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  • Student-athlete forms special bond with coach Posted by: vcraker / August 2, 2022 August 2, 2022 By Craig CrakerSports Information Assistant Every game day, usually around lunch time, Jordan Thomas and Chad Murray sit down to have a chat. The Pacific Lutheran University men’s basketball star and the team’s head coach meet in Murray’s office to talk about anything and everything. The meeting can be as short as 15 minutes or as long as an hour. Topics range from that night’s opponent to

  • June 15, 2009 PLU wins Simon Award This spring, PLU received a powerful acknowledgement that it continues to be seen as a leader in globally focused education. The university was awarded the 2009 Senator Paul Simon Award for Campus Internationalization, a prestigious award that honors outstanding efforts on and off campus to engage the world and the international community. PLU is the first and only private college in the West to have received this honor. “This kind of recognition confirms a

  • were offering while she was on sabbatical for the Sochi Winter Games. The process culminated in an off-campus retreat this past January for the entire department to hash out the viability of offering a master’s in Kinesiology. The answer, after two days of detailed discussion? A unanimous yes. “We based a lot of things on who we have currently as faculty and what our strengths are, who are we and what each one of us brings to the table — and how we can enhance that curriculum to help those students

  • Charged Up Professor Dean Waldow explores the future of batteries while training future chemists Posted by: Logan Seelye / November 1, 2021 Image: Alyssa Bright ’22 and Professor Dean Waldow share a discussion in a PLU chemistry lab. (Photos by John Froschauer/PLU) November 1, 2021 By Anneli HaralsonResoLute Guest WriterPLU Chemistry professor Dean Waldow hopes to one day become useless. After all, as an educator, his job is to empower students to work confidently and independently in a field

  • Aquatic Chemical Ecology Research at Georgia Tech Posted by: alemanem / January 13, 2017 January 13, 2017 Georgia Tech will be hosting 10 undergraduate researchers this summer at Georgia Tech in their REU program focused in Aquatic Chemical Ecology. The program website includes program details, contact information, and instructions for application.  The application deadline is February 15, 2017.  The full-time, 10-week program will start May 22 and run until July 28.  Participants will receive

  • DOE NNSA Laboratory Residency Graduate Fellowship Applications Due 3.15.23 Posted by: alemanem / October 13, 2022 October 13, 2022 Launched in 2017, the Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration Laboratory Residency Graduate Fellowship (DOE NNSA LRGF) provides excellent financial benefits and professional development opportunities to students pursuing a Ph.D. in fields of study that address complex science and engineering problems critical to stewardship science. The DOE

  • Be a part of the Journey Posted by: Mandi LeCompte / December 9, 2014 December 9, 2014 Why Music Scholarships Matter - in students' own wordsTo many students, PLU is a dream, and financial aid and scholarships make it a reality. Hear students talk about their journey to PLU and how music scholarships have made the difference. To address demand for more campus performances, and to raise much-needed scholarship funds for talented future performers, we present the inaugural Christmas Music

  • April 9, 2012 PLU prof works with USA Hockey team When she’s not in the classroom, PLU Professor of Sport and Exercise Psychology Colleen Hacker, is on the field helping national teams and professional and Olympic athletes mentally prepare for competition. This week, Hacker will be in Burlington, Vermont working with USA Hockey athletes during the 2012 USA Hockey World Championships. “These are the best athletes in the world physically, and one of the realities that people are starting to

  • PLU students take STEM into local elementary classrooms Posted by: Thomas Kyle-Milward / October 29, 2019 Image: PLU students Jimmy Aung and Jamie Escobar (not pictured) led a science class at Four Heroes Elementary as they explore the education through a grant funded program. October 29, 2019 By Debbie CafazzoMarketing & CommunicationTACOMA, WASH. (Oct. 28, 2019) — Drop by drop, the lesson comes into focus for this classroom full of fifth-graders.Jimmy Aung ’19, a PLU biology major, and his

  • offerings is proving its popularity with students as well. “My favorite thing about a Theatre and Dance major is how multifaceted our program at PLU is,” Chuck Stern said. “Yes, I’m learning a diverse range of skills required of an actor and director, but I also have gotten to learn about playwriting, stage and theatre management, set construction, scenic painting, and so much more.” That hands-on program versatility is one of the things that sets PLU’s new Department of Theatre and Dance apart, Smith