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  • Professor Emeritus Bryan Dorner passed away on Sunday, May 19, 2024. Beloved by his students and peers alike, Bryan joined the Department of Mathematics in 1980 and retired in 2017. He earned tenure in 1986 and was promoted to full professor in 2004. “Bryan truly…

    professor Mei Zhu. “He and Celine opened their home many times to host math department events for students. His generosity and kindness will always be remembered and appreciated.” Throughout his decades of service, Bryan was a driving force in incorporating technology into the teaching of mathematics at PLU. He applied for and received grants to purchase software and hardware for this purpose as early as 1990, long before technology use in teaching was commonplace. One of his greatest achievements

  • Dr. Maria Chávez American Political Science Association Member of the Month Founded in 1903, the American Political Science Association is the leading professional organization for the study of political science and serves more than 12,000 members in more than 80 countries. With a range of…

    Dr. Maria Chávez APSA Member of the Month Posted by: Marcom Web Team / January 24, 2019 Image: Image: The Makerspace seats 30 people and offers opportunities for students to gather, collaborate and stretch their creativity. January 24, 2019 By American Political Science AssocationPLU Social SciencesDr. Maria Chávez American Political Science Association Member of the MonthFounded in 1903, the American Political Science Association is the leading professional organization for the study of

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Feb. 5, 2016)- When she was 17 years old, Megan Wonderly had no idea what she wanted to be when she grew up. One afternoon, her teacher had the class look through a list of possible careers. At the top of that list…

    list of possible careers. At the top of that list was anthropology and archaeology. “Hm,” she remembered thinking. “That could be pretty cool.” But it was a passing thought. She never thought that would open the door to studying ancient civilizations, going on digs and travelling to East Africa. Now a senior at Pacific Lutheran University, Wonderly is graduating with degrees in anthropology and history. She recently finished an internship at Mount Rainier National Park and traveled to Ethiopia to

  • Join us in one of the most beloved holiday traditions in the Northwest, as The Choir of the West, University Chorale and University Symphony Orchestra present our annual Christmas concert, Gloria . Works by Gustav Holst, Sergei Rachmaninoff, and Randol Bass will be mixed with…

    Christmas season.The concert web stream will be available at the end of the day, Thursday, December 14th. Click here Read Previous Preparation, organization, punctuality and respect is how Barry Johnson leads his singing, teaching and directing in the PLU music department Read Next Travel with our music students in the footsteps of the Masters. LATEST POSTS Campus to Carnegie: Pacific Lutheran University Faculty Perform in NYC February 24, 2025 Vocal Performance Major Caitlyn Babcock ’25 Awarded by the

  • Together, the ports of Tacoma and Seattle are the fourth-largest container gateway for containerized cargo shipping between Asia and major distribution points in the Midwest, Ohio Valley and the East Coast. For this installment of Lute Powered, we interviewed three PLU alumni who are serving…

    Lute Powered: Port of Tacoma and Northwest Seaport Alliance Posted by: Zach Powers / November 7, 2022 Image: Port leaders John Wolfe, Eric Johnson and Mark Miller all say PLU helped prepare them for their careers. November 7, 2022 Together, the ports of Tacoma and Seattle are the fourth-largest container gateway for containerized cargo shipping between Asia and major distribution points in the Midwest, Ohio Valley and the East Coast. For this installment of Lute Powered, we interviewed three

  • The Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the University of Arizona is holding a virtual information session (via Zoom) regarding their five graduate programs. They are currently accepting graduate applications for the Fall 2022 semester with a priority consideration deadline of December 15th and…

    Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the University of Arizona Posted by: nicolacs / October 21, 2021 October 21, 2021 The Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the University of Arizona is holding a virtual information session (via Zoom) regarding their five graduate programs. They are currently accepting graduate applications for the Fall 2022 semester with a priority consideration deadline of December 15th and hard deadline of January 15th. Monday, November 9 from 2:00

  • The SURF program is designed to inspire undergraduate students to pursue careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) through a unique research experience that supports the NIST mission. Since 1993, SURF students from across the country have had the opportunity to gain valuable, hands-on…

    National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) SURF Program Posted by: nicolacs / December 6, 2022 December 6, 2022 The SURF program is designed to inspire undergraduate students to pursue careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) through a unique research experience that supports the NIST mission. Since 1993, SURF students from across the country have had the opportunity to gain valuable, hands-on experience, working with cutting-edge technology in one of the

  • HACU is hosting our Emerging Leaders’ Summit, a virtual event co-hosted with one of our member schools, the College of Southern Nevada, on Thursday, May 6th from 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM PDT. We are highly encouraging students who attend HACU-member schools in the states of…

    Emerging Leaders’ Summit, Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Posted by: nicolacs / April 16, 2021 April 16, 2021 HACU is hosting our Emerging Leaders’ Summit, a virtual event co-hosted with one of our member schools, the College of Southern Nevada, on Thursday, May 6th from 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM PDT. We are highly encouraging students who attend HACU-member schools in the states of Arizona, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Utah to apply. With Pacific Lutheran University being a

  • TACOMA, WASH. (July 10, 2019) — Angie Hambrick, PLU’s Assistant Vice President of Diversity, Justice and Sustainability, sits down with anthropology professor and PLU Peace Corps Prep Program Coordinator Katherine Wiley, Hispanic studies professor Giovanna Urdangarain, and anthropology and global studies professor Dr. Ami Shah…

    Diversity Center Alums: Complexities of Care and Service Abroad Posted by: Thomas Kyle-Milward / July 10, 2019 Image: Angie Hambrick (from right, clockwise:) Assistant Vice President of Diversity, Justice and Sustainability, sits down with Hispanic studies professor Giovanna Urdangarain, anthropology professor and PLU Peace Corps Prep Program Coordinator Katherine Wiley, and anthropology and global studies professor Dr. Ami Shah to discuss service abroad. July 10, 2019 By Kenzie Gandy

  • The DOE NNSA SSGF provides outstanding benefits and opportunities to students pursuing a Ph.D. in areas of interest to stewardship science, such as properties of materials under extreme conditions and hydrodynamics, nuclear science, or high energy density physics. Renewable up to four years, the fellowship…

    Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration Stewardship Science Currently accepting applications through January 5, 2022. Posted by: alemanem / December 15, 2021 December 15, 2021 The DOE NNSA SSGF provides outstanding benefits and opportunities to students pursuing a Ph.D. in areas of interest to stewardship science, such as properties of materials under extreme conditions and hydrodynamics, nuclear science, or high energy density physics. Renewable up to four years, the