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  • Friday, May 3rd Join the Mathematics Department in Morken 214 and Morken 216 to hear the senior capstone presentations. If you're unable to join us in-person, we welcome you to attend via Zoom.

    – Statistical Analysis of Bechdel Test Data: How movies are impacted by their representation of women Eva Reutercrona The representation of women in movies and media is an important current topic. The entertainment industry has historically  been male dominated and has been slow to change. As a way to analyze a movie’s representation of women, a test was created by Alison Bechdel, an American graphic novelist, to measure representation of female identifying characters in media. In order to pass the test

  • Friday, May 3rd Join the Mathematics Department in Morken 214 and Morken 216 to hear the senior capstone presentations. If you're unable to join us in-person, we welcome you to attend via Zoom.

    – Statistical Analysis of Bechdel Test Data: How movies are impacted by their representation of women Eva Reutercrona The representation of women in movies and media is an important current topic. The entertainment industry has historically  been male dominated and has been slow to change. As a way to analyze a movie’s representation of women, a test was created by Alison Bechdel, an American graphic novelist, to measure representation of female identifying characters in media. In order to pass the test

  • Your faculty supervisor must provide an electronic signature in Mentor before your proposal will be sent out for review. We will provide more information on how to do that in Step 4.

    Step 2: Consult with a Faculty SupervisorStudents must have the approval of a Faculty Supervisor in order to submit an HPRB proposal through our online system, Mentor. Your Faculty Supervisor should be willing to consult with you on: appropriate research topics, methods, materials, and procedures norms and best practices for research in your discipline aspects of your project requiring special care and planning (e.g., work with certain populations, collection of sensitive or protected data, use

  • Grant Project Coordinator | Department of Psychology | | 253-535-7265 | Kelly Valentin joined the PLU Psychology Department in 2024.

    psychiatric epidemiology, pharmacokinetics, and psychopathology. She conducted research as an interdisciplinary researcher for Seattle Anxiety Specialists, PLLC, exploring autism diagnosis in adulthood, the effectiveness of psychotherapy for depression, and navigating nonfinite grief. Recently, she has been focused on advocating for evidence-based, improved care and resources for populations with intersections of chronic disease and their mental health. Kelly’s academic scholarship in their health equity

    Contact Information
  • The Nebraska Summer Research Program is a consortium of NSF funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) and other summer research opportunities programs (SROP). One unique feature of the Nebraska Summer Research Program is the partnership between the REU and SROP programs and the Office of…

    research with. This intensive summer research experience provides mentoring and research experiences while allowing scholars to preview graduate school life. Students with a strong interest in graduate programs are particularly encouraged to apply, as are those from populations traditionally underrepresented in graduate education. Our 10-week residential summer research experience provides mentoring and research participation while allowing scholars to preview graduate school life at a research

  • Hundreds of people gathered for the powerful Pathways to Peace symposium Jan. 12-14, 2005. Sponsored by the Wang Center for International Programs, the symposium explored issues critical to world

    Symposium a SuccessHundreds of people gathered for the powerful Pathways to Peace symposium Jan. 12-14, 2005. Sponsored by the Wang Center for International Programs, the symposium explored issues critical to world peace, democracy and development. Thought-provoking and inspiring speakers encouraged the audience to find a way to work for a more just world. Dignitaries from here and abroad spoke about issues ranging from the recent Asian tsunami, to HIV/AIDS in developing countries, to ethnic

  • “Mother of Exiles”— Refugees in American Myth and History Speaker: Mae Ngai Time: 7:00 p.m. Date: Monday, March 11, 2019 Place: Xavier 201 This event is free and open to the public

    Mae Ngai The 45th Annual Walter C. Schnackenberg Memorial Lecture “Mother of Exiles”— Refugees in American Myth and History Speaker: Mae Ngai Time: 7:00 p.m. Date: Monday, March 11, 2019 Place: Xavier 201 This event is free and open to the public

  • Pre-Law Club President Quan Huynh ’25 unexpectedly stepped into the world of state government, with a bold new perspective. A self-described political newcomer, Huynh proudly represents PLU in Olympia as an intern at the Washington State Senate. As a member of Sen. Manka Dhingra’s (D-45)…

    . So making sure that they are mentally competent enough to fully understand the grievousness of their crime and of their actions. What tasks that you perform in your job were unexpected? I really like taking constituent meetings, and I really like hearing people’s stories about what problems they face, because it impacts them in a more personal way, rather than just for monetary means. What is the unique perspective that you bring to the internship? I am an Asian American woman who grew up in

  • Pacific Lutheran University Pre-Law Club President Quan Huynh ’25 unexpectedly stepped into the world of state government, with a bold new perspective. A self-described political newcomer, Huynh proudly represents PLU in Olympia as an intern at the Washington State Senate. As a member of Sen.…

    monetary means. What is the unique perspective that you bring to the internship? I am an Asian American woman who grew up in Montana, which is a Republican state. I definitely think there are unique experiences there. I am the only daughter in a household with three brothers. There is a lot that can be derived from that experience. Coming out here to Washington, and meeting, speaking, and connecting with people who hold many different beliefs than I do, my thought processes have shifted a number of

  • Pacific Lutheran University Pre-Law Club President Quan Huynh ’25 unexpectedly stepped into the world of state government, with a bold new perspective. A self-described political newcomer, Huynh proudly represents PLU in Olympia as an intern at the Washington State Senate. As a member of Sen.…

    , rather than just for monetary means. What is the unique perspective that you bring to the internship? I am an Asian American woman who grew up in Montana, which is a Republican state. I definitely think there are unique experiences there. I am the only daughter in a household with three brothers. There is a lot that can be derived from that experience. Coming out here to Washington, and meeting, speaking, and connecting with people who hold many different beliefs than I do, my thought processes have