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  • participating in PLU Commencement must wear regalia, including black gowns with black caps and tassels. Masters and Doctoral candidates will wear black hoods lined with gold to represent PLU, with trim in the color corresponding to their degree. Students who have received honors from PLU, such as Wang Center and Center for Diversity, Justice, and Sustainability pins or honors cords, are permitted to wear them. Additionally, students are welcome to include adornments and items of religious or cultural

  • century. What’s more, that self-awareness is light and bright and sparkling. Others note aspects of the distances between Persuasion and its original; I note an under-addressed aspect: some reviews mention the racial diversity of the cast, but virtually none take up in a sustained way the role of BIPOC actors and characters in the production—what they reveal about Austen’s day, what they reveal about our own, and the relationship between the two. Reviews invariably take up the issue of modernization

  • , therapeutic modalities, and alternatives to pharmacologic interventions of these conditions. (2) GNUR 403 : Clinical Practicum III Focuses on the practical application of core knowledge and competencies across the lifespan. Includes simulation, lab, and clinical practicum. (5) GNUR 404 : Healthcare Diversity Focuses on core knowledge and competencies necessary to give culturally congruent care to people from diverse populations. Open to non-nursing students with instructor permission. (4) GNUR 405

  • today, you have come together in this great PLU learning community from 32 different states, and 14 different countries.  Your membership represents the great diversity of the human family, religiously, ethnically, economically, five of you are only 20, and the oldest “real” graduate is 65, the oldest “honorary” grad is 66! You have done well at PLU!  Today, 222 of your number are graduating with academic honors, 48 of you have completed the International Honors program, dozens have participated in

  • entertainment world. One of her latest creations is a “non-binary character who uses a prosthetic leg.” She’s grateful for all the support she received during her PLU years and thankful for her “inner PLU communities, such as the Diversity Center, Campus Ministry and Hinderlie Hall.” “It’s really cool that PLU acknowledges all the work I’ve done,” Watts said. “I want to thank everyone I interacted with at the university, if it was just for a moment. I love them all so much.” Back to top VOLUME 6, ISSUE 3

  • .” Three Pillars of Responsible Tourism Environmental – Use resources sustainably, and reduce waste and overconsumption Economic – Maximise local economic benefits ensuring that communities are involved in, and benefit from, tourism. Wherever possible use tourism to assist in poverty reduction. Socio/Cultural – Be sensitive to the host culture, maintaining and encouraging social and cultural diversity. What can you do as a study away student to travel more responsibly and sustainably? Ask yourself when

  • precisely because of their efforts. The uprising of peasants’ movements always contributed to the changes of all the previous Chinese dynasties. The Chinese sciences and technologies were also created by Chinese agricultural workers including moon calendar, astronomy, mathematics, hydraulic engineering, agricultural technology, Chinese written system, and life-philosophy, etc. They have been also the ones who created the Chinese intellectual culture including literature, traditions, academies, including

  • through PLU’s School of Nursing. “I was 46 years old. It was a big change for me,” Larsen said. “It involved a lot of risk and a lot of taking chances.” Carol Seavor, interim dean for the School of Nursing, said Larsen’s story isn’t necessarily unique. In fact, it’s a welcome byproduct of the entry-level MSN program. “It brings diversity and richness to nursing that we wouldn’t get otherwise,” Seavor said, underscoring the diverse backgrounds and life experiences entry-level students bring to the

  • previously, consent must be mutual. 即使您以前与某人亲密接触过,但是接触的前提必须是得到双方同意的 Make sure you have your partner’s consent by communicating openly each time you are intimate. 请确保每次与您的伴侣亲密时,他/她时持同意态度的 Additional Links and Resources | 其他链接和资源 Pierce County Sexual Assault Center 800-756-7273 or

  • veteran to help combat PTSD should go to school.” Brass retired from the military in 2008, and came to PLU to continue his education that started with a physical therapy assistant degree. At PLU, Brass was involved with Kinesiology Club, the Diversity Center and the Special Olympics. He attended sporting events and Black Student Union events. “I just said, ‘I’m going to make this experience the best I can make it,’” Brass said. “And how else can you make it a good experience if you’re not involved