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  • logistics and administrative support. “Joining the Innovation Studies program has given me a keen insight into the different approaches I can apply to my work in the military and any marketing project I might tackle in the future. I have a brand new perspective on problem solving, and enjoyed being in classes that challenged my creativity.” Anastasia Bidne Anastasia Bidne double majored in Computer Science and French, with a supporting minor in Innovation Studies. “The Innovation program gave me tools

  • STEM OPT ExtensionA 24-month STEM OPT extension is available to international students who earned a qualifying science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) degree as determined by the Department of Homeland Security. Students must be currently participating in regular post-completion OPT to be eligible to apply for a STEM OPT extension.Am I eligible? – all of the following criteria must be met: You are currently participating in regular post-completion OPT. You have a degree in an

  • a public scholar of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America while maintaining ecumenical theological conversations in the academy – primarily in the areas of open and relational theologies, religion and science, black theology, feminist and womanist theologies, and ecotheologies.  One example of this is her book Cross Examinations: Readings on the Meaning of the Cross Today (Fortress, 2006) which The Christian Century claimed as the best theological resource on atonement theologies (2011

  • : Now that you have decided on (or, at least, narrowed down) your story and subject you need to get coverage of it. The best rule to remember is show, don’t tell. How can you visually express your idea? Sometimes this can be an easy task. Here’s an example: Venice is a beautiful city full of color life and canals. I only had a few hours to shoot and was able to compose some shots that expressed this idea. This isn’t rocket science — sometimes it really is as simple as: 1. Find something interesting

  • will they help you to become a better professional?Learn more about the MSK programAttend an information session to see if the MSK program is right for you. Information Session Read Previous Welcoming First Cohort: Sarah Johnston Read Next Welcoming First Cohort: Matt Leslie LATEST POSTS 4 Reasons to Choose PLU’s Master of Science in Kinesiology September 26, 2022 First MSK Graduate Class: Matt Leslie November 19, 2021 First MSK Graduate Class: Delaney Salter November 16, 2021 First MSK Graduate

  • ($18,000-$33,000). We strongly urge you to consider seeking funding from outside agencies e.g. National Science Foundation or other federal agencies. A listing of funding opportunities can be found here. You will be welcome at any laboratory if you bring your own funding! The Application Process Start your research into research schools/programs early. Talk to your PLU advisor(s) during your junior year. Take the GRE (general and/or subject test) early in your senior year. Prepare your resume

  • September 21, 2007 New device will probe the world of the atom Four professors over at Rieke are still pinching themselves. After applying for a National Science Foundation grant in January, on a hope and a prayer really, the chemistry faculty found out last year that they had been awarded a grant totaling $743,000 to purchase a powerful nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer. “We were floored when we learned we had received it,” Fryhle said. “We didn’t expect to get it the very first time (we

  • recycle until he came to PLU, but now he’s passionate about protecting the environment and sharing his knowledge with others. The geosciences and chemistry major plans to teach high school science. Under the guidance of Claire Todd, visiting assistant professor of geosciences and environmental studies, those in the program have spent a large portion of J-Term reviewing the evidence for recent climate change. They have been reviewing data collected by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC

  • February 21, 2008 Dealing in historical coins is rare gift Todd Imhof ’86 wasn’t planning a career in rare coin dealing when he left PLU with a degree in political science. In fact, he was leaving for New York to work in the banking business at Chase. Then a friend from high school pulled him aside and told him about a business idea to sell rare coins. Imhof jumped in, begging off Wall Street and opening Hertzberg Rare Coins in Tacoma. “I found myself intrigued by both the coins and the

  • . Saturday, Oct. 4, at the Museum of Science and Industry in Seattle, MediaLab will premiere the documentary “Illicit Exchanges: Canada, the U.S., and Crime.” The ambitious hour-long film – MediaLab’s second in as many years – looks at how drugs and weapons affect the citizens of the two nations. “For us, this is a film about community as much as it is about the drug trade,” said Julie Olds ’09, the lead researcher on the project. “ We want to ask ‘how responsible are we?’” The project had its genesis