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  • TACOMA, WASH. (July 19, 2016)- Jen Cohen ’94 is all smiles. But the University of Washington athletic director, appointed to the position May 24, smiles the biggest while talking to, and about, student athletes. “We feel like our students are students first,” said Cohen, who…

    grade. “I never really looked back,” she recalled. “I wanted to do exactly what I’m doing today.”PLU AthleticsLearn more about PLU teams and the community service work they perform.Cohen said the support from the legendary coach and others means a lot, especially as a woman in her male-dominated field. She’s only the second female AD in UW history and the only current female AD in the Pac-12 Conference. Cohen said PLU was a perfect fit for her. She served as a graduate assistant, working primarily

  • Where can a liberal arts degree in Music Composition lead you? In my case it has led to a life of travel, study, program development, tour-guiding, international relations and eventually a handshake with the President of China. Here’s the tale. TACOMA, Wash. (Sept. 29, 2015)—The…

    office, where the Fuzhou delegation had mounted a major exhibition on the history of the 21-year relationship. The most exciting photos on display showed then-local Party Secretary Xi Jinping signing the founding document of this Sister City relationship back in 1994 and the document itself with his signature! When people ask, “Why did President Xi come to Tacoma?” it is delightful to reply that he had visited before—in 1993—and that he had helped found our Sister City relationship, and had remained

  • TACOMA, WASH. (January 12, 2016)- Sylvia May ’18, a doctoral student at Pacific Lutheran University, was one of just eight students in the country to receive the Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship in 2015. The prestigious scholarship will cover her tuition, books and other fees…

    may not ever had been able to experience as a civilian nurse. For me, serving my country in whatever capacity it may be is honorable and respectable, and it allows me to be a part of a larger picture of American history and that is a big deal!PLU School of NursingPLU Welcomes Doctor of Nursing Practice Cohort as First Doctoral ProgramPLU Named a ‘Best in the West’ University by The Princeton ReviewPLU’s School of Nursing Ranked Among U.S. News & World Report’s Best Graduate Schools Read Previous

  • PLU rowers reminisce about their daring journey in Puget Sound 50 years ago.

    piece of history back. It was returned home to hang from the rafters of UW’s shellhouse at its Seattle campus. In exchange, PLU was offered another UW boat, the Loyal Shoudy, with one stipulation: the Lutes had to transport it. Slide for a before and after At the time, men’s crew was coordinating all of their competitions and sleeping in churches and people’s homes on the road. They didn’t have extra money lying around to move a 60-foot shell. So, like typical young adults who feel invincible, they

  • Cause Haun ’93 went from frustrated mom searching for appropriate children’s footwear to owner of a shoe company worthy of Nordstrom’s shelves.

    . Pete Nordstrom, president of merchandising, had spotted the shoes on the feet of one of the pint- sized guests at a dinner party, Haun said. That word-of-mouth success is indicative of See Kai Run’s history. The company unexpectedly started with a leisurely trip to China and a frustrated mom. At that time, Haun was struggling to find suitable footwear for her son. Medical professionals widely agreed that “barefoot was best” for babies, Haun said, but the market lacked footwear options that offered

  • Jacob Taylor-Mosquera ’09 was 18 when he returned to Colombia. Although he considered it a homecoming, it took several more visits for him to truly feel at home.

    himself of the generational poverty and lack of educational opportunities he’d witnessed during his sojourns back to Colombia. “I would say to myself ‘if they are in the kind of situation they are, and I get to be here, then I really need to get it together.’” Eventually, an introductory Hispanic literary studies course — taught by Carmiña Palerm, associate professor of Hispanic studies — eliminated his indecision, and Taylor-Mosquera was back on track. “It was all about Latin American history and had

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Oct. 17, 2016)- MediaLab at Pacific Lutheran University, the multimedia, applied research organization that celebrates 10 years of success this fall, counts more than 200 students as participants throughout the decade. Those participants are invited to mark the organization’s milestone anniversary Nov. 5…

    Alaska-Canada Highway,” which premiered at the Washington State History Museum in Tacoma and ultimately was broadcast regionally by KBTC, Tacoma’s local PBS affiliate, as well as other public broadcasting member stations across the nation. “Building Connections” also received a first-place award from the National Broadcasting Society. Originally, “Building Connections” was conceived as an academic journal article, or possibly a book. The film was not an intended part of the original project. “It was

  • As a member of the University Student Media, our primary responsibility is to serve the PLU community.

    important issues, events, and trends that impact the PLU community. Our efforts to document and chronicle our collective experience will provide a first draft of university history. Our primary values in the performance of our duties are reflected in the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics and the TAO of Journalism. Student Media Executive ApplicationDue on Friday, April 19Student media is searching for the next team of student executives for all media outlets including The Mast, Mast TV

  • By Damian Alessandro ’19. In most popular histories of computing, the Apple II personal computer (1977) stands out as a pathbreaker among early devices in the PC Revolution. But how innovative was Apple’s first mass-market computer, and what design features and ideas helped it stand…

    investigating the major ideas and products in the history of computing and business. Our attention turned this week to the introduction of Apple’s breakthrough home-computing product, which emerged during the first surge of commercial PC innovation in the late 1970s. This era is also known for the release of the SOL-20 (1977), the Tandy TRS-80 (1977), the Commodore PET (1977), and (eventually) the IBM PC (1981). “To me, a personal computer should be small, reliable, convenient to use and inexpensive,” wrote

  • Thomas Kim checks all the “American” boxes. Except for one: actually being a legal citizen.

    friends apply. He was familiar with government forms from years of doing his parents’ taxes. “When it came out I applied and that allowed me to be more secure in a way that I was able to more freely talk about who I am,” Kim said. “My history, my story as well as my status.” Kim is just one of many students who attend PLU with undocumented or DACA status. The official number is not known in an effort to protect the security and privacy of such students. Administrative efforts to support undocumented