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  • Be sure to register in advance. Please note we are unable to take registration and payment information at the festival.

    education through masterclasses, outreach programs, and his ongoing work with young musicians in the Seattle-Tacoma area.“Nawon Jang Born in South Korea and raised in America, Nawon continues the musical journey, which started from age 10, playing the violin. At age 12, Nawon was fascinated by the guitar and started to study jazz guitar with a local jazz guitarist in New Jersey for a few years in high school. It was clear for Nawon that he wanted to pursue music so he went to Berklee College of Music

  • “The Shack” author says he never meant to write a book. William P. Young said he first wrote “The Shack,” for his children, and didn’t think anything more of it, until friends and family encouraged him to publish the book, which he did, with the…

    October 6, 2008 “The Shack” author says he never meant to write a book. William P. Young said he first wrote “The Shack,” for his children, and didn’t think anything more of it, until friends and family encouraged him to publish the book, which he did, with the help of friends, some savings and some credit cards. He thought it would take years to get rid of the first 10,000 books stacked in that friend’s garage. But now, as the sales of the books are closing in on the 4 million mark and the

  • Lecturer - Double Bass | School of Music, Theatre & Dance | | 253-535-7602 | Growing up in a large, musical family with five siblings, Dr.

    large, musical family with five siblings, Dr. Anna Jensen was primed to excel at the double bass—while also developing a remarkable capacity for intuiting the needs of diverse learners. She embodies that rare combination of extraordinary musician and dynamic teacher. Her passion for music translates to her deep involvement in education. In addition to instructing at the University of Puget Sound and Pacific Lutheran University, she is the Executive Director of the Tacoma Youth Symphony Association

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  • by Rustin Dwyer, PLU Videographer If you have a smartphone in your pocket you are a filmmaker. The question is, how good of a filmmaker do you want to be? Filmmaking is all about choices – what to

    opportunity to grab some relevant (and free!) music to score you piece with. Another good rule – if you are not the subject of the piece BE QUIET! Let your subject speak for themselves, or better yet not speak! This video is a great example of using ambient sound to tell the story. The wood carver doesn’t say a word but the sound and imagery tell the story. A few last notes on shooting with your smartphone Landscape.: ‘Nuff said. Phones shoot in 16:9 format . You wouldn’t watch a movie in 9:16, so don’t

  • Pacific Lutheran University was recently selected to participate in the second cohort of the Institute of International Education (IIE) American Passport Project. Through this initiative, 25 eligible PLU students who have never had a U.S. passport, will get one free of charge. PLU was one…

    PLU selected for American Passport Project Posted by: vcraker / June 28, 2022 Image: Photo courtesy: Emily Metzler in Oxford June 28, 2022 Pacific Lutheran University was recently selected to participate in the second cohort of the Institute of International Education (IIE) American Passport Project. Through this initiative, 25 eligible PLU students who have never had a U.S. passport, will get one free of charge. PLU was one of 40 institutions in the United States to be selected. “We’re honored

  • Pacific Lutheran University was recently selected to participate in the second cohort of the Institute of International Education (IIE) American Passport Project. Through this initiative, 25 eligible PLU students who have never had a U.S. passport, will get one free of charge. PLU was one…

    PLU selected for American Passport Project Posted by: Zach Powers / June 23, 2022 Image: (Photo by Anna Huynh) June 23, 2022 By Zach PowersPLU Marketing & CommunicationsPacific Lutheran University was recently selected to participate in the second cohort of the Institute of International Education (IIE) American Passport Project. Through this initiative, 25 eligible PLU students who have never had a U.S. passport, will get one free of charge. PLU was one of 40 institutions in the United States

  • Approved, S. Smith, SoN Dean S. Liden, PLU Risk Officer September 25, 2017

    Effective Date September 25, 2017 I understand that in my Pacific Lutheran University nursing education I will have the opportunity to practice specific invasive procedures on manikins and/or consenting nursing students. The invasive procedures that may be practiced on consenting nursing students are limited to intradermal, intramuscular, subcutaneous injections of normal saline, venipuncture and venipuncture with catheter insertion, and/or fingersticks using sterile equipment and appropriate

  • Professor of Music Gina Gillie recently premiered her first electroacoustic music composition at Seattle Symphony’s Octave 9. Titled “Pale Blue Dot for solo horn and fixed media,” the piece is inspired by the 1991 photograph taken by the Voyager 1 spacecraft as well as Carl…

    Music professor Gina Gillie discussed her new composition and short film Posted by: Silong Chhun / November 21, 2022 Image: Professor of Music, French Horn Gina Gillie (PLU photo/John Froschauer) November 21, 2022 By Zach PowersMarketing & Communications Professor of Music Gina Gillie recently premiered her first electroacoustic music composition at Seattle Symphony’s Octave 9. Titled “Pale Blue Dot for solo horn and fixed media,” the piece is inspired by the 1991 photograph taken by the

  • Preparing for law school can be a complex process without the right help.  The resources within these pages can help you prepare for law school, no matter what your year, and set yourself up to have

    these classes you take, the better your critical reading and writing skills will be, and the better you will do in law school. Law schools are also looking for applicants with a diverse base of knowledge across disciplines.  The liberal arts education provided by PLU is specifically designed to give students this diverse background through the general education requirements.  However, potential applicants should further diversity their curriculum by taking courses in the hard sciences, humanities

  • Meet John F. Paul, the new Chair of the Department of Music and Associate Professor at Pacific Lutheran University. Before joining the PLU family at the start of the 2014-15 school year, Dr. Paul served for 13 years as Chair of the Department of Music…

    Q&A: Meet John Paul, PLU’s new Department of Music Chair Posted by: Mandi LeCompte / February 4, 2015 February 4, 2015 Meet John F. Paul, the new Chair of the Department of Music and Associate Professor at Pacific Lutheran University. Before joining the PLU family at the start of the 2014-15 school year, Dr. Paul served for 13 years as Chair of the Department of Music at Marylhurst University near Portland, Oregon. Dr. Paul is an active composer in both traditional and contemporary formats.  He