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  • on one document. It also seems that for the strategy to work well, the instructor must be involved to some extent. Even though faculty bemoan teaching study skills, I see real value in the instructor providing some resources or guidance for effective note taking. This may be simply sharing a handout or video found online. Or, faculty might use the first day of class to establish the practice, model it, and briefly discuss effective strategies. There are several ways to effectively utilize

  • University. We are looking at the ways people communicate with each other during a terminal illness. We are interested in the areas where people may find it hard to talk about terminal illness. One example would be whether to bring up the illness in everyday conversations. We are also interested in how that may affect the conversations people have with others.From your answers during the interview, we are going to make a resource that will help terminally ill patients, their families, and their care

  • 10 ways to take care of your mental health as a college student Taking care of your mental health and overall well-being (and taking care of each other) is vital when you’re in college. PLU is all about having your back, making sure you have the support you need, and fostering a community of care. When it comes… June 28, 2023 AcademicsClubs & OrganizationsCommunityDiversity Justice SustainabilityInvolvementLife on CampusResidential LifeStudent Life

  • skills, develop collaborations with scientists abroad, and experience the life and culture of a foreign country. Applicants do not need to be ACS members or fluent in non-English languages. Participating students will receive: Housing and meal allowance Travel expenses Language training allowance International medical insurance coverage Participation in professional conferences Qualified students must: Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident Be a full-time student in a chemistry, materials science

  • Dave Song Research GroupResearch in the Song lab centers on understanding the fundamental mechanisms of energy conversion in chemistry and biology. Our primary focus revolves around the transfer of both the proton and electron in biological catalysis via a ubiquitous mechanism called proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET), underpinning key metabolic processes such as photosynthesis, respiration, and nucleotide reduction. The mechanistic complexities associated with the inherently dual particle

  • . She learned about it from Bridget Yaden, chair of the Department of Languages and Literatures. “What I’m teaching them is how to teach,” said Yaden, who also serves as professor of Hispanic studies. “The way STARTALK teaches, you (learn to) teach 90 percent or more in the language.” PLU has partnered with Seattle Public Schools for 11 years to offer the grant-funded, three-week program. This year is the first time classes have been taught on PLU’s campus — a change that generated increased

  • Lifelong Lutes: Q&A With Two of PLU's Most Enthusiastic Alumni David and Anita Christian, both 1959 graduates, have modeled Pacific Lutheran University’s motto, “Educating for Lives of Thoughtful Inquiry, Service, Leadership and Care,” for their entire adult lives. David, now retired, was KPLU’s first engineer, serving PLU’s National Public Radio affiliated station from 1960-1997. Anita is a retired teacher who spent her career teaching elementary school in the Franklin Pierce School

  • from Lincoln High School and pursue a degree in English from Pacific Lutheran University. After graduating from PLU in 2008, Cushman jumped into being a teacher and mentor for students with stories similar to his own. As an English teacher and coach at his high school alma mater, Cushman strives to show love, compassion and care to students who might otherwise never receive them. He believes that adults are responsible for helping kids discover their own potential, and through his work tries to

  • fortunate that I can express myself on stage as a performer and a composer, and share my love of music with students and audience members. Sometimes I wish I had more unconstructed time just to let my brain lie fallow, so to speak. I literally just finished writing one ballet — the fastest I’ve ever composed anything. But it’s awesome that people want me to write music and it’s awesome that they seem to like to hear it. What a cool thing. Our quartet also plays in memory care centers and women’s prisons

  • emphasized. Students with professional concerns must be prepared to meet the modern world with both technical skills and capacity for innovation. The Department of Art & Design programs at PLU stress individualized development in the use of mind and hand. Read Previous PLU Welcomes Doctor of Nursing Practice Cohort as First Doctoral Program Read Next A PLU Economics Degree: The First Step For Many World-Changing Lutes COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you