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  • Political Aims of Jesus: Peasant Politics in Herodian Galilee, Jesus and the Peasants, and, with K.C. Hanson, Palestine in the Time of Jesus: Social Structures and Social Conflicts. As a member of the PLU Honors faculty, he has created and taught The Quest for Global Justice. Douglas E. Oakman David Deacon-JoynerDavid Deacon-Joyner is Professor and Director of Jazz Studies at PLU. A native of Memphis, Dr. Deacon-Joyner was mentored by jazz piano great James Williams. In addition to his expertise in

  • .” So, for example, Sept. 15’s guest speaker is Peace Scholar Andrew Larsen ’15, while ASPLU President Sarah Smith ’15, a Global Studies major with a concentration in Peace and Conflict Resolution, speaks Sept. 19—and then there’s that contest. September Chapel Calendar: ‘Peace’ Sept. 10: Nancy Connor and Dennis Sepper, University Pastors Musician: Clara Eickhoff ’15, vocalist Sept. 12:  PLU President Thomas W. Krise Musicians: Dr. Greg Youtz, Professor of Music Dr. Richard Nance, Director of Choral

  • next goal is to use my public administration certificate to transition to the public sector next year. Teaching, while it has been a fantastic run, was never my intended career choice. While at PLU my main concentration was global studies, and the master’s degree I finished in the Netherlands was focused on public policy. I am ecstatic for the opportunity to switch careers and become a more useful and engaged citizen.ResoLute: ‘Two families, two countries’What advice do you have to someone else who

  • to save themselves and their families. “’Russian’ Victims of Nazi Medicine – Moving from Lists to Biographies” – Nichola Farron This presentation will provide an overview of the use of Soviet prisoners in Nazi human experiments and coerced research, and will provide details of experiments in Sachsenhausen and Dachau concentration camps where ‘Russian’ prisoners were exposed to the ambition of German scientists engaged in unethical research practices. Drawing on the archival material, the details

  • Psychology of Elite Athletes and Corporate Leaders Motor Learning and Human Performance Team Building for High Performing Teams Books Catch Them Being Good: Everything You Need to Know to Successfully Coach Girls co-authored with Tony Dicicco and Charles Salzberg (Penguin Books 2003) Selected Presentations US Open Golf panel by Deloitte, Invited Panel Presentation, The Corporate Athlete Wellness Strategies for Executive Women, San Martin, CA (2016) Invited Presentation, Ed Wells Partnership BEN

  • . Lastly, I would like to thank Suzanne Nelson for bringing this complex topic to my attention during her class last Fall. This has turned out to be a perfect marrying of my two majors that I would never have had the chance to explore without her. The One Health Approach to the Arctic: Using Climate Change, Environmental Pollution, and Inuit Relationships with Food to Evaluate Ecosystem and Human Health.In this paper, I take a holistic health approach to the study of the Arctic called The One Health

  • managing pandemic’s difficulties. Brizuela encouraged camaraderie and community among the high school students, which he learned from PLU’s conductors, such as Richard Nance, Brian Galante and Barry Johnson. He says the differences between online or in-person work aren’t as stark, as long as you can fuel the necessary group dynamic familiar to many musicians. For Zwang, PLU’s rigorous education major reinforced the importance of the human. “The child is a human before a student, the parent is a human

  • leadership. (Santandrea, 9) In the Bongo society, some graves have carved posts with human like figures that are made for higher status individuals. There is no known ritual that would be done when erecting such grave posts; they are simply there to honor the dead. Historically, most grave markers would have been accompanied by a second post with notches carved into it that were said to indicate the number of enemies the dead man had killed or the number of large animals such as elephants, lions

  • The Wild Hope Center for Vocation is excited to offer opportunities for alumni and friends of PLU to consider our common vocation to promote human and ecological flourishing, especially in a time of increasing polarization and environmental degradation. These presentations focus on the core of PLU’s mission to link learning with care for others, their communities, and the Earth. As a university committed to life-long learning, we are eager to welcome thoughtful discussion among our alumni and

  • officers often use their accounting education as the first step along their career paths. Why Accounting at PLU? Successful accountants need a solid grounding in all the business disciplines. Because all students in the PLU School of Business take the same basic core courses, your accounting knowledge will be integrated with an understanding of marketing, finance, human resource management, operations, and information systems. The accounting faculty brings a depth of academic and professional expertise