretive study. Nurse Education in Practice, 34, 97-103. BenefitsWhy have students in your

  • and determination that an immediate threat to the physical health or safety of any student or other individual arising from the allegations of sexual harassment justifies removal. In these situations, Pacific Lutheran University will provide the Respondent with notice and an opportunity to appeal the decision immediately following the removal. This provision may not be construed to modify any rights under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of

  • information. Money Geek: Additional scholarships and information. Have you found a study away scholarship or funding opportunity that’s not on our list? Let us know at Students interested in exploring social justice and human rights: Learn about Humanity In Action Funds four weeks of summer human rights study in Amsterdam, Atlanta, Berlin, Copenhagen, Sarajevo, or Warsaw Allows you to develop a human rights project over the next 11 months Sign up for email updates Students interested

  • no “animal studies program” in any American university. In fact, the phrase “animal studies” does not even exist except as I am here using it informally. Even making the comparison between animals and historically oppressed people is much more likely to offend the people involved than ennoble the cause of animals. This even though many feminists, like Carol J. Adams in The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory (Continuum 1990), have argued animals and women have both been

  • in the highest traditions of the liberal arts and academic freedom, and preparing each graduate to discover a vocation-driven life that truly matters. I believe this is true because for over 120 years, we have evolved a clear and defining understanding of our mission and purpose; an understanding that is relevant and that connects with our wonderfully rich and diverse Pacific Northwest setting. And in pursuing our mission we have built an absolutely superb academic and cocurricular program that