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  • Faculty Department:  English Seat:  Expires 2025 Contact:  253-535-7225 Name:   Jim Brown ( – Faculty Representative to the Board of Regents Department:  Music Seat:  Expires 2026 Contact:  253-535-7614Academic Performance & Integrity Committee (APIC)Membership for 2024-25: Name:  Paul Sutton ( – Chair Department: Education Committee Seat: Expires 2025 Contact: 253-535-7285 Name:  Julie Smith ( – Secretary Department: Biology Committee Seat: Expires

  • was the Chair of Department of Music at that time.   During Penderecki’s residency at PLU, he asked McTee if she would be interested in traveling to Poland for the coming year to teach his family English in exchange for studying with him at the Cracow Conservatory. Cindy did just that. “At first, I didn’t believe he was serious, and I was also a bit apprehensive about the idea of living behind the Iron Curtain,” she says. Despite her hesitation, McTee eventually agreed and moved from her hometown

  • Tobago. “Working there,” Ford recalled, “changes your whole perception about life and what you want to do.” After graduation, she spent a few years gaining practical nursing experience, and then began the process of applying for work abroad. Her criteria were specific, severely limiting her options. She wanted to focus on medical aid, without missionary work or fund raising to pay her way. Only MSF contacted her. She had two strikes against her – she was young and spoke only English. It was her PLU

  • group of students to the Hilltop district of Tacoma. Earning four credits towards a social work class, students will spend their days volunteering in agencies supporting problems of homelessness, hunger and employment. South America South America is another popular continent for J-Term Study Away. PLU’s four South American programs include a Hispanic Studies trip to Uruguay, a social work program to Tobago, an English class going to Ecuador and Peru and a history program in Bolivia and Peru. South

  • from marginalized populations.Chavez, chair and associate professor of politics and government, identifies as Latina. She’s a native Spanish speaker who didn’t learn English before beginning school. She was raised in an immigrant household in the Southwest and experienced many of the obstacles fellow Latinos face every day in the U.S. Like many who come from a similar background, Chavez was the first in her family to graduate from college, despite the barriers she faced. She came from a home and a

  • can be arduous. It can take years from start to finish, requiring the applicant to pass various civics and English tests. Yet while others smiled and waved their U.S. commemorative flags in celebration of their long-awaited citizenship, Huang was uncertain.Chemistry at PLULearn more about the major, minor and courses in the Department of Chemistry“I don’t know if I want to do this,” she recalled thinking at the time. “I sprinted across the stage, grabbed my certificate, quickly shook the lady’s

  • health services here, but I hope they feel really comfortable here and I hope that they find a group of people that they feel really comfortable with. My goal is to definitely work more on my mental health, make sure that I’m doing good. Because being an RA and doing full time school can be a bit busy, especially with adding a minor to my major. It’s a lot! I’m definitely prioritizing my mental health and getting through this school year.” -Ceci Omri ’24, Resident Assistant English Major “It’s a

  • absence govern release from all teaching responsibilities for one or more semesters. A faculty member proposing to teach a reduced load for the following academic year or seeking to renew a current reduced load contract shall submit a request in writing to the appropriate unit chair(s) and to the provost. The provost, after consultation with the unit chair(s), has the authority for granting such requests and shall notify the faculty member of their decision in writing, detailing the following: the

  • in 2017 with a B.A. in History and Women’s and Gender Studies and a minor in Holocaust and Genocide Studies. She was awarded PLU’s Mayer Summer Research Fellowship in 2015 and 2016. Conference ScheduleChristina PepinModerator: Christina Pepin, Chair, School of Nursing at PLU Conference ScheduleNatalie MayerModerator: Natalie Mayer Conference ScheduleLisa MarcusModerator: Lisa Marcus, Professor of English, PLU Conference SchedulePeggy KleinplatzPresentation Title: “Routine Pharmacological

  • The School of Arts and Communication Dean’s Awards for Excellence was awarded to nine extraordinary graduating students on May 24, 2017. The Dean’s Awards honor students for exceptional, tangible accomplishments, which could include: Independent research, student/faculty research or creative project A presentation or publication for a regional or national audience Regional or national academic competitions Superior performance in the performing arts Superior artistic creation in the studio arts