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  • Protections for Pregnancy and Related ConditionsThe goal of Title IX is to safeguard students and employees from experiencing sex discrimination, and to ensure everyone’s equal access to educational programming and institutional sponsored activities. One tactic towards attaining that goal is to extend Title IX protections to students and employees experiencing pregnancy or related conditions. Pregnancy and related conditions, as defined by the 2024 Title IX regulations, include pregnancy

  • Learning Outcomes of the Undergraduate Business ProgramBachelor of Business Administration Graduates will: Be effective communicators            a.  Student can write a well-organized and grammatically correct paper, memo, or case that is informative and professional            b. Student can make an effective presentation that is informative and professional      2. Think Critically           a.  Student can apply relevant information to a business problem and arrive at a well-reasoned

  • Musician Health and SafetyTake care of yourself! Musician health and safety should be primary concerns in your performance life—concerns we share as your teachers. If you believe you are developing a performance injury, please let us know. There are resources available on campus and nearby to help you. Be proactive—we are preparing you for a long life of musical involvement and performance. Attention now and in the future will help assure that longevity. HEARING SAFETY If you believe any

  • Federal law requires Pacific Lutheran University to afford the Complainant and the Respondent rights throughout the Prohibited Conduct process. Additionally, Pacific Lutheran University has a commitment to all community members, and is committed to creating an environment that still serves the educational and employment rights of all during the Prohibited Conduct process. Basic rights include: Respect for Privacy Information regarding Prohibited Conduct reports, and any investigation or review

  • .” Georgia says. “We always feel good about helping PLU, and our annuity has helped us. We have received a steady quarterly income, regardless of the stock market, and the annuity has reduced our income tax.” They have also given to the renovation of Eastvold Auditorium, as it transforms into the new Karen Hille Phillips Center for Performing Arts. Georgia and Denis enjoy seeing the center of campus evolve into a premier venue for students and the community. “I think college students need to have a place

  • Independent Study Registration (link) view page To be completed by the instructor on behalf of the student.

  • this group would be a child of the Top ‘File Group’ category 2) Create a new ‘File Group’ and select its ‘Parent File Group’’ as the Top ‘File Group’ category 3) When uploading and naming new documents select the 2 level ‘File Group’ and it will be nested under the 2 level. The hierarchy layout will be: Parent File Group (level 1) File Group (level 2) Document (level 3) An example of how this looks on the front end is on the Financial Services website.

  •               As one of the annual priorities for the 2023-24 academic year, President’s Council seeks to align available resources in order to in to invest in individual and community well-being. The critical first step was to collect perspectives from faculty and staff in a survey. As a reminder, this survey was designed to align with the U.S. Surgeon General’s Framework for Workplace Mental Health and Well-being. Based on this research, the survey will incorporate five different areas of

  • Rejoice & Sing Choir of the West, University Chorale, University Singers – Richard Sparks and Richard Nance, Conductors Steeped in rich tradition, the PLU Christmas Festival Celebrations are held each year before enthusiastic crowds in Seattle, Portland and on the campus of PLU. We are proud of this new recording made to capture the seasonal beauty of PLU’s choral excellence. Featured is the premiere recording of the wonderful composition Hodie Christus natus est, composed by our own Dr

  • Department of Languages & Literatures Painting the Parkland Mural Re-envisioning the Language Resource Centerby Bridget YadenCommunity Learning Through Endowed Lecturesby Claudia BergusonPLUTO and Language Instruction: Pedagogical Innovationsby Bridget Yaden and Paul Manfredi