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  • A Final Foss Farewell Posted by: mhines / June 20, 2023 Image: The moon above Foss at the outdoor dinner on move-in and orientation day at PLU on Thursday, Sept. 4, 2014. (Photo/John Froschauer) June 20, 2023 After 58 years, PLU is saying goodbye to Foss Hall.PLU begin demolishing the vacant Foss Hall on June 12, 2023. The demolition of the facility has been in the plans for almost 8 years, but now the time has come. Foss Hall was built in 1965 to house “boomers” of the 1960s and ’70s when

  • How to Conduct a Virtual Class Session Posted by: Marcom Web Team / March 5, 2020 March 5, 2020 By Dana Shreaves, Instructional Designer When students or instructors cannot meet in the same physical location, virtual class sessions are one alternative to consider. Virtual meetings are intended for live communication, but some software allows meeting facilitators to record and share videos after a session ends. Be sure to communicate to students how and when to join your virtual class session

  • that many arts programs and schools use for admissions and competitions. You must also officially apply to PLU (if you haven’t already) but you do not need to have received your acceptance letter in order to apply for Artistic Achievement Awards. What’s the application deadline? Submit all your materials no later than 5pm Pacific on Monday, February 8, 2021. I would like to be considered for an Artistic Achievement Award in more than one area. Can I submit more than one application? Yes, you may

  • April 25, 2011 Robert Lynam ’12 and Bridgette Cooper ’11 had a front-row view this year on how laws in Olympia are really made. (Photo by John Froschauer) Learning from the floor: PLU students head to Olympia, join the front lines of public policy. By Chris Albert Under the Capitol dome in Olympia, Wash., Robert Lynam’s office is pretty much a glorified closet. Remove the computer, phone and a tattered Seahawks poster, and it would be a closet. But if you ask Lynam ’12, he’d tell you there’s no

  • office after dropping out of the University of Oregon in 2010. The decision to enlist, she says, was “a bit of a last resort” to get her family and friends to stop asking what she was doing with her life. “There I was signing my life away feeling relieved that this will get me at least four years to become someone others weren’t worried about all of the time,” she says. Three years later, Raven Lopez ’22 realized that after one year at the University of Arizona, she wouldn’t be able to afford college

  • Rebecca Crust ’19 Posted by: juliannh / February 17, 2022 February 17, 2022 By Tony ColvilleIn high school, Rebecca Crust (19’) volunteered at a community farm in Seattle which increased access to fresh produce for the local neighborhood.“I was just, you know, a kid out of high school who really liked gardening.” Naturally, as a first year biology student and PLU Rieke Scholar, they found themself drawn to the mission of the PLU Community Garden, which was managed by facilities at the time

  • Remembering Gordon Gilbertson Posted by: Kate Williams / November 14, 2017 November 14, 2017 By Kate Williams '16Outreach ManagerGordon Gilbertson will forever remain a legacy in the PLU music department. David Robbins, Senior Advancement Officer and former chair of the department recounts Gordon’s impact at PLU. “Gordon was hired at PLU in 1954 to serve as band director and teach music education courses. Over the course of a 30 year career at PLU, he led all the major ensembles of the

  • students? “Everything just felt so nice – everyone was so welcoming,” she said. Alazadi values community – it is an essential component of her family life and her Muslim faith. Her family fled Nasiriyah, Iraq, in 1990 after a failed uprising and a subsequent crackdown from dictator Saddam Hussein. After four years in a refugee camp in Saudi Arabia, she and her family landed in Everett, Wash. She was only four. The tight-knit Iraqi community of 100- or-so families has sustained her ever since. Alazadi’s

  • ] Paul Tillich.” Paso graduated with a degree in religion and German, and after spending some time working in downtown Tacoma at a church, left last year to Germany on a Fulbright Scholarship to work with Armin Kohnle, director of the Institute of Church History at the University of Leipzig. With Kohnle, Paso studied “common chest” ordinances in the early reformation period. “Common chest” literally refers to a locked box where donations where kept for the poor in a church. “It was basically early

  • April 24, 2014 Making Fitness Fun There’s so much more to P.E. at PLU than chin-ups (although those are healthy, too!) Editor’s note: This package was conceived and produced entirely by PLU Marketing & Communications student workers. Story by James Olson ’14; video by John Struzenberg ’15; interviews by Katie Baumann ’14 and Valery Jorgensen ’15. By James Olson ’14 Pacific Lutheran University requires students to take at least four