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  • PLU’€™s Visiting Writer Series Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary Posted by: Marcom Web Team / November 6, 2014 November 6, 2014 By Taylor Lunka ’15 PLU Marketing & Communications Student Worker TACOMA, Wash. (Nov. 7, 2014)—In 2005, two new professors in the Pacific Lutheran University English Department came up with an idea for the Visiting Writer Series (VWS). This year, the series celebrates its 10-year anniversary—with a dedicated budget from the Provost’s office and a group of new writers

  • him. Even when, as a second-year Lute, it led him to rethink plans to follow his parents into medicine and toward a major in communication. Even when it nudged him out of a burgeoning early career in public relations and into the world of corporate internal communications.Zeebuyth’s curiosity eventually led him to join the communications team at Starbucks, where he served in six different roles over a 10-year span, starting as a project manager and departing as a director of communications. It’s

  • Exposure Awards Recognize Lutes Posted by: Mandi LeCompte / August 17, 2015 August 17, 2015 During spring 2015, Elly Vadseth’s digital photography class introduced her to a new kind of image manipulation. She spent her semester combining nature shots with studio images using a photo collage method – the end result – a web of pictures. Now, Vadseth and Taylor Hardman ’16, both Art and Design majors at PLU, can say their works have been on view at the Louve Museum in Paris, France. SeeMe’s Vox

  • April 25, 2008 One person can make a difference As he watched his family drive away down a dirt road in Kigali, Rwanda, Carl Wilkens thought he’d seen them in a few days, a week tops. But it was April 10, 1994, and Wilkens – he only American out of 257 who stayed in Rwanda through the genocide that claimed one million lives in three months – would not see his family until after the horror had ended. It was tempting to get on the convoys to the border of nearby Burundi, he told a packed audience

  • November 18, 2010 PLU student and prof head to Antarctica for global warming research through study of rocks and ice By Barbara Clements In a lab littered with Hostess snack bars and French fry wrappers, geosciences student Mike Vermeulen ’12, turns to his computer and pops up a map of Antarctica, then points to a grid in the upper part of the frozen continent. PLU geoscience professor Claire Todd and PLU student Mike Vermeulen head to deep into Antarctica to study rocks that may help explain

  • to be on a hit show? Persistence, persistence, persistence – both in trying out for parts, and garnering that coveted SAG (Screen Actors Guild) card, which in the acting world, means you can work on union sets and receive union pay. Some actors work for years to get that card, while others, like Pansino, managed to land it in a matter of months – in no small part as working as a hand double in Ghost Whisperer. Yes, they have those in the TV biz. Get an agent, which will be key to getting you to

  • to implement research into your future career, if possible? Yes, of course, in a Ph.D. program, I’ll have to do research. After that, who can say? In my future career, I hope to research and develop new syntheses and novel drugs based on natural products that can be used for treating neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. A key part of my future career will be doing research and developing new syntheses. What made you pursue the IHON-Oxford Program? I really wanted

  • is full of great people — and it’s still that way today.” With Thorpe’s help, SuperGraphics has contracted with the university on multiple projects across campus such as the transformation of the lobbies of Olson and Hauge, the Welcome Center, Lute Locker plus three iconic signs installed in late May. But his work with the university doesn’t end there. Thorpe, a business major who was on the PLU golf team all four years, has also taken on a mentoring role with current students by giving talks on

  • October 3, 2013 Auberry Fortuner ’13 and Assistant Professor Bret Underwood did research into understanding what gave rise to the expansion of the universe. (Photo by John Froschauer) Modeling the Early Universe By Katie Scaff ’13 None of us was around for the Big Bang, but one enterprising student is determined to see what the universe looked like in its beginning, more than 13 billion years ago. Auberry Fortuner ’13 spent his summer simulating events that happened about one-billionth of a

  • fact that you can say no afterward. Saying yes means trying new clubs and meeting new friends, but if you know you’re losing your balance then say, “I need to walk away from this.” I really struggled with that in college. I became very involved, and then my senior year I was dismissing my friends, certain clubs I was in, and one of my jobs. I’m a such a “yes” person, and that’s something I struggle with. So, I want students to know that saying no is okay. Read Previous 50th anniversary celebration